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Everything posted by Bethmora

  1. Cause you all know its going to get pushed again. milk us subs for more money cause they know subs will go down after strongholds. Oh and give us some lame title for the delay, throw in a useless pet too, or a repaint speeder. Thank god there is Wildstar to play, yeah i said it now bash.
  2. just under 700k got 2 Rancors and the speeder, and lots of certs. worked for me.
  3. This never gets old, enjoy until December.
  4. Pets and titles are the lamest thing in mmo's. If the pet does something for you like in combat then great, you have companions that do that. Titles are pointless, a million others have the same title, what do i care is your 'grand poohead'.
  5. There is no reason to get mad over a game, if you do then you have a problem.
  6. I can claim anything I wish, based on their history. If guild ships come out at the same time as stronghold then great. I just stated what I felt would happen, you all took it and ran with it.
  7. LoL, Ok, just cause they say so does not mean it will happen, they have shown us that many times. Hhmm, don't you think they would have been showing us something by now? I remember the twitch broadcast where the first thing they said was 'don't ask about guild ships' ok, so I guess you have nothing for us.
  8. I would bet anything 'Guild Ships' wont see the light of day until 2015. They will start dangling the carrot later this year just to keep subs. they will do what they do on everything, if your subbed on Nov18th you get a crappy title and pet or a repaint speeder. if your subbed by Jan 15th you get a guild decoration(whatever) this is the problem with this game, its all about the money with BW/EA and what they can squeeze out of us. Take the Tat Homestead, why not give us this right away? no, because they want people to stay subbed. BW better do something really amazing with a expansion cause strongholds is not one. I will pay for a expansion if its worth the money, so BW make something worth staying here for.
  9. Buy whats given to us to place on a hook system? most places will look the same, wont be any creativity on designing strongholds. no free movement on items
  10. Unless we have personal vendors to sell stuff(swg) I dont see a reason to? and tbh, I dont think there is enough people in game that will care either way. The houses wont be customizable(thanks to hooks) other then the base items we can use so most places will look a like for the most part.
  11. Im not saying it wont work or look good, It is a lot better then LoTRo. Yes you wont be able to blend things together and make your own custom item. As far as griping? I will gripe when I have and many others have asked for things, suggesting things and we never see them. this housing we have asked for but now its just their way to make money off everyone. Hell i remember when they asked what race we wanted and planet, I dont recall seeing anyone say Cather or Makeb. Dont ask if your not going to listen, if they asked 'do you want a hook system' or a 'free movement system' what do you think everyone would have asked for? and either way it would end up being a hook.
  12. So, I was hoping for the Tat housing we would get some sort of mining plots, It does not look like we will. Between the lame hook system and no way to really customize your home I dont see the housing as a great success. I really hope they have something else to give us because, after this next exp I think they will see a bigger drop in subs. Im not going to mention Wildstar(oh guess i did) but they have devs that can do the code for the stuff the players wanted. Maybe one day Swtor will give us what we wont and not just what they can see making fast money on the CM.. Happy 4th...
  13. So, i see people complaining they spent millions and no Rancor. I dont see how you can sit there and play that much or your just making up stories. Now my problem is I only have 25 gold certs so now im playing for those.
  14. This was great marketing, dump the CM so many will dump their CC. This way once housing comes you all will have to re-buy CC to buy the new junk for your house..lol. good job swtor, but you're still not going to be as good as Wildstar housing.
  15. It does not matter what we want, id like this game to take from Wildstar and give us what that MMO gives its players for FREE. Swtor has become nothing more but a cash shop line their pockets with money. they took all the crafting from the game, anything cool to make they make it, re-color it and sell it on the CM. There is no point to list what we want to see, if i make a list people will only down grade it and say we don't need it on here. And for those that will say, Then go play Wildstar, I already am and a few million others are too. Other games are really showing how things can be done by the right team of devs, I think swtor cut to many corners and focused on the CM and not on the people playing their game.
  16. ---------------------------------------------
  17. and with Wildstar coming out this weekend, swtor will be even worse. Many will go play that until housing or whatever it is they will dump on us here in Aug, but i bet it gets pushed back again. Thats how they make more money of the subs. Give us some lame pet for being subbed on such date, whatever.
  18. Because they need to put that time into the CM like recoloring and making speeders then fix the targeting system?
  19. So, is it me or do others see less people for this x2 xp weekend? I play more on weekends and when I came on last night and the only wz popping was 4x4 I got 1 of the new wz before i logged. I also noticed the xp seems normal for over 8 meds and a win, last 2x xp i was getting well over 80k now its half.
  20. You also have Wildstar bringing the numbers down. The weekends they do beta and I know people from here are playing there. I have not played tor in a few weeks because im on Wildstar. this past weekend the only tot i did was friday but, I was playing Wildstar with tor running just so i can check the deals on the CM. Come June I think is when Tor will see a drop in player subs, i know ill cancel mine cause i wont pay for this and Wildstar. I will come back and see how the housing does.
  21. Sorry, don't say "we" I can careless if there is story in this game, I know im not the only one. I don't play it for the story so if they don't ad more in so what.
  22. Its a game, who cares. Its fake money and easy to get so, sell high and make lots of money...
  23. If you think about it, how hard would it be to add one item every CM update? they could add a speeder, mount, weapon. The greed just needs to stop with BW and start doing what YOU said you would do for the collectors edition buyers. Start showing some love to those of us that put out 150.00 for this F2P game.
  24. Just beating a dead bantha asking. I have had threads and many others but you know BW if they cant make a buck they wont do it. As much as most of us hate having all these new armor pieces and having to re-mod, BW just don't care. How easy would it be to make a 1 piece outfit to just put over your armor? they can still sell it and add it into packs. I guess they just don't know how to code it, that seems to be a big reason we don't see a lot of stuff other games have.
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