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Posts posted by Halbe

  1. Show me the video. You're making the claim; you give me the proof.


    So far my experience has been that the bad, ignorant players tend to think the system is broken while the top PVPers think the system is fine or really like it.


    Really? My experience has been those who have any common sense plus some PvP experience in previous games is turned off by the system/constantly wonder what fills what and if it actually even freaking matters.


    Those players that think the system is fine are rolling in class/spec combinations that are the beneficiary of this system, dominating a game like huttball where the sheer amount of CC abilities/slows/knockbacks make some classes much more overpowered than others, such as Sorcs/Sages.


    Oh, looky at your sig.



  2. Only people that have a problem with CC chain are the people who have no expertise..got 475 here and dont even notice the CC chain because i dont die in a stunlock.


    And with that train of thought, I'm sure you're real helpful in Huttball, considering that's what's played 90% of the time on my server.

  3. What's topping him from popping Evasion before he vanishes? With Avoidance Training, Evasion removes all DoTs. He can then re-open from stealth, only this time your trinket is down, and his 4 sec stun is still up. Hidden Strike 3 sec stun, Defibrillate 4 sec stun. Think you can live through that?


    Defibrillate will do nothing, as the resolve bar will be full.


    If you stand there like a moron, you deserve to die. With the number of AoE's in this game, you know the guy just stealthed, pull him out of it. It's on a 3 minute timer, pull him again and he's toast.


    That would be like me blaming a healer for healing themselves. I know their going to do it, and I need to do everything I can to stop it. If I just try beating on them 1v1, blowing all my cooldowns, I'm going to die. But instead I interrupt when possible, keeping them from their bread and butter.


    Same concept, except instead of stopping multiple heals, this mechanic is now on a 3 minute timer.

  4. Hear that everyone?? If we work together we can win EASY against a couple level 50's:eek:! Course, those level 50's don't have to...and if their team is remotely competent, they will easily squash your rag tag team of try-hards...




    I mean, all YOU need is coordination, because, there's no WAY the other team could be a premade of 50's.


    Only one team at a time can use teamwork, it's like a huttball.

  5. The bolster system tries to match u with ppl around ur lvl. If it not possible it puts u with higher or lower lvl. Im lvl 50 now and wen i que i get ppl mostly 80% of ppl 40-50 lvl most 50s and i warzone alot. Like 20 games a day


    What freaking server is this?


    On mine, I'm lucky to see 3 other 50's on our side. For the last 2-3 Warzones we've been going up against what I assume is a Republic premade. Average lvl outside of me for our side is probably 30'ish.


    Same for huttball. I'll get in with a premade on the opposition. It never seems like the sides are "balanced" at all.


    Don't get me wrong, I've had quite a few matches against just overwhelmed teams as well. It doesn't seem like there is any rhythm or reason behind it.

  6. Thats funny you say that, because it isnt a stun and bioware said that knockdowns cant be broken.


    I've watched multiple ppl in the last hour in Warzones that are breaking it, or I'm experiencing lag that makes it look as such.


    One healer in particular most have saved it every time for me, because as soon as I hit him with my opener, he was right back up on his feet.

  7. As I stated, you are a complete noob. All you try to do is act like an internet tough guy and I was on a pre-made and I did get heals, but when an operative can none stop spam the knife attack, and crit everytime for 3-5 a hit ya, nothing can out heal that. So if you think that isn't broken, you are a noob.


    Here is you, "Im an internet tough guy"


    Here is me, "L2P yourself kid"


    You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?


    "Non-stop spam knife attack"?

    "Crit Every time for 3-5k a hit"?


    Are you sure we're playing the same game? Either:


    a.) You have no clue about the mechanics/cooldowns/etc


    b.) You're just the most unlucky person in the world with regard to crits against you

  8. Its a blood sport...and you dont' have to be premade to know how to Win at a sport. If someone has the ball Screw attacking some other dude and go for the ball handler. (seen way to many people going only for the kills instead of trying to Win, its like they've not figured out the better rewards come from winning not just zapping 25+ people).


    If your on the team with the ball attack only who's necessary and stick to the ball handler like glue. If you get the ball run to the opposite side of the map from where you spawned at (follow the arrows) damn shame I've seen way to many people get the ball and just poke around running the damn wrong way.


    People don't seem to get that about huttball and get all angry pants about how terrible the map is when its actually the funnest one..Just some classes are lucky enough to have a ridiculously long Stun (op'd) or a ridiculously way to small cool down on knockbacks (op'd).


    It just sort of sux when your server at the time your pvping doesn't have enough players on both side queueing so your most likely to get Hutt Ball alot. Best days are when I get Aldaraan a couple of times. I personally hate VoidStar it really should be a high level bracket map it requires good team work to actually have a chance at winning.


    And I ask again, that's PvP? I just don't agree.


    I want to look the other guy in the eye. I'm a healer, that guy over there is DPS, and he's a tank. Bring you're 3 best and let's see what happens to control this node.


    Instead, I get this:


    I'm a healer... and I'm now dancing in fire.


    He's a tank, and he's now at the bottom level no way able to contribute to the fight.


    He's DPS, and he's now jumping through acid.


    Sure, terrain plays an important part in PvP, but it shouldn't be the end all, be all to it. Don't think it is? Tell you what. You get pulled into the fire, and I won't even move. We'll see who wins. Is that PvP?


    If nothing else has been learned through the years with PvP it's this lesson: YOU CAN NOT TAKE CONTROL AWAY FROM A PLAYER IN PVP. It is a stone cold rule.


    You can not. Too much CC is a killer. Does SWToR have this right now? I'd say yes (where are you DR????).


    But not only that, the WZ that pops 89% of the time for everyone is littered with one-shot abilities for certain classes. Those one-shots don't just mean they die, it means you're removed from doing anything meaningful. If you get knocked off the ledge, you're removed.


    If you get stunned once and the fire starts, you're removed.


    If you're pulled back into the fire, you're removed.


    If you're knocked into the acid, you're removed.


    I'd be fine with Huttball if I could just say, No thanks, when signing up for PvP. Let me actually fight, since there is no world PvP right now. But instead, I get a PvE game with PvP aspects.


    No thanks.

  9. WAR PvP was quite awesome, they bombed the class balance, but the PvP system itself was great.


    Too bad Mythic did not work on this game from the beginning, maybe PvP would actually consist of more than Huttball then.


    I agree. They have a great base. They just screwed the pouch in regards to certain aspects.


    Certain Professions being so much more useful (free medals). Class Balance. A terrible matchmaking system.


    I'm not being sarcastic, I have fun when the game is balanced. They just have quite a few adjustments to make.

  10. Just played a few games against a Pre-made.


    They obviously had a strategy. Use their sorcs and just pass the ball. If you didn't have enough DPS to counter, you could do nothing. You got knocked off, stunned, CC'ed, and they scored. As a Healer Op, there was nothing I could do.


    So how is that PvP? Honestly.


    I get the teamwork aspect, but in the traditional Player v Player aspect, there was nothing. It was pointless.


    On a few occastions, my Tank friend and I got into "dogfights" with the opposition. What PvP is supposed to be. I got to use all my escape skills, periodic DPS at the right time, and it was good fun. Granted, we outclassed them (which I know makes it more fun, I get that), but that's what PvP should be. You vs Me. PvP. Instead, it's me vs the surroundings which I can be knocked off of, knocked into, ect..


    So why not just give out medals for what it really is. It's really Me vs the Environment.


    Instead, I get a game where the majority of my time is spent running back up to the top level, and jumping from Acid and Fire.


    Good times indeed.

  11. So Ive seen a thread asking for the nerf of nearly every class this past week. Could it be possible, hold on here folks cuz Im going to blow your minds with this, that all the classes are BALANCED?


    1v1 balance is stupid, and bioware has been smart to not go that route. 99% of the people posting on this forum are whining about losing a 1v1 in a warzone, most of the time to someone who is a higher level. This game is not about 1v1


    Inquistor is not OP. Smuggler/Agent is not OP. BH/Trooper is not OP. Each class has things theyre good at. In the hands of a good player, they can be devastating.


    I had a thread here asking for actual fixes bioware should work on, but it got eaten up by all the "NERF x cuz it killed me!!!!11!!!" threads


    Ah yes, the old, "It's the player, not the class" argument.


    I get it in some cases, I really do. Some times people just whine because they're awful.


    But don't kid yourself that things are balanced. Don't.


    I heard the same stuff from Bright Wizards in Warhammer.


    From Disciples and Wizards in Vanguard.


    From various classes at different times in WoW (pick the season and I'll give you the class).


    From ToS in AoC when they could lay as many pets as they wanted.


    From Riftblades (I believe it was the class, the ranged warrior class) in Rift. Edit: Oh, almost forgot Sabs, yea, that was a real good PvP mechanic right there. A class with pure front end spike damage.


    Balance will never be 100%, I get that. But you can't have glarring, terrible mechanics in your PvP.

  12. People hitting 50 already that had early access aren't rushing sorry to say.


    You can get about a level per hour questing and doing it all. if you play 5 hours a night thats 5 levels a night.


    so 10 days to basically get to 50.


    If you need validation seems like you do alot of afking or only play an hour or two a day.


    That's absolute bull.


    At level 45 (I'm not logged on so I can't get exact figures) you need 380k'ish exp to level.


    Quests on the planet Voss give just under 13k per turn in for normal quests, and are pretty spread out, with 2 or 3 per quest group (quests you can do at the same time with not near as much travel).


    PvP will give you about 20k per win (before the change, not sure now).


    You could MAYBE get a level if you did all the daily space quests/PvP/And turned in about 5 quests at the same time. But then, when you're out of quests, it's gonna take much longer.


    Let's not kid ourselves, if you've hit 50 already, you've played a decent amount more than casually.

  13. Where did you get your precentage from? I'd love to know.


    Let's use WoW as an example:







    -- This data is a bit old, so I'm sure the percentage went up. Forgive me if my math is wrong, it's 2am and I'm tired, and my calculator app is bugged. --


    The release date on 4.2 was June 28th


    FL changes went in on Sept. 20th. As of October 3rd the percentage who had raided and completed the nerfed version was 4.8%


    Those who completed Heroic Rag (the REALLY hardcore): .88%


    That's 3 months after release of the patch, and LESS THAN one percent had completed heroic Rag.


    You could safely state that these are at least SOME of the hardcore. Obviously, I'm sure there is some overlap of characters on one account, but I think it's as good a number as you're going to get.

  14. I don't think you (and many, many others who complain about macros) really understand how macros work...


    1 button press = 1 action


    Sure you can make it do a second action with a second press (and third with a third, etc) but doing so becomes very limiting...


    Say you set up your ultimate dps rotation to one button...After casting your first spell, you get kicked/interrupted and get school locked out of your second spell...The almighty 1 button macro will keep trying to cast the second spell and fail until the school lock is over...


    Granted, this is from like 2.0 WoW:


    #showtooltip Pick Pocket

    /console targetNearestDistance 5.000000

    /targetenemy [noharm][dead]

    /console targetNearestDistance 10.000000

    /cast [harm,nodead] Sap

    /script SetAutoLootDefault(1)

    /cast Pick pocket

    /in 1 /script SetAutoLootDefault(0)


    From WoW Wiki - One-button Auto target, Sap, Auto loot, Pick Pocket.

    This will select the most close target, and Sap then auto loot pick pocket


    These are the macro's people complain about. My question woud be for you would be why such macros as you described are so important? I hate using the "Skill" argument, because I'm far from skilled, but I would think being able to spam one button until an event occurs is MUCH easier than actually having key rotations.

  15. Find me one optimal DPS rotation that can fit into a single macro.



    The game needs mods for the same reason I drive to town instead of walking. Driving isn't a crutch; it's just more fun.


    So, how far is town?


    Are you suggesting that the distance is substantial? That the ability to take a car is FAR more of an advantage to walking? If so, then I'd think the inherant advantage of macros is much more then you're letting on.


    Or are you driving right across the street? Which pretty much suggests that there is no real benefit, but on the same token, why would it be required?


    I'm not sure where you plan on going with this analogy...

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