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Everything posted by alpatalik

  1. 1) thx. 2) then he must open a in-game ticket to customer service about the issue. it's very easy to correct this issue.
  2. Have you tried to promote someone else to officer through web interface (i don't whether it's still locked or unlocked)? If you can he can reinvite your char.
  3. I don't understand why some ppl can't see the obvious. If you queue for WZ and kicked out early and gain tons of xp and then you repeat this --> EXPLOIT It's easy to deal with anyway: 1) Just shut WZ's while hotfix is being ready. 2) Check the extra xp and rewards from prematurely ended WZs. 3) Delete the extra xp and rewards from pre-ended WZs. 4) Temp-BAN the exploiters from EGA till 20th December. /Thread
  4. alpatalik

    Ding!!!!!!! 40

    did they really unnerf pvp leveling?
  5. EU RP PVP Coordination Thread --> http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=658
  6. --> http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=658
  7. So, if the servers can't handle those well then they stop letting in ppl? come on. it has nothing to do with that. It's just that they are waiting for level waves. When enough number of ppl are out of a zone, they get another batch. But each wave leaves clusters (some ppl level slow), so the time frame between each wave will increase each time.
  8. There is also this: "I plan to play <insert class-A here> at live but was wondering about <insert class-B here>. So I rolled <insert class-B here> during the betas and oh my.. <insert class-B here> is literally OP. It can <insert best heal/dps/tank or all together here> and it requires 0 skill. I won't roll <insert class-B here> on live but <insert class-B here> needs to be balanced IMO." And this: "I was playing <insert class-A here> while my <insert wife/friend/guildie here> was playing <insert class-B here>. We started playing together and we played during the same hours. After 2 days, he was <insert some big number of levels here> ahead of me and I was keep dieing on normal quests while he was soloing 2+heroics. I believe the game balance should be rechecked on PvE-wise." And this: "Everyone is playing <insert class-A here>, so it must be OP. Please balance the class." And this: "Noone wants to play <insert class-A here>, it's because it's not balanced. Please fix <insert number of skills here> ASAP for game balance." ... and so on.
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