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Posts posted by alpatalik

  1. After dieing and killing ppl in stun-lock from 100% hp to 0 it seems that the resolve bar mustn't be working as intended. So I thought of this idea:


    Each time you get damage while you have a CC on you, your resolve bar goes up proportional to the damage you receive, so you won't be stun-killed from 100 to 0 but each time you get heal the resolve bar will go down while you have a CC on you.


    What do you think?



    If you get CC'd, resolve bar goes up if you get damage, but resolve bar will go down if you get healed.

  2. current system is very very bad.


    i'm a hardcore pvper. atm i'm valor 48. i only have 2 implants, 1 ear and 2 armor pieces.


    yesterday, a guildie dinged to 50 and we made his weekly/daily pvp quests for him.

    he got 5 armor pieces from 6 boxes and he's valor 2 and fully geared.


    this shouldn't have happened.

  3. I'm willing to wager this guy has 50 and PvP allies at 50 who enjoys face rolling lowbies. Correct me if I'm wrong.


    In my opinion the brackets should have already been in place since launch because it's absurd facing level 50 premades in random pugs of 10 - 30 with the odd PuG 50. What a bunch of cowardice people having the nerve to actually come on these threads and defend it so they can keep on face rolling lowbies.


    My main is Qahlel. My alt is Sarp. Currently, my alt is level 41. I pvp'd with my alt. He's atm V28 and full L40 set.

  4. I think you are missing the point of this thread. Basically the whole PvP reward system is flawed and in the end most competitive players won't stick around because nobody enjoys an RNG farmfest. This is a piss poor and lousy attempt to prolongue the whole PvP aspect of the game to make up for little content. They have a dedicated team working on PvP and this is what they came up with... Really?


    Why farm gear manually when you can just buy a bot to do the work for you. Leave it on for two weeks and you will be a high-end PvPer with gear that reflects how ####### good you are at the game. What a joke.


    ^^ what he said.

  5. I saved up 1k Merc and 1k WZ, and bought 1 level 50 pvp bag, totaling 6 bags. As soon as I hit 50. I opened up said bags. Previously I did not know of the drop rate, I expected to loot nothing, however. I got 6 epics out of the 6 bags. Then I got 3 more epics that day. I officially have 8/14 champ epics, and my companion has 1 (I looted 3 implants). That was yesterday for me. Are people really having that bad of luck with this gear?


    I want to believe you're trolling. That is über lucky.

  6. ...work for your equipment...

    This is a game. It's not a work. They are not paying me to work. I'm paying. It should be about fun not work.


    Why is it that I open 5 bags at once and don't get jack and yet someone else opens 5 bags and gets 4 items? I've opened 30 bags and gotten 2 pieces of champion gear....***.

    I'm over 50+ bags myself and only 4 items. My guildmate has already 6 items (btw I got accessories, he got mostly armor) and he only opened like 20 something bag.


    Completely removing tokens from bags would be a fair solution. Kind of pisses me off to see rank 20ish players with better gear than me just because they got lucky with their RNG gear. Commendation costs for items may have to be lowered in that case, but getting one piece of gear a week seems pretty normal to me : we're 3 weeks past launch and lots of players already have the best gear.

    The RNG is totally unfair and costs are a little bit overprices for normal way. 100+ wins per 13 bags (according to above calculation) is totally overrated.

  7. I have been in 2 betas and have been waiting this game since 2008 and currently, I'm loving it.

    But still there are some small issues that shouldn't be still here in 2012.

    We're not in 1990s or 2000s. Why should we still suffer the problems of last decades still, while there are easy solutions:


    1) Seperate US & EU maintenance times & daily/weekly quest reset times.


    2) Fix the "Darth" title issue already.


    3) There are various UI problems:

    a) People prefer to use shift/ctrl/alt for focus/self casting. Let us.

    b) Some EU keyboards have tilde keybinded to "customer support". Let us see all keybinds and change them.

    c) Sometimes, mouse doesn't work on UI, need to CTRL+U(x2) to refresh UI.

    d) When in group -sometimes-, if you are in your ship, you can't travel because default UI doesn't dissappear in galaxy map. Only solution is relog.

    e) Some players can't post/see guild/ops chat temporarly or permanently.

    f) More control over UI (bars and stuff).


    4) Vehicle speeds increase %10 each time, it is too low when compared to the cost. At least make it %15 increase each time. %20 difference is barely noticable between L25 and L50 vehicles.


    5) WZ issues:

    a) wz AFKers, leavers and kick-timer. We need to report/votekick the afkers, leaving should be penaltized and kick-timer is too fast.

    b) WZ medals for using medpack shouldn't happen.

    c) I hope for more WZ maps in future.

    d) 8-man queueing...

    e) Daily quest for 3 win is a little bit overkill. If you win half and lose half and each takes 15mins and 5mins in between, it will take at least 2 hours to get the quest done. It's hard for casuals (I'm not casual btw but have friends who have this issue).


    6) PVP issues:

    a) ILUM is empty always apart from when people are doing dailies. There is no reason to be there. There should be.

    b) Tattoine's free-pvp zone is suffering from the same issue with ILUM.

    c) We need open world pvp quest for pvp servers.


    7) Forums need to be redesigned. No search function and no server forums will only make more whiners in forums active.


    Please communicate with your community.

  8. Cross-realm warzones please, and divide up the levels more. Because I don't think people who are level 11 like playing agaisnt premades much.


    anyone can get to level 13 under 4-5h.

    if they don't want to fight against 50s then just spend a little more hours and level up.



  9. good thing you clicked a thread clearly titled "darth malgus"


    I use RSS reader for forums so by the time I saw the thread I had already seen the first sentence as well. The OP should add spoiler alert (and spoiler tags).

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