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Everything posted by nschlan

  1. Yes, cause we ALL left because of arenas...what about the people who enjoy instanced PvP? Why can't open world and arena exist together? It's not like they're going to force you to play arenas.
  2. Rofl, still funny. If you're serious, I'm guessing you're just a bad PvPer who has been made fun of. But seriously, you still sound like a troll...an MMO without PvP would die quickly. And fyi, I'm the one who pointed out the dev tracker info so don't throw me into that category. And yes, following the game since day 1 is 0 research. You are a great troll man, keep it up
  3. Learn to play the class and you'll be fine. A good Sniper/Gunslinger can utterly destroy people in Warzones.
  4. Lmao. You sir, are a funny guy. You almost had me goin for your trolling there for a minute
  5. +1 internets to you sir
  6. Well, if he can't speak English on an English forum, that's a problem. His comments hurt peoples' eyes. He didn't make a valid argument. He basically said that if they don't have brackets then they'll lose subs. He did not substantiate it.
  7. Way to ignore my post. No comeback huh? I never mentioned money in that post, I said you were mad because I pointed out to someone else information they did not know and that you obviously didn't know since you made a thread QQing about something you wouldn't QQ about if you had all the info.
  8. I had the same problem. Untrack the quest and it's fine. No one in my guild has had problems with this bug since we found out about this.
  9. You do know they're implementing a 50 only bracket within the next week with patch 1.1 right? >.>
  10. Please learn proper English before posting again. Thank you. Edit: Also, back up your points. You simply claim they'll lose subs but don't state why...at least, I'm assuming you don't. Kind of hard to tell with all the spelling and grammatical errors.
  11. nschlan

    Ranged is not OP

    The thing with ranged vs melee in this game is that a good (or even just decent) ranged player, say, a BH/Trooper, can 2 or 3 shot you before you get near them. A sorc/sage can keep you constantly CCed from 100% HP to 0% HP. Melee doesn't get these things. I'm not saying melee is underpowered, it just requires more than 1/8 of a brain, but ranged is by far easier to play.
  12. So getting to 50 before other people and putting the time in to grind that valor out WITHIN THE GAME SYSTEMS is cheating? Sounds like someone is just straight up bad at PvP. When I was leveling, odds were, I could handle myself against a level 50. Hell, I've seen lowbies top damage or healing before. I know someone who has a toon thats like level 45 with rank 65 valor cause all he did to level was PvP. Should that be taken away too? ****. If they take away gear and valor with a patch the game will die withing a month. Just l2play.
  13. It's pretty fun but I dunno if I would say it's super unique. If you have a good carrier and healer it's pretty much CTF with 1 flag. At least, that's what I've seen. I grab the ball (I'm not even a tank class), my healer keeps me up and I don't need to pass once. 6-0 win every time. It's a great concept but I'm not sure how long passing will last. Great concept, not so sure about actual gameplay.
  14. I would love arenas since I enjoy hardcore PvP. That being said, if they don't balance the game more first the majority of teams will be something like a Sorc/Sage, BH/Trooper and Operative/Scoundrel since those are considered the "OP" classes.
  15. I dunno, I use like 2 PvP pieces, the rest is tier 2 or 3 raid gear and I do better than people with full Champion/Battlemaster gear. Helps that raid gear has overall better stats. And the same goes in reverse, Champion/Battlemaster gear is good enough at least for HM raiding.
  16. Marauder/Sentinel is IMO one of the top classes if you can use more than 2 buttons. I went down the Watchman tree on my Sent (not sure of the Sith equivalent, the one with DoTs) and I almost always pull top damage and kills in PvP. I can solo any class and have decent survivability. Just learn the class well and you'll be fine.
  17. As a Sentinel I sometimes have it rough against Operatives but for the most part if I focus I can beat them. Same with any other class. A lot of the "imbalance" in the game is l2play stuff.
  18. Could try leveling, I heard that worked...or you could, you know, have the patience to wait a whole week for the patch. You're basically crying because people got to 50 before you did and are reaping the rewards. I did PvP while I was leveling and sure I would sometimes get beat by 50s but I could beat some of them. At the least I got them down to where they cold be easily finished off. It really isn't that hard or that big of a deal. If someone else puts the time in to hit 50 and you don't and you start to QQ about it, it's your own problem. A 50 only bracket is coming up, all you have to do is wait a few days...
  19. Yeah...it's not a gear check. We noticed the same thing yesterday. Considering the hp on mindtraps in Hard is roughly 24-25k, jumping them up to over 240k is ridiculous. Personally I think someone programmed in a few extra 0s. >.> Currently, there is no feasible way to do it that we know of. Anyone thinking it's a gear check hasn't tried it since it got fixed Wednesday.
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