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10 Good
  1. I have heard about the changes to PVP and illum in the up coming patch and was really worried about the game and the direction it was heading I mean at least they weren't losing any important key members of BioWear like so many other games did at the end, so I figured everything would be ok and the game was going to be here a long time. Then I was walking home from work and something happened to make me think twice, so I took a picture of what I saw to let you be the judge… https://p.twimg.com/AnF08moCMAEQb_p.jpg
  2. Is their even somewhere you can go to report bugs in the forums or is it only an in-game thing?
  3. I would really like it if you claim to fix something in the patch notes that it really is fixed. I am tired of winning a warzone only to not have it count toward my daily-weekly do you people even test these things before you claim to have fixed them???? I mean its not bad enough you break Illum and make Battlemaster a joke. /madbro
  4. Cyndo

    To the Exploiters

    I thought in Hut ball cheating was encouraged???
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