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Everything posted by Zharik

  1. You're* Seriously are contractions so difficult? Maybe spell out both words if you get confused between 'your' (possession/ownership) and 'you are' (state of being).
  2. So you're getting hung up on the title, even though after working all day in the hot desert yielded a "quarter portion" of food... Did you miss the part where she was noticing the old woman doing the SAME thing as she and she was wondering if that was her lifelong fate, when the alien thing (slave foreman) yelled at her to get back to work? They were slaves, plain and simple. The fact that you won't call them as such is interesting and says something about you...
  3. Ummm no, what you saw was how a dark side waited for force fields to lower (by pacing like a caged animal) vs how a light side waited, patiently while conserving strength/energy. Obi Wan was eager and young, hence why he showed his desire to engage the dark sider so plainly. Also the director for that film was GL... need I say more? You're confusing the battle meditation of the EU which magnified the capability of an entire army/navy vs a self buff like you use in a video game... do NOT try to compare a movie to a video game. Games make a mockery of a good movie every time.
  4. To be fair, he'd be the most powerful ever tested with the stupid midichlorian counter (to the best of Obi Wan's/Qui Gon's knowledge). Even that is just a leap of faith based on Obi Wan's reaction. Also, doesn't mean there weren't past measurements that weren't higher (or at least also off the charts) before Yoda's time. Lastly, I somehow don't think that the sith lined up to get tested at the jedi academy, so no way to confirm them as potentially higher than Anakin Skywalker. I am still willing to accept your supposition as most likely true, however.
  5. Yeah because women are well known for picking the nice guy first. And there was the part where they were getting a little closer and were interrupted, then never had a chance to talk again and now he's unconscious after flying to an entire planet of enemies to rescue her (as confirmed by Chewie). So yeah he's so in.
  6. Well I saw it a second time tonight, and especially since I was specifically paying attention to a few things I definitely feel that the musical score was too quiet when compared to the sounds from the action sequences. The music is good (Rey's theme is the best of the bunch and I like Kylo's too, the rest was a little lackluster when compared to the expectations that we've become accustomed to) but not overwhelmingly great. The music is better listened to separate from the movie's other noises, which the other films seemed to not have a problem with. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie even more the 2nd time around...
  7. What's a vibro-staff? I've heard of a vibro sword, and an electro staff, but not a vibro staff. Also it didn't do anything other than, well not break when smashed into flesh, which more likely than not makes it a... staff. (were you trying to sound Star Warsy?)
  8. So you are a 7%'er, got it. Biggest plot holes? 1. Another death star... seriously? 2. Chewie doesn't (get to) grieve for Han, seriously?!? (ok not so much a plot hole and more of an oversight in the script/direction for the scene where he and Leia pass each other without so much as a glance) 3. The Millennium Falcon works. (more of a nod to Empire Strikes Back than an actual plot hole) 4.. Another Death Star? The Force Awakens was easily in the top 3 of the 7.
  9. In your example, Vader went from toying with Luke to royally pissed after Luke got in a lucky shot. So he lost control (dark side, emotional) and taught the little upstart a lesson. Now to why the Episode VII fight *works*: A person who is trained in martial arts for a couple of year is better than an untrained (but high potential) fighter, yes... How about you shoot the trained fighter in the side with a shotgun and THEN tell me he should still win. Take *all* the information about the fight as it was shown in the movie and tell me how "trained" he was. He kept succeeding against normals (no force power) like Poe Dameron and unarmed computer stations, but didn't know how to handle someone who could (even if only as an instinctive ability) defend themselves. He was too used to having an easy time by using the force against an easier opponent. Imagine playing football as a healthy adult male vs 6-10 year olds - no contest. (this is the advantage you gain with the force) Now line up against another adult male, even if that new player has never played football, they might be "athletic" by nature, and you lose! (now do it while severely wounded in your side!) Don't try to over think the movie. While it had its flaws, the confrontations between Rey and Kylo Ren were done absolutely right.
  10. This, so much this. Yoda would try and tell someone that they're too old to start the training, while this is obviously false, but I think it had a purpose: to agitate the potential student so he could gauge the reaction. If the student was calm and patient, then yay! great potential, but if they whine and get frustrated, then watch out! potential Vader-like failure again. Yoda almost actually gave up on Luke when he was getting frustrated and said, "I cannot teach him, he has no patience." Rey exhibited *immense* patience, did you see the scrawl marks denoting how long she had been a 'slave' there? When Obi Wan was training Luke, the point seemed to be to trust your instincts more an let the force guide your actions more (instead of fighting it and trying to control things with your eyes). When Luke listened, he was successful, but when he didn't listen, he failed. Rey is already calm, patient and willing to allow the force to guide her more fully, therefore she is simply more advanced (and *that* is what *makes* you more advanced, not practicing with a saber). I hope I am remembering this correctly: There was a moment in one of the EU books (I forget which one) when Ben Skywalker and Jacen Solo were dueling for practice. Ben had been practicing his saber technique a LOT lately and Jacen heed been neglecting it in favor of more meditation-like things. Both actually assumed that Ben would prevail, but they were wrong because Jacen's connection to the force was the deciding factor. TL;DR: stop thinking like an Earthling with no actual knowledge/experience of what the force does to/for you.
  11. I know that John Williams was the composer who wrote it, it just didn't *feel* very emotional/powerful/etc, like it has in movies past. Also might have been an *editing* error that they made it too soft to be heard over the action sounds.
  12. Might have been the lack of a great musical score. Something in the background that you are not conscientiously aware of, yet directly impacts the "feel" of a movie.
  13. Because seeing one minuscule portion of the whole planet means the rest of the planet is the exact same? Maybe they are saving some stuff for *gasp* the next movie?
  14. Based on your list I'm not so sure you loved this movie... perhaps a list of the things you think the movie got right? This would create a problem of how to have a small band of heroes actually affect the outcome. How would you solve that? So a shield wouldn't have an off switch? It was very convenient, yes. But the movie *did* show her sort of using powers without actually knowing it. She *obviously* has mega patience with all the scrawl marks tracking her time as a slave, and according to Yoda, that's all a jedi needs, right? (that and youth) Did you miss the part where he was SHOT BY CHEWIE?!? And was bleeding (quite a bit too) from his side! You try fighting to your 100% max potential while wounded (with what should be mortally wounded based on the rest of the bowcaster scenes) SMH You counted them? Also, you think that they were all... there?!? In the Star Wars universe, there are *so many* uncharted systems... This is NOT against the lore, even a little bit. Your best point in this list, by far, but I'll ask again: how else would a small band of heroes change the outcome? No, you needed an ex-stormtrooper (and they are actually ****** now, so that's a plus not a minus) with a conscience, an old hero smuggler/grebel general with some unresolved issues and father time looking over his shoulder, his wookie ****** faithful companion using his OP weapon, and a powerful force user who hasn't fully developed her abilities yet but through her upbringing has a *lot* of the major basics covered. Oh and throw in a couple of squadrons of battle hardened X-Wing pilots for cover. Totally needed to be done. So I think you missed some actual points in your list: 1. Too much overlap from previous stories. Paying homage is one thing, that was damn near a full remake. 2. Chewie should have gotten a better chance to "grieve" over losing his lifelong bestest friend EVER. 3. There could have been a few more scenes where the audience learns a little more about Rey and Finn (maybe BB-8 too) while *not* in combat. This might have also been used to help explain her advanced learning speed.
  15. You got your number 2, and I think that is their "better than cross server". It is the M1-4X/Pierce mission requirements.
  16. 5,4,7,6,3,2,1 To be fair Qui Gon and Maul are too easily countered with Jar Jar and midichlorians and then utterly destroyed with kids and poodoo jokes.
  17. So this is going to turn into a self fulfilling prophecy. All the Ops veterans are done with the old stuff, and since they're *NOT* going to farm the same old stuff from 2011-2013 then BW/EA will "be justified" by not making new Ops. Mark my words...
  18. So true... And... I normally don't quote myself, but these really are what the problem with how they are dealing with certain aspects of *your* character's development - there isn't any.
  19. Considering that most of the raiders will likely unsub this coming year, they'll have even LESS of a reason to spend developer hours making a new Operation. It'll be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  20. Probably closer to 40:20, but yeah, the ratio looks about right.
  21. Yes it is like that they whole way through, until the end of Chapter IX when you stop talking (though the NPCs still talk) and the grind begins. Note you can spacebar through the cut-scenes if you prefer the action.
  22. It is likely the launcher. You might not need to redownload the whole (33GB) game. Just delete your bitraider folder in the install directory and reconnect... it will "detect a problem" and do a repair automatically. Note you may have to use Task Manager to stop a few processes to be able to delete the folder. (They're labeled bitraider, so easy to pick out)
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