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Everything posted by kidbs

  1. You're not supposed to cast crushing darkness unless you get the proc
  2. It's good to see that at least one other assassin is aware of how to play as deception.
  3. Where are you getting this garbage? Now I know you're pulling ***** out of your ***. Get to 50 and L2P. Yes I am 50 and yes I wreck people as an assassin.
  4. Are you kidding? Are you even level 50? In a 1v1 fight assassins can tear a hole in someone. Tanks would likely be the biggest obstacle but even they can be beaten when we have all of our cooldowns up. Deception assassins in particular have very controllable burst in the form of Recklessness + Overcharge Saber + relic. Pop those, spike your target, Discharge for a nice crit, Voltaic Slash twice, Shock for another crit, throw in an electrocute and a Maul, then finish up the job with an Assassinate. It's incredibly easy to reset the fight with Force Cloak and starting the entire sequence again. People just have to be aware of the right time to use our abilities, of which we have many. If you're fighting a healer or ranged person, make sure you keep force slow on them and use interrupt as much as possible to stop their heals or casted attacks. Assassins can truly control a fight.
  5. Assassin dps is very good for PvE endgame. I actually think that our dps is higher than sorcerers if we are able to keep the same amount of uptime on a target. Some of the fights in hard modes are currently tuned to be melee unfriendly which is where a sorcerer would pull ahead, but I expect that these fights will be adjusted in the near future because it would be silly to penalize a group for having a melee dps over a ranged. Assassins have both decent burst and good sustained dps which makes them great for both pvp and pve.
  6. Lol juggs do not have a high skillcap at all. If anything they are one of the easiest ACs to play.
  7. I think Deception has the best tools for pvp, and personally I find it to do better dps than Madness in both pve and pvp. You have superior stealth, a faster cooldown on force cloak, an incapacitate with short cooldown (low strike), and very good burst damage. Madness is rather clunky to play as having to watch DoT timers especially with the current UI is a pain. Burst is king in pvp.
  8. I personally went with the 9% Arp over the chain shock build because it boosts all of our melee damage, of which we do a lot (VS, Maul, Lacerate, etc...).
  9. The squeaky wheel gets the oil as they say. If they don't think many people care about the bug, then they will push it off until later and address the bugs that people are making a lot of fuss about.
  10. I find that the guys that most often yell "You guys suck" are usually pretty mediocre players themselves that are nerd raging over being killed in a match and they want to try to pin their own crappy play on everyone else. Sure there are a lot of noobs in WFs who don't know how to pass or actually complete objectives, but raging over it in general or the OPs channel rarely changes anything. If anything it only annoys me more when some idiot makes the generalized statement that "You all suck" and I'm totally stomping the a-hole in damage, kills, medals and objectives. Accept the fact that you will be grouped with players of all levels and skill levels. Accept that you will win some matches and you will lose some matches miserably. Raging over losses does nothing but make you look like a tool.
  11. Everyone please submit an in-game ticket about this. They probably need to receive a certain number to even get on their radar of bug fixes.
  12. I used KV all the way to 50. I'll give you all a warning though... he's not really viable for the final class quest. Either gear up Talos before then or maybe Andronikos because you will not want a melee companion for that final fight. I mean you can do it with KV or Xalek (I did) but it will be an exercise in frustration and will take you several tries to figure it out. You will also need to have your 20-minute Channel The Force ability to even attempt it. Bottom line... it's smart to fully gear up a tank companion (KV or Xalek) and Talos.
  13. My only problem with a Maul spam build is that you are stuck with the positional requirement that isn't always easy to maintain. That being said, I could see this as being a good gib and run build if you are able to lock down someone long enough. If we ever get dual specs I'll definitely give it a try.
  14. Seriously, fix this crap already! This is a moment that I am sure we have all been looking forward too and now I can't even display the title. How hard can this be to fix?
  15. The orange crystals aren't rare. You can buy sabers with them and artificers can make them.
  16. kidbs

    assassin sucks

    There are no bad assassins, just bad players. Assassins have plenty of good burst damage especially as you get higher level in the deception tree. I've gotten Maul crits for 3700+ and Assassinate wrecks people once you get them below 30%. We have multiple forms of CC and can Force Cloak to reset a fight if things start to go wrong. Assassins are a complete package for both PvE and PvP. Just don't judge them based on low-level play. They only get more powerful as you get higher.
  17. Not to mention we have big crit damage modifiers on our main attacks in both dps trees.
  18. You can interrupt many of her attacks so make sure that you are doing that. I killed her in two tries with no healing Stims.
  19. It's true that a marauder's obliterate will likely hit harder but a juggernaut's smash will hit harder than a marauder's due to the Decimate talent. So in the end it's really hard to tell who will come out ahead without a combat log and a parser.
  20. I ran into a Jedi Sentinel in Tattooine yesterday. I wrecked him with 90% of my hp still left. Assassin vs Mara/Sentinels are like rogue vs warrior fights in WoW. Either can win, but a smart rogue has total control over how the fight will end up, just like assassins in this game.
  21. The offhand saber doesn't do nearly as much damage as the mainhand, plus juggernauts innately get bonus damage for using a single saber so that part evens out. For all we know, rage juggs may end up doing more dps than rage maras.
  22. I always get behind the target. Khem Val is pretty good at holding aggro so it's usually not a problem. You'll always want to open from stealth anyway so that you have your Dark Embrace buff up at the start for more force regen.
  23. I think this will all depend on the player. An assassin with all of his cooldowns up has more say-so in how the fight will turn out.
  24. Once you have 3 points in Duplicity, EW will proc every 10 seconds. I've never had a stretch in which it didn't. I wouldn't use Maul unless EW procs b/c it costs way too much Force and you would be better off doing 2 more Voltaic Slashes instead. The 50% armor penetration buff makes a big difference in the damage that it does.
  25. You should have said you were Madness spec to begin with . If you are not Madness spec then Crushing Darkness should not be used.
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