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Everything posted by Semitote

  1. Has anyone actually completed this? Just finished it tonight, holy crap we had to do some crazy tactics. And got no loot for it.
  2. From what I've seen in the codex, there are five datacrons in Quesh. I have four of them. Everywhere I've looked only has 3 locations. The fourth one I found in an area I clearly can't get to anymore because I can't seem to find it to verify the location. It involved jumping up on a bulldozer, then to some pipes, then to some crates, over to a big pipe, back to crates, over to some platforms, and down into a bucket I believe. It was in an indoor area with droids and I think it's one of the areas near Imperial Outpost. Anyways, I have some theories on the 5th one but I can't seem to find it anywhere. One of the places which I'm most confident it has to be in is a blocked off passage at 116, 1075 (northeast of Imperial Forward Command Center - at the big building with the elevator that goes to the roof and the droids in front of narrow passageways looking out). An invisible wall prevents me from getting in through the front side and I've no clue how to get to the back side - and I tried approaching it from above, but I couldn't get to the right spot to jump down. Another spot is at the Imperial Garrison. I got through the fence and explored that area but could find anything. I was able to get up on the pipes but that ended up being a dead end. Also there is a spot in the southeast corner of the map where a small passageway leads you to an open area which contains a lore object. I could not get the lore object to grant me any lore as nothing happened when I clicked it, nor did I see any datacrons. There were also two other areas that I was able to get to through what I thought were obvious datacron path starters and both involved jumping down - but both jumped me down to a blocked off area where I could not get back out. (One area was near Conk's Infinite Loop, the other was the northern-most center area.) Does anyone have any clue where this 5th one is or any pointers on how to go about looking for it?
  3. I was able to get all five on Ilum, though my codex only reflects four. I think #83 might be bugged and is tied to the one through the snowstorm (on Empire side anyhow). As far as the cave goes, you can get down to it from all the way to the other side of the canyon.
  4. Weird. I never saw you out in the world when I was leveling. I take it you just PvP'd? I got my Darth title at level 47 around the same time you hit level 50, does that make me US first storyline finished? Hit 50 5:26pm 12/17/2011 on Hedarr Soongh Empire side. Pretty sure I was all alone on every planet past Balmorra. http://s3.mmoguildsites.com/s3/gallery_images/390034/original.jpg?1324165475 Ran out of missions, had to go back and do bonus series in Belsavis, Hoth, and Voss after I finished Ilum.
  5. I also ordered from Amazon and my statue was missing its lightsaber... Or maybe I just dropped it, dunno..
  6. Comparing a finely tuned game with 7+ years of polish to a brand new release is rather unfair as well. Though, I guess the world is unfair and SWTOR has to be compared to what else is currently out there - not to where the other things were at their release.
  7. Huttball is awesome. I can't wait for Monday Night Huttball nights. OH SNAP THAT'S TONIGHT! Oh, wait.. servers will be down... ONE WEEK FROM TODAY - MONDAY NIGHT HUTTBALL BEGINS! Also - I disagree on the companions. I'm level 50 and it's great to be able to call on whichever type of companion I need. If I'm taking more damage, I pull out my healer companion. If I need to kill stuff fast, I pull out my DPS companion. I'm a tank, so I haven't had any use for a tank companion. Is that a glorified pet? I'm not sure. What exactly are you expecting your companion to contribute to your combat and mission experience? When you make a decision that pleases your companion, you gain affection with them. And in some missions your companion will intervene and add more dialogue to the mission making them a bit more than a pet. Do you want more intervention from the companion? Not sure what you're after here or what classifies SWTOR companions as "glorified pets." I mean, it is annoying that you have to hotkey your companion attack button to attack your target because they seem to just attack whatever has the highest aggro for them. And I guess it seems rather silly when your companions just stand in area effects on the ground and make no effort to move out and you end up having to toggle their passive on and off to move them out of stuff. But by the same means, it adds another skill aspect to the game. I like it.
  8. I've been going after the datacrons recently. Obviously using a guide and not trying to find them on my own as I'm just trying to boost my stats, not my ego. I rather like the challenge - and I actually find myself struggling more with some of the easier jumps than the harder ones which is weird. The only thing that is aggravating about the datacrons are the ones that seem to be bugged. For instance, one of them I have an item I have to turn in to a usable object, and the path up to the object is simply not there - some sort of graphical glitch with objects along the path floating in mid-air. And there's another one that I'm not sure if it's bugged or not - it looks straight forward, but the straight forward path is not working. I spent about an hour looking for other ways around to no avail. After I've gathered all the datacrons I can, I'll probably report the other ones as bugged if it looks like they are impossible to get due to some sort of unintended glitch. Anyways, the benefit of an MMORPG is that it can be many things to different people. If you don't like platforms, not all of them are platforms - some just require you to pay close attention to the terrain for hidden paths. If you don't like space missions, don't do them. If you don't like getting ganked, play on a PvE server. But the fact of the matter is - There are people who rather enjoy these things and complaining about something simply because you do not want to do it seems rather selfish, and an MMORPG is the last place in the gaming world that you want to be selfish.
  9. The great part about this game is it feels like a classic BioWare RPG, but it's in an MMORPG world. I spacebarred through everything in a race to get 50 and it took me 3 Days, 18 Hours, 20 Minutes of in-game time, but I'm really looking forward to paying attention to the story lines and watching every dialogue when I level my alts.
  10. I hit 50 at 5:26pm CST on the 17th just spacebarring through dialogue. Had Darth title at 47 (skipped all the bonus series & heroics & flashpoints). I'm not a gold farmer nor a warzone grinder and did it on 4 hours of sleep a night after getting in on the first wave. I don't want recognition although people will probably view this post as bragging. I'm still proud of myself though, and that's all that counts!
  11. Server first rewards would be nice for the people who got it, but with the staggered launch I don't think they are necessary. If we all started on an even playing field, I would agree - Yes, give that person a reward for being the fastest. But since it was staggered, it's in bad taste to give that person something extra. Your reward for server first is being able to grind Daily Commendations towards your artifact earpiece & implants before anyone else. You can also go back and get all the datacrons without taking away from your leveling thus boosting your stats. Also, look at the mats on your artifact crafted items. Get them. For me I have to continually do Underworld Trading until I get 16 artifact metals. I stopped doing crew skills once I maxed them, and now I regret it since I just realized I need those metals. Also, you should have your 110% vehicle driving skill and speeder, but if not - Start working on it. And I'm almost certain you haven't geared out all 6 of your companions yet. I was helping a level 46 do some heroics in Hoth and got two enormous upgrades for my healer companion just as random green drops (since I only geared Jaesa while leveling, he was still using level 25'ish gear). And - Most importantly: Now you can go back and help your guildies get through some heroics. Or - protect them from being ganked if you're on a PvP server.
  12. Even spacebarring through it all was no easy feat. You shouldn't disrespect. http://s3.mmoguildsites.com/s3/gallery_images/390034/original.jpg?1324165475
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