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10 Good
  1. Greetings: I cannot imagine anyone considering 50% to be a small adjustment. Particularly in addition to a 35% reduction in a different field. This means almost a 100% reduction overall. I am getting a Shadow to level 50 and I find playing it to be a lot of fun. I am sure a lot of people do so as well. NONE of them are going to like losing survivability. I do agree that in some fights, Shadows are a lot more resilient when compared to other Tank classes, but this is not universal. Their dependence on procs make them naturally unreliable. If you do not add some serious constant numbers to that, they will simply die too often. If the other tank classes seem inferior by comparison, buff them. Nerfing is always unpopular, buffing is always welcome. Except, of course, in PvP. I have yet to see a single nerf in any MMORPG that is not derived from PvP complaints. From the Creature Handlers in SWG to the Stamina potions for Casters in AoC, to this. When you integrate PvE designed classes into a PvP environment, the result is imbalanced from the start. Since you already see Powertechs/Sorcerers in PvP in numbers sufficient to make the onlooker believe there are no other classes in the Sith side, you can deduce that people are making PvP only characters, no? So, make that the rule. Make PvP derived modifications affect only PvP. If a class seems truly overpowered, make it more difficult for that class to level. Give it an EXP penalty all around. Make players earn the power level they want. But do not take away what they have already, and do not treat them like they were uneducated. The numbers you are quoting mean an immense difference, not a small change.
  2. I would like to see Kashyyyk and Mon Calamari. Both are congruent with the timeline and could be made into useful settings for race specific missions, should these be added later (which I, of course, suggest is done).
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