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Posts posted by Alkei

  1. The optimal solution for now is to reroll if you want to be better in pvp on lvl50. If you still want pvp as a sniper - learn other classes abilities. Make yourself able to determine their buffs, stances and casts by animtaion and icons. Think how can you counter them. Then provided some experience you'll learn to predict their moves and thus counter them fast.


    But the thing is you'll do better playing other class with such knowledge. Why am i still playing sniper? I'm doing better than most players and thus enjoing the game. I'm also determined to get BM set just to satisfy my completionist instinct. And they will actually fix the class one day, wouldn't they?

  2. The only difference is that bounty hunters need to press their Tracer Missile button once, you have to press your Snipe button twice (but most PvPers I know spam their buttons a lot more than that).


    A merc have to stand still to fire his Tracer Missile. If you move before you land your tracer missile you will abort your tracer missile. After you land your tracer missile you can move and then stand still to fire another tracer missile. A sniper have to stand still to fire his Snipe. If you move before you land your snipe you will abort your snipe. After you land your Snipe you can move and then double tap your key binding to fire another Snipe.


    I honestly does not see the difference here (other than Cover sometimes does not work, but that is a bug - not a design flaw - a bug that will eventually be adressed)


    The differences are:


    1) If you start casting something immedtiately after entering cover it will most likely fail. You HAVE TO wait about half a second before casting anything to make shure it will fire. Even instasnipe.


    2) Your snpe (and other damage) is mitigated and deflected by anything and everything while tracer is not.

    Assasin/shadow in BM gear can have 99% deflect chance for 12 seconds. Sniper in BM fieldtech gear have about +12% accuracy. So what are you supposed to do for 12 secs? Spam frag grenade? And don't tell me about dodge. It's 3 sec and it is NOT protecting you vs lightning/rock.

    It's just one example. I can bring up much more.

  3. I'd suggest go for crit+surge -> field tech set mostly. It also have +accuracy which is a great help vs geared tanks. Works fine for me .

    Beware that surge is greatly diminished at 95%, so if you use +crit/surge relic you'd better use +power or +alacrity adrenal with it. I don't know about crit rate dimish though. All I know it is not diminished at 44%.

  4. Grind, heh, you know nothing of grind. Swtor pvp gear system is an easymod for those who remember vanilla WOW grandmarshall grind. Or Aion abiss points grind. And even these 2 games are easy mod for tipical corean MMO players.

    I'm playing for a month and almost VR 59 now. And I have regular time job, friends to drink with and gfriend to sleep with. So for a hardcore player it should take less than 2 weeks to get VR 60. And you calling this grind?


    As for the ideas:

    1)Change your crappy lvl40 green gear to 45-50 purple gear from GTM.

    2)Go to Ilum and get item mods for Ilum comms

    3)You could have 20 champ bags in a week just for daylies weeklies.


    Is it easy enough?

  5. Here's a fun fact: in order to get credit for a player kill on Ilum you need to be within 15m.




    Can anyone name a low mobility class designed to work outside 15m range?


    Is that 100% true?

  6. Considering they sit there mezzed for a fat part of this whole thing - yes... Heck even Leg Shot + all that works just fine, if not better, since only desperate people blow their cc breaker on root.


    As if I never used it... Btw you can still drop explosive probe in the end of any cast.

    Dropping flashbang is like saying "Hey, I'm about to nuke you". People usually use cc breaker at that point. If not they just pop up shield + sprint and run to the nearest corner after your ambush.

    If there is a premade the healer is guarded and you are taunted. So you can't rly burst him. But it would be the same for mercs and sorcs.

  7. Ever tried Flashbang + Cover + Adrenal + Relic + Explosive Probe>Ambush>Snipe>Followthrough>Leg Shot>SoS>Takedown?



    Flashbang -GCD- + Cover + Adrenal + Relic + Explosive Probe -GCD- >Ambush -2.5sec->Snipe -GCD or 1.5 sec cast- >Followthrough -GCD- >Leg Shot -GCD- >SoS -3sec channel- >Takedown


    Do you really face a lot of people who calmly eat that dmg staying in place for all that time? Lucky you...

  8. To be effective sniper have not just DPS people from 30m away but take down required targets quickly in needed situations, requiring him often to be on frontlines.


    I'd really like to see you "taking down quickly" 20k hp tank with his shield and +def ability up carrying the ball. You can't? Correct. But that tank can't mitigate or deflect missile or lightning. So who would you pick up for your premade if you're any smart?

  9. Summarizing:


    1)Cover mechanics is bugged as hell.

    2)Marksnmaship damage is weapon damage -> mitigated/dodged/deflected/shielded by everything. Engi/Leth damage is easily avoided/dispelled. Proper specced sorc dots are doing more dmg anyway.

    3)Most dmg abilities are charged/channeled -> easily LOSed.

    4)Poor defense and damage mitigation. Mostly works against weapon damage -> other snipers. What an irony.

    5)No in-combat sprint.

    6)No other utility except dmg. Sniper can't effectively carry or stealth catch the ball, cap the objective in stealth, force push/pull/jump, survive long enough to get help while defing, etc. Not to mention snipers are now restricted to dmg medals only. ****-ing thanks, BW.


    Did I forget something?

  10. You can certainly still top charts with a sniper, it doesn't make you or the class good. I do all the time, but the game is young, the players and the UI will get smarter, then you are in trouble.


    If you are putting together a team for pvp currently you would not bring a sniper.


    You bring the most mitigated damage, or dispell makes you worthless. Lethality snipers may pray that the UI stays as bad as it is and that mercs don't find their dispell.


    Low mobility

    Low DPS versus tanks or destroyed by dispell.

    Weak cc

    Low survivability

    Terrible at taking objectives. Your enemy could run in circles around the gun emplacement and the sniper would not kill them before the respawn wave. No dps versus tanks.

    Terrible at defending objectives. No stealth detection, no survivability to survive till the next respawn wave.

    Terrible at ball running.

    Terrible at killing anyone if there are any LOS objects around.


    Very solid summary. I'm topping DPS and even medal charts most of the time but it's like living under Damoclis gladius. Someday they'll learn how to play their classes and counter me and then I'm screwed. By only studying other classes abilities and talents I found that sniper can be very effectively countered by Merc, Operative and Marauder (+ their republic analogues). I hope BW will implement that legacy feature soon which I suppose will make alt leveling faster and easier.

  11. I'm specced in marksmanship. Most of my damage is affected by armour, defense and all kind of shields. Considering this it might look like a good choice to spec other tree but I completely devastated other specced snipers and gunslingers simply because they had lower dps on single target and almost the same survivability (which is very poor). So I prefer to stay at marksmanship.


    What I'd like to see:


    1) Either to have a way to counter damage mitigation shields and better armour penetration or to have at list half of my attacks to be changed to yellow (tech) damage.


    2) Reliable defensive abilities. Evade only helps vs white attacks=other snipers/gunslingers mostly. Shield probe is just pathetic and seems to also affect white attacks only.

    30% increased speed for 6 sec after debiliate (which requires 2 talent points in the 2nd tier of lethality tree)? You kidding...

  12. Watched only video 5. That is not very good sniper playing.


    1) Very rare SoS usage. It actually >> non-instant snipe when followthrough is on cd.

    2) You didn't use entrench in a few situations where you definitely should have.

    3) You didn't use Target acquired a single time, it's not even keybinded. But you were casting 2.5 sec ambushes. That's not good.

    4) shatter shot on sorcs is a waste time and energy - but that's imho.

    5) You didn't use shiv while having a lot of opportunities. You used it just once.

    6) Quite poor cc usage, rly.

    7) Volley talent is not used properly. Used like this it's not worth 3 talent points. I know it's hard in pvp and I'd really like to see video where someone is taking full advantage of volley.

    8) Frag grenade is not even placed on toolbars. It's quite useless in huttball but very nice on other wzs for preventing capping. It's just faster than suppressive fire.


    I'm not saying I'm doing pvp perfectly but I'm not making vids of it )

  13. Please if your not 50 shut your mouth. You dont know a damn thing. Your skewing the representation of the class. As I said before the class is amazing sub 30 after that our scaling drops like a rock. SO YEAH **** I ROXORED A DUDE MY LEVEL AND IM 27! I CANT WAIT TO GET ALL THE NEW ABILITIES AND GEAR AT 50 AND HIT FOR OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!one11!!1!!1eleventyone! Well guess what bucko, it doesnt get better, it fact it gets worse, your hitting just as hard as you do at 50 in bgs because of bolster. I have 39% crit and 82% surge and 456 expertise. I crit a sage with ambush for 3kish. He channels rocks in my face for 1k a tick non crit. And his bub comes back every 20 secconds. Ive bene hit by scoundrels for 9.7k in period of a GCD. 1.5 secconds 2 abilites for 9.7k. And his gear isnt anywhere near mine. right now im pvp rank 53.


    Im still slugging it out hoping things will change because to be honest i really dont want to reroll and go throught he ******** again. I score consistantly top 4 in any bg and im usually 1 or 2 for damage. But lets put some caveats on that before we go on. I target noobs. Because they go down quickly and any reduction in CC or DPS to my team by me removing sub 50s is helping the team in most cases. I hoard the red buff, this artificially inflates my numbers because of the 15% expertise buff. I have a pocket healer. This allows me to do stupid **** like run into a pack of 4 idiots pop my defensive and OB myself. They usually die trying to kill me because of this. I couldn't do this without a healer being 100% aware of the stupidity that I am about to do. I am fairly ahead in gear above most players on my server. When I run into equally geared players my hits are atrocious for the amount of cast time required. Awesome i just caster for 3 secconds and my ambush hit a trooper for 1400. Fantastic. Now before you cry about why am i targeting a trooper, sometimes ...you are alone at a point defending it and its you vs the trooper. So rather than let him take it without any contest I shoot him, crazy I know. So he gravs round me for 1800 non crit, sometimes 3300 crit. depends on the trooper and the gear....this is a 1.5 seccond cast time. If my ambush crits on a well geared trooper ..who has been shatter shot it may land for 2400. Meanwhile the guy is sporting heavy armor, has more mobility, far superior defensive abilities and a pinch heal that lands for 2k.


    Nice post. I have VR 53, topdmg 95% of WZs, 8-10 medals per match. And I completely agree with everything you said, except of sorcs. Operatives and gravrounders are just better, I also see more potential in marauders. Still I'm willing to get VR60 and then just do weeklies for BM stuff while leveling an alt. May be they'll actually fix sniper someday.


    I don't know about the other specs. They seemed like garbage to me cus people can cleanse dots. They can't cleanse getting exploded before they knew what hit them.


    Engi spec? As a marksman I sometimes having problems outdamaging shielded gravirounders 1 on 1.

  15. Yep, buff us plx. Buff is always welcomed :)


    Speaking seriously sniper is just a very complicated class. I've got 23 ablilities hotkeyd and actively used, +some trinkets. A bit harder than shield+graviround spamming, isn't it?


    Try BH/Trooper, they are much simpler, have heavy armour and heal, take the gravirounding/rocket luanching spec. Less burst than sniper but very high dps and toughness.

    I'm not teasing or trolling you, they really one of the hardest class I've fought 1 on 1. Sorcs are just to squishy.

  16. I've finished huttball match with medic medal (2.5k single heal) today. Sorry that I forgot about making screenshot, guess you have to just believe me or not. Unfortunately I didn't notice when and how I get it. Did anyone else had it? Was it a bug or we can legally have it?
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