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Posts posted by Alkei

  1. I don't see nearly 1000k. I see barely over 800k in a full duration game, which is not much more than me with a much stronger class. Remember, my game ended short a few minutes. I am also missing 4 Battlemaster pieces! :)


    Read carefully. 800+ is from GS.

    Thread from sorc. He had probably removed the link but here's another link from the thread

  2. Which class can kill those classes the fastest in 1on1?


    Rage Juggernaut

    DD Powertech (Railshot spec)

    Madness Assassin


    As full Battlemaster Sorc, my experience shows, that skilled players can easily kill me 1on1.

    Rage Juggernauts are the hardest. They leap, force crush, force push, leap again, Smash for about 6.5k, Ravage, Force Choke and another smash. They usually don't need the second smash as they can finish you with Vicious Throw.

    They also take little damage due to the fact that they wear heavy armor or can even use Soresu Form without doing much less damage.

    You can't even kite them as you are immobilized by leap, slowed by force crush and Chilling Scream or knocked down.

    They are even so powerful, that I decided to roll one to Battlemaster again. :)

    Playing a sorc is kinda boring anyway.


    Next is Powertech.

    Railshot hits for about 5k when their grenade goes off and crits for about 4k too.

    If they are lucky they get you down in about 3 GCDs while also taking little damage due to heavy armor and defensive cooldowns.

    Underplayed but very good pvp class.


    And last the Balance Assassin.

    They attack out of stealth, dot you with high damage which also heals them pretty well and they can stealth out of combat.

    Even though they can kill you fast, I find this class pretty balanced as it is single target focused and does not help your team as much as they juggernaut.



    What is your 1on1 experience with those classes and what class do you play?


    Agreed on 1st and 2nd. I'm also leveling jug for pvp to replace my sniper.

    But I'd put rage/carnage marauder on the 3rd place.

  3. How is my statement not accurate?


    Evasion: Increases your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 100% for 3 seconds. Does not break Stealth.


    Would it have been better if I would have said "Nearly 3 seconds of nearly full immunity" because you can still receive damage from force and AoE attacks? If that is the case, then consider this the amendment.


    Evasion is actually just adding 100% to your defense chance (So if you have your base 5% only, you would have 105% with evasion). Which increases your probability to avoid being hit by weapon-based attack. So your dodge is mainly useful against other MM snipers or SS sharpshooters. What an irony, eh? Other classes do have weapon based attacks but not that many. Sorc for example wouldn't notice your evasion at all.

    Btw even MM sniper can still hit you while evasion lasts if he have high accuracy rate. I'm destroying agents/smugglers under evasion by simply using +accuracy adrenal when I need to.

  4. To sum up i just think we dont have enough players who bothered complaining / playing with snipers to make bioware pay more atention to this class and everytime i see less imperials in my server also.

    They should have some statistical tools. It is not a good idea to rely on forum only.


    Still in a warzone like voidstar with a decent healer back up i can do some decent damage as you can check in the link bellow (450K).

    I did even more. But I'm playing sniper since early access and I'm almost full BM geared. Other snipers on my server are deeply below such numbers.

  5. What if I'm a lethality spec sniper/operative on voidstar, and spend most of my time DoTing everyone up so they can't plant the bomb ever?

    Than you are supposed to have high dmg score in the end, don't you?

    Even I am doing tons of dmg there with my MM spec in a long voidstar. Lethality should do more by simply doting everyone.


    Are you going to say that because I didn't break 250-300k damage, even though I saved the entire match for my team, that I'm useless?

    No. But I don't see them "saving the match" same often as I see them doing low dmg.

  6. Sharpshooter tree needs some love.

    The reason why I think the Sharpshooter build lacks is because of course the Mitigation (too much white hits). Also I see no reason to even go Sharpshooter compared to the other 2 trees. U do the same Charged Bursts and pretty much same aimed 4.5k-6.5k aimed shot hits. Also trickshot and ur grenade do about the same damage if u are Sab (2.2k-3.5k grenades). I understand why players go sharpshooter and it still does need some love. Just some observations.......


    SS/MM has it's cookies. I like followthrough and instasnipe (ur trickshot & charget burst) for being mobile, 1.5 sec ambush (aimed shot) cast and 30% crit dmg increase on 3 nice abilities.

    Why are you shooting so much? Isn't it more logical to change accuracy mods to crit/surge/power and use only grenades/dots/probes with such build?

  7. Great DPS, fun playstyle, and crit buff?


    I rarely see other snipers on my server going past 250k in a WZ. Usually they're somewhere at 200k in huttball. Even lethality specced.

    And I forgot when I saw them getting 300k medals last time. Considering sniper can't do anything but damage... Fun? I don't know.

  8. when u consider that SoS is our single strongest skill, being able to use it 3 times in a row is awesome.

    i have hit players for 2k per hit, if all 4 shots crit its 8k damage, 2 SoS will kill most, a 3rd is just insurance.


    On a naked sorcs maybe? I hit like 1600 max per hit in almost full BM+rakata stim without relic/adrenal. And when used on tanks it's often 300-500 per hit.

  9. Yea Sure ^_^


    P.S. Idk why but whenever its a good premade vs premade, getting to the 2nd door and then not moving forward after that happens a lot for some reason.


    Hmm... didn't think of such hybrid. Something like this? No need for accuracy is great idd.

    Do you have pvp vids with that build?

  10. I use it in WZs when instasnipe, ambush, followthrough and SOS are on cd. Another SOS is better than 1.5 sec casted snipe with no FT. Still yeah, for a top tree talent it's extremely weak. A bit better than Target Acquired (nearly uselees lvl50 learned ability) though.
  11. http://i.imgur.com/w0grq.jpg




    750k+ dmg happens all the time from my gunslinger. I like when no one plays the gunslinger/sniper class because not many players know how to react to even a half decent gunslinger in a 1v1+ situation.


    Plz Buff Gunslinger we desperately need it.


    Interesting. Never saw both team stuck at 2nd door.

    Have any good screens from huttball?

  12. Yes, 6 second dmg reduction that takes 50% of your health and only lasts 6 seconds, and battle stealth that lasts 4 seconds.


    That's a lot better then nothing, isn't it?


    which people can make useless simply by LOOKING AROUND


    That's why marauders with at least half a brain run to the nearest corner.


    You have a way to live through multiple people focus. I don't. So who's supposed to survive better?

  13. Marauder looks awesome, but that doesn't mean it is, and when you look at that damage, how many times did the Marauder die?


    Yep. A lot of girls are choosing shiny-looking class. As well as some glamorous guys. But most of the players are actually choosing best class that suits their play style. If they like rdps, they tend to choose best rdps. Seen all those mercs/sorcs around?


    Our damage is actually good, but we can't do much without dying


    Uh-uh. And I'm nearly immortal due to 6 sec 99% dmg reduction and battle stealth. Oh, wait...

  14. Yeah, but there are so many attacks and abilities that it is impossible to really use any of them, and some should probably just be combined. Snipers really just have to shoot, and they can kill a Marauder easily. Marauders can't attack unless they are close enough to hit, and it is easy to move out of range of our attacks, because you can just stun us and run, because resolve is broken so we can be stunned twice. :mad: We also have no knockbacks and our only real stun is force choke, during which we have to be standing still and can be interrupted. I think that Marauder armor at least should have more strength than Juggernaut armor, because it is not fair that a DPS only class should have the same strength as a class that wears heavy armor and can Tank also.


    2 simple questions:


    1)Why your "so hard 2 play class" is played like 5-6 times more than sniper?

    2)Why there were screens from marauders with 750+k dmg per warzone while no such number from snipers?

  15. Snipers alread have a 30m knockback with a talented snare and MASSIVE damage...I love my sniper and i don't think he really needs anything right now. Ranged classes are already massively OP, throw some love at the sins/marauders/jugs.


    Uh-uh. 50 meters knockback. 100 meters if crit.

  16. Bad players playing gunslinger think the class is bad....

    Tell me what I need to show you to make you realize that you are simply playing your incredibly strong class poorly, and I will produce.


    Your highest damage after the latest patch with a screenshot plx.

  17. change "snipers" to "crap players" and you have your answer, people seem to have an inherant belief that they are awesome players and if they suck its the classes fault


    Yep. It just accidentally happened that almost anyone who rolled sniper is a bad player. Brilliant theory...


    Even pve raid guilds are now lacking snipers on my server.

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