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Everything posted by Alkei

  1. I'm regularly seeing marauder getting medic medal. So there's still have a way for you to have it. Snipers/gunslingers on other hand... But who cares about nearly extincted class?
  2. I'm MM sniper. Modded BM gear > non-mastercraft Rakata for pvp. 1,2,3) Yes, there's absolutely no problem to melt non-tank sin/shadow if he's blindly trying to outdamage me. 4) Ballistic shield is a weaker version of other classes similar skills in a duel. It's designed for group fights. It has a long cd (3 min), lower than similar individual shields dmg reduction and breaks on move thus is very situational. Ballistic dampener has 3 charges, can use a charge once in 1.5 sec and can be renewed every 6 sec. Renew means go out and in cover thus breaking entrench and ballistic shield. Deflection is 50% def chance for 12 sec. That's more than my single target 45% debuff for 9 sec. Which requires very deep MM build btw. 5) This and force speed. There are a lot of obstacles anywhere. Even I am using them quite often. The good thing is there are quite a few people yet who knows other classes mechanic and are smart enough to exploit it. The bad thing is people learn. And now you pls tell me what am I supposed to do against BM tank-geared darkness specced sin.
  3. Entrench has a great cost if you play smart. That usually means a lot of moving. Entrench means no move, no instasnipe and no ballistic dampeners renew. Marauders accuracy debuff (forgot the name) is much better than diversion.
  4. And roll sorc? I still didn't see any reasonable answer to why there are so few snipers/gunslingers while there are a lot of "very hard to play" marauders.
  5. O'rly? I bring facts according to your numbers. You tell stories. So who "have no freaking clue" ?
  6. What a story... 18k hp means pve gear. Full BM sniper gear can't give u more than 17k hp even with talents. So you lost a duel as a BM shadow to pve sniper? That's what I call bad.
  7. Guys. Just try to remember how many snipers/gunslingers you see in WZs. Good pvp classes are played a lot, bad are not. In any MMO. Simple as that.
  8. Btw we've seen only nerf so far: 1)Shockfrozen water fix. Guess who's now strict to dmg only medals? 2)Surge rate nerf. Guess who has 5-20% more crit chance than other classes? I've seen only one other sniper in WZs today. We are literally dying out
  9. My 5 creds about accuracy and nerfed surge. I'm doing pvp mostly and inspecting other players a lot. So here are my observations: 1) Every class except inqusitor/consular has 5% base defense . Inq/con has 10% base so I'd say you need +10% accuracy since inqs/cons are played a lot. Any other +def comes from tank gear, tanking talents or +def abilities (like our evasion). Stacking it further would give you advantage when shooting tanks but I'd rather use +acc adrenal if I need to shoot one. 2) Snipers usually have 5-10% more crit rate than other classes. So it seems we've been nerfed more than others. Plus that nerf had neglected our famous "hit like a truck" part. Which is basically all that we have. Changing gear mods helps a bit, but it doesn't fully compensate the loss of burst.
  10. Where do you meet snipers?
  11. Yep. Heavy armor healers are even harder to kill. Snipers/gunslingers are nerfed to the ground due to having highest crit chance. Good job BW indeed.
  12. Just look how many snipers/gunslingers there are in WZs and you'll get the picture. There are 4 (four!!) snipers doing pvp on my server. Speaking of marauders - there are a lot of them. I know about 10 by nicknames and there are much more not worth remembering. And don't tell me that's because there are no agents in SW movies. If some class is good at pvp it IS played a lot. Besides there are even less gunslingers. So what about Han Solo? BTW according to what I saw inspecting other players, snipers have about 5-10% more crit chance. So surge nerf had hit us more than others. Thanks a lot BW. And I feel pity for snipers who still need medals after shockfrozen water fix. For the trolls: 1) I'm topping dmg charts too. But that's because I'm smart and nearly top geared. 2) I'm still playing (well, doing dailies mostly) this class because I don't have time to raise and equip another char.
  13. 1)Both your knockbacks are more than enough to drop people off the ledges. And they never fail like my cover pulse do 50% of the time. 2)You don't have to care about defense and shield rate when attacking ball carrier. So don't tell me you are gimped. You know nothing about what is gimped like.
  14. Kai-kan server. Killed about 10 reps last night. 2 Solo kills, non counted. According to the people responses and unusually low Ilum population, it seems like there were no kills counted at all. So there were like 20-30 imps swooping mid and some rare reps appearances. ILum daily/weekly is nearly impossible to complete now. Greatest fix ever.
  15. 2 more tokens out of 2 bags. I guess I have to leave the club for now ^)
  16. I think some minor improvements wouldn't hurt. Such as: Def: 1) Shield probe absorb 2.5k dmg. It's cd -> 45 sec 2) Cover screen works only on sniper but does not require cover. It's cd -> 1min Dmg: Target acquired gives +armor penetration or +accuracy. Or both CC: Cover pulse does not require cover to use. Instead it puts sniper to cover (if he's not ) and triggers immediately. Almost simultaneously. WITHOUT bugs. At least some of those features implemented would help a lot. Of course I'm enjoying being unique and rare, but was it really intended?
  17. 2/23 or 2/21 - don't remember precisely. Less than 10% anyway. And I had no luck with champ rifle. So I'm still using my old customized one. Gj BW...
  18. Is that so? I didn't notice anything like this. Will try tomorrow.
  19. Agree. Easiest top gear acquring I ever saw.
  20. Err... what? Proof? It does at some degree. Try +accuracy relic.
  21. Eventually all the classes will be reballanced but we have to live here and now. And discuss that "here and now" at least until we see the changes in pending patch notes. Point taken. True. But: 1) every class/spec has abilities that are bumping their defense or reducing your accuracy greatly. You can only partly compensate this with +accuracy relic sacrificing relic cooldown. 2) I have to stuck +accuracy equipment instead of +power/alacrity. 3-5s. << 12s. I can also be interrupted with mezz/stun/kb. I'm comparing defenses against sniper and merc. Yes, but it's much harder to burn 70% of merc's health. Shall we discuss survivability? I agree in case of burst. But what about long run? I'd say this is questionable.
  22. Works fine vs non-tech/force based attacks. So quite usefull in pve and nearly useless in pvp unless you meet another sniper/gs since it also prevents sniper/gs from using cover.
  23. Can't care less since I am almost BM. I don't see a reason to nerf it though since it is not usable in combat, sort of recuperate I'd say. I also saw today someone mentioned that ballistic shield can bring you defense medals. I tried it few weeks ago and didn't receive any defense points. I'll try today once more.
  24. I agree that there are too much medals for defending. But it's not that bad, rly. I'm usually doing 8-11 medals as a sniper.
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