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Posts posted by Alkei

  1. Also, if you spray an area where there is stealther, will it flush them out?


    Yes. It is also good when someone's trying to cap turret console while hiding behind it in Alderaan since you don't need to have clear LoS. Or you could effectively prevent disarm in Voidstar. As for the overall damage... it's rather good if your opponents are not moving out of area (they are trying to disarm bomb for example).

  2. MM/eng hybrid is absolutely better then 31 MM both in theory and practice. Can't definitely say for other variants, but I tend to agree that now hybrid builds are better. 31 point sniper talents are crap. Let's see what they'll implement in 1.2
  3. I agree that Snipers are not good at running the ball in Hutball. We are prob the worst class at doing that. But we are THE BEST CLASS AT KILLING SINGLE TARGETS. End of story. No one matches our ability to kill someone very fast.


    Wrong. Marauder, rage juggernaut and firebug powertech can kill faster.

  4. Post the link because I would like to see what he said. I spend a lot of time on the forums and see a lot of talk about 1 million damage and everyone who knows PvP knows exactly how it happens. Massive AoE is the only way to do it and it really doesn't do much in terms of winning a game. In fact, I have seen screenshots where the guy was at 1mil and the team lost! You will almost always see a couple healers on the other team with 800k healing to go along with those since it is just so easy to heal when no one is really dropping that fast.




    Im guessing that is the post you are referring to. If you notice, his sole goal in the game was to hit 1 million. He went in there with 2 pocket healers and a tank that was guarding him. That means that he is basically invincible. Want to know what they did? Without even seeing the replay, I bet they had all 4 of them stack on top of each other in front of a door, with a horrible opposing team, guarding and healing each other while he casted AoEs on top of themselves. It really isn't impressive and if you see all of the posts following his screenshots...everyone is saying the same thing. Go ahead, be one of the few scrubs who thinks that what he did is impressive. Id bet that a lethality spec sniper trying to do the same BS that he did would be able to do the same thing. If he did it in the flow of a game where both teams were good and trying to win, then I would be impressed. Im more impressed with the 2 pocket healers than I am with his DPS.

    Again, that's your theory. He stated he did not use a lot of aoe. There was also screenshot from sage with 1kk dmg in that thread. Did he do the same? And we have yet to see if Sn/GS could beat the number.

  5. I guarantee you that it was in a Voidstar game against a bad team that just zerged in front of the door the whole game while the sorc casted their AoE that doesnt really kill anyone and that is easily healable. The other team prob had a lot of healers as well to prevent anyone from actually dying so that the AoE was hitting more people. The AoE specs will do more dmg in certain Voidstar games. I get out DPSed by one of the dirty fighting specced gunslingers on my server in those unique Voidstar games. I think I've seen him do 700k before and we still won the game because he didnt kill anyone. He was just DoTing and AoEing to try to get top dmg. Its pretty worthless. The difference is that my dmg is all single target burst damage. My dmg results in deaths. If you don't understand why that is so much more important than AoE, I probably won't be able to explain it to you.


    I've gotten 100 kills with 55KBs before too in a Voidstar game. What would you rather have? 700k dmg with a loss or 100 kills/55KBs with a win?


    If sorcs were consistently getting 1kk dmg in games, then it would be a problem. To have one guy try his hardest to hit that mark in a Voidstar game against bad competition is a completely different thing. I bet I could do 1kk dmg if I specced lethality and really tried as well.


    That's just your theory. One of the sorcs who did 1kk claimed he didn't do a lot of aoe attacks. He also claimed he has a sniper and sniper isn't as good in dmg while having much less mobility. The highest screenshot I've seen from Sn/GS was about 800k dmg. So until there will be at least the same 1kk from Sn/GS, sniper << sorc.

  6. Well first of all you are ignoring the part where I said that the developer of the game said that based on the meters that they are tracking (they exist, just not to the public yet) that snipers were the top dps class. Way to pick and choose the pieces of what I said. You must be a politician.


    And no I said 300k is my minimum...I typically average around 400k. I have doubts that you are putting up the same dmg as me because you sound pretty bad. There are a group of good snipers that have no problems with DPS...the bad ones come on here and complain. Guess which one of them you are...


    My argument was that I do better dmg, meaningful dmg at that, than anyone else in the WZ. If snipers were such a bad dps class as you were saying, how would I be able to do that? \I have a Sage, I know how easy they are to play. Mercs are even easier. Yet neither can match the single target burst dmg of a sniper. There is really no arguing.


    There are screenshots from sorcs with 1kk dmg. Your 400-500k are pathetic for a pure dps class.

  7. smugglers/agents are kinda rare on my server. There are 1 other Bm sniper and 1 BM GS left. They are doing better than average player but loosing to other well-played ACs. Seen 2 or 3 fresh snipers recently, they're so dam bad...

    There are like 3-4 operatives and 2-3 scoundrels doing wzs, most of them are healers. I've recently faced our top operative 1 on 1. He's infilcting quite high damage to my sniper but nothing really special. Good marauder can bring my hp down much quicker.

    Playing other class is optimal solution atm.

  8. I can believe it - my highest crit on Ambush after nerf in PvP so far was ~6500 damage, so this means that if it would be a hit - it would be pretty close to 4k.


    I am also pretty sure this crit was not after Shatter Shot, so it could go 3-5% higher.


    And even, even if he is talking out of his *** - 3.5k Ambush non-crit on a sorc is entirely believable.


    4k non-crit ambush is impossible. Modded full BM gear + rakata stim+ rakata power adrenal + BM power relic can give you about 3600-3700 maximum base ambush damage. You can get +12.6% pvp damage at max from BM gear which is compensated by light armor even with shatter shot. So, if your target is not naked...

  9. I saw solo ranking in Bloodline champions. It was based on w/l ratio and it was influenced by series of wins/losses. Won't work in SWTOR since there were 3v3 or 2v2 fights in BLC. 8v8 makes your impact not so noticeable. However if it would be based on the other metrics: inflicted/guarded/healed dmg, interrupts, ball carrier kill, capping turret, placing/defusing bomb, pass/score in a successful goal run, etc. -- it might work fine.
  10. Doing damage and getting kills is essential in every WZ except the odd case of forcing respawns on a ball carrier about to score. You will never win a WZ if you can't kill anything.


    And no, mercs, sorcs, and operatives do not out damage snipers and gunslingers. Not by a long shot. And if they are, you're GS or sniper is terrible.


    O'rly? Can you do 1kk dmg in a wz?

  11. Couldn't care less, honestly... I used to argue quite a lot on the "issue" at hand, but then I realized: "why bother?"


    But yeah, keep up the good work... I don't mind getting a flat out buff for no reason, that would be rich.


    Well, Why don't you help us if you don't mind? ;)

  12. So far there were only nerfs:


    1) SF water fix --> Sn/GS is the ONLY class strict to dmg medals.

    2) Surge nerf --> Sn/GS nerfed more due to having highest crit chance.

    3) DoT nerf --> bb to leth/DF utility. I'm not shure if other classes will suffer less though.


    There was no response from BW on multiple Sn/GS qq threads and I don't think they'll have a closer look at the class any time soon since now they have to stop that overall population decrease. So for now reroll is a smart choice. Leveling is fast, valor and BM token grind will be much easier after the next patch.

    Yes, few people (very few) are doing good as a Sn/GS especially when healed and guarded. But that's despite the class quality, not thanks to. Most likely they'll do better with other AC.

  13. OP is right. Giving away top tier so easily isn't a good idea. I don't know if you heard about Bloodline Champions. It was a nice and balanced pvp game. Nearly dead now. Why? No long term carrot on a stick. There should always be one in MMO or people get bored quickly.
  14. I ran with 31/3/7 for awhile and I do really like slip away. I switched to 23/18/0 now and my ambush + explosive probe combo is just brutal. I also have a snare from interrogation probe which i thought was MM's biggest weakness. I also have pretty good energy regen and excellent ability to switch targets which I though was lethality's biggest weakness.


    I also switched from full MM (31/7/3) to 23/16/2. Feels good. Dps is much better. Burst (ambush+EP) is also better. Having slowing probe is very nice (+ it makes decent damage). Did 544k dmg in huttball today with 70/0 k/d ratio. But I was lucky to have 3 good healers on my side.

  15. And it seems like those that look at warzone dps as the most important gauge for a Sniper don't know the class at all, nor do they understand the concept of winning a warzone match versus individual achievement.

    Dead can't get the ball or cap the turret. Isn't keeping them dead a good and pleasant way to win? I'm loving it.


    Further, to ignore the many obvious things Snipers have said in this thread about their ability to positively affect the outcome of a warzone (from controlling areas, neutralizing healers, dispersing packs, and more)

    Try controlling the areas and dispersing packs as a sorc, shutting down healers as a mara or carring the ball as a tank-sin. You'll be surprised.


    Again, likely you know little about the class, or at least, you think you do, but you don't.

    What could I possibly know playing sniper since early access?


    Regardless, for countless Snipers to suggest they love the class, find it fully viable in pvp and pve, though recognize it could use a little love from developers, well it seems evident the class is very competitive with every other class.

    I like the class too. It's something fresh in MMO. And everyone got used to destroying snipers with ease, so resistance is not expected.


    If your spreadsheet of what should and shouldn't be doesn't say that, then your spreadsheet is wrong. Most basic analyses of situations by close-minded people are.

    Oh? I thaught it was you who generated tons of flood to prove that your point is the only viable and those who disagree are mentally ill?

  16. Its interesting to me that the people with actual experience posting on the sniper forums of what other classes are capable of, those that can compare directly, seem to agree with certainty that other classes do everything a sniper can do but better.


    Agreed. And it seems like those protecting "great sniper utility" are just trying to justify their poor damage dealing.

  17. To crybabies:



    Marauders are one of only TWO DPS only ACs in the game.


    If you don't expect them to be the best at damage, you need to get real.


    As a second dps only AC, can I have the same def tricks plx?

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