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Posts posted by Hayemaker

  1. I typed this in a rush. I apologize for the grammar. I fixed the post.





    Keyword is initially. The players that actually finish the content are the ones who subscribe the longest.




    I fall into this category and do not consider myself casual. Players who do not play simply don't subscribe.



    Casual players often finish content. And casual players make pvp fun.


    I have great fun joining scens/ warzones/ whatever you want to call them as part of team.


    But I also have great fun pugging, playing alongside randoms against randoms.


    If the game comes down to leets v leets, eventually you end up with just the core of the best players fighting each other all the time. And it gets boring. Believe me.


    You let leets rule the game, and the game gets dull

  2. I also unsubbed and cause was PvP.


    And this is very sad, because I had very high hopes for this game. But good story and voice acting doesn't keep a MMO alive for a long time.


    I can't even be bothered to quest all the way to the end.


    So bored of running point a to point b, kllling x mobs, collect x garbage.


    It just never ends...


    I want good pvp. only reason i play (ed). I think i'm done now.

  3. Wrong. Look at World of Warcraft. When content was actually challenging and fun this alone attracted more players. Now that the game is basically killing itself and now has a decent competitor, it's losing subscriptions and fast. Want prove? Look at their quarterly earnings and compare them.


    Also, the fact they want their players to essentially sign an agreement to play for a year in exchange for a free game, Diablo III and a new mount. They're trying new tactics to now KEEP PLAYERS.


    I do not understand your point. Apologies if English is not your 1st language, but you make no sense.


    Majority of players on MMOs are casual, at least initially. Most people don't have the time to devote 20+ hours a week to games.


    These must be considered important subscribers.

  4. They're OP and they are killing me in warzones. While your at it every level should have its own bracket, the fact that a level 50 can kill me as a level 12 with no gear is absurd. Also when I manage to hit 50 in several months I demand that every pvp bag drops battlemaster armor or else I'm going to QUIT!






    Seriously you all sound like a bunch of *******


    Fail nerdtroll is fail.


    I'm ashamed of myself for bumping a tard thread.

  5. 1. DAoC


    2. SWG pre lame version


    3. Warhammer Online (untill people figured out Bright Wizards where the shizzle)


    4. World of Warcraft JUST because of how responsive the interface and combat is. Hate what it's become.



    100. Swtor


    Worst PvP ever.


    3. dudes who invented bombing have a lot to anser for.


    The dudes who didn't fix it, and let every guild in the game adopt it until you to into a laggy nukefest deserve to be hung by their balls until detached from them.

  6. You also kill the influx of new players if they buy the game and get to 10... only to get ROFL-stomped by geared 50's.


    Game sucks



    Just a thought to all the people against brackets.




    "leets" kill mmos.


    these games live or die on casual players. You stomp then in every game, they aren't goint to be having fun, and they leave. Less subs, less dev, game dies. I still think that was the main problem in warhammer (and I'll accept i was a part of it).


    Game has to be casual player friendly. Essential.

  7. Brackets are not needed. They will only extend Que times 10 fold. I'm a level 43 Shieldtech/Pyro-Tech and I personally love the fact that there are no brackets associated with warzones. I hope Bioware never adds them either because they are not really needed.

    If Bioware eventually wants to give 50's their own bracket then I would be fine with that but I don't consider it a necessity.


    I'm sorry, but you guys are all f'ing retarded.


    Warhammer had 4 brackets from day 1.


    And guess what.


    You didn't queue for longer than 5 minutes.


    Unless you were one of the first to 40 in the first month. In which case, you had to wait almost as much as 10 minutes. (Sometimes).

  8. Whats annoying is that it doesn't effect everyone. I've seen vids of guys running around without lag.


    And its not related to quality of machine. That much is obvious.


    I've already unsubscribed because I can't see how large scale orvr can be possible when you have performance issues this bad in 8v8.


    That, and the constant crashing on "enter warzone".

  9. Warhammer was F'ing fantastic in the early/ mid days.


    It died as Mythic systematically made it worse instead of improving it, and casual players (the lifeblood of any MMO) were shunted out by the leets who loved stomping them in seconds with their uber gear and tactics then laughing at them.


    But the combat was great until the end game gear escalation took over.

  10. Warhammer PVP was great at release. Not perfect. But pretty damned awesome.


    It was systematically broken by Mythic, but that took years.


    The best thing about it, you hardly had to set foot in PVE for the whole game if you didn't want to. You could get all the levels and gear you needed from PVP.

  11. Most republic players on my server aren't great. Not a lot that can be done about it, except play as a premade team and get your tactics fixed so you win the ones you are in. Lots of bad empire players too, just at the moment, republic are worse.


    Although I do see side imbalance becoming a problem in terms of numbers of players if openworld pvp actually picks up. Best solution is a 3rd faction, but I don't see that ever becoming workable if it wasn't done at launch.

  12. I give up, I lost the argument


    Good for you mate.


    Get your own tanks and healers, don't die so you don't constantly go back to respawn, assist targets with the rest of the team, and you'll find yourself doing more dps than the tanks again.


    Or don't. Have a tantrum whenever you lose to a team working together and eventually rage quit. I really don't care.

  13. Yeah putting an ability on someone you don't have to refresh is "working together". These same players got rolled by pugs in their premades.


    I guess they automatically "got skilled" stacking tanks. Thanks for clearing this up for me...


    Excellent work. All classes are pointless cept shadows/assassins, tanks and healers in a premade. Working as intended. What awesome game balance.


    Your attitude is confusing.


    Do you not think a premade team with a good setup should be able to beat a solo player who thinks he just needs to pop on one of them and repeat his combo to win?


    Best team combinations in game should include tanks using guard. And you should not be able to beat a guarded player without help.


    You'll find that this team you are complaining about would struggle against a 2 dps 1 healer 1 tank team though. Their tanks only do as much damage as dps because they don't die. They'll die if they get focussed.

  14. 1. No, you wont improve pvp by punishing people. You'll just get people not pvping. Dont attack the symptom, the cause is that its not fun, people are leaving because it sucks, and thats what needs to be fixed, not punishing people for leaving content which is crap.


    2 +3. agree.




    Fix 3, and you'll fix 1. The problem is imbalance, i'm not sure if you're deliberately flamebating by saying "weren't completely dominating", but you should know full well people don't often leave balanced games.


    You want people to have to stay in and get spawn farmed for 10 minutes just so the other team has something to shoot at? Sounds even dumber than people leaving to me.


    I'd also like separate queus for solo players and groups.

  15. It took that game roughly 3-4 years for them to change it.


    BW is trying something new (other-wise you'd claim it to be WoW in space). You can't give them more than 2 weeks to see if it's really working as intended? Sheesh.


    Don't think anyone is suggesting it wasn't worth trying.


    People are suggesting it isn't working as intended and should be changed.

  16. Slow is not included in this. You can be slowed as many times as a person wants. There is a really good thread at the top that explains resolve.


    Useful article, appreciated thanks.


    However, It seems you can still be stunned twice before the immunity kicks in. For any clothy, no matter how much damage limitation you prestack with your clarevoyant abilities that allow you to know when a stun is coming, you are unlikely to survive. Which is, perhaps, why I had not fully appreciated the resolve system previously.


    2 stuns in a row is still chain stunning.


    And like I say, for a range class with most abilities requiring build up, being slowed is very little different to being stunned. You take a lot of damage while they are in melee range, and are constantly set back if you try to heal yourself.


    Sometimes you can escape using your own CC and a combination of trinket/ force speed. But only occasionally.


    Again, I fully appreciate that further abilities to be gained as I level may make a difference.

  17. If you get knocked down by a stealthed scoundrel or operative you are then immune to CC for a period of time. It fills your resolve bar.


    Slow/ stun for a range class is more or less the same thing.


    Either I'm doing something wrong, or everyone can be perma slowed.

  18. Form a premade, use guard. Powertechs/Juggernauts/Marauders/Assassins and healers (and their mirrors) crap on everyone in this game. A scoundrel/operative can't do jack to this team. All the best premades I faced stacked those classes. Not dmg Sorcerers, heal sorcerers. Not damage operatives, heal operatives.


    Melee/warrior class has ALWAYS been dependent on heals in MMO's. Proof? See the entire MMO genre. Add to this, assassins are far better in a premade with heals then operatives, because they are much better out of stealth with a spam maul spec and they give the team another guard and taunts which takes away all burst damage from the scoundrel/operative.


    This game is designed around team play. If you aren't playing with a team and you are complaining about burst that simply doesn't happen or can NOT instagib players on a properly played TEAM? You are making a baseless complaint.


    You don't nerf a class due to pug vs pug and then make them completely useless in team play... If you do? Then you made a entire AC pointless. All the scoundrels/ops will just reroll marauder/sentinel and give their team a damage buff, a mortal strike, a speed buff, and not be completely handcuffed in huttball on a scoundrel/op. Charge > having no way to get back up to a platform and having to shoot your pistol/sniper rifle for 500 dmg.


    Absolutely, when my guild has enough 50's, we will have premades and I don't think ops will be so powerful. But we are all trying out classes at the moment. And I won't know until we try it.


    Like I say, my big issue is with the CC in game at the moment. I am working on two, a sage, and unfortunately I specced my smuggler to gunslinger before I saw the benefits of going the other way (slingers are still pretty good of course). But playing a range class is a bit of a mare with all the CC flying around.


    Gief CC immunities with no more changes, and I'll be happy.


    By the way, I am a vet of DAOC and Warhammer, so I am well aware of how to PVP effectively (although I'll admit not "lite" in this game yet).

  19. summary: I was low level expecting to rawk the bg's and didnt, QQ



    Solution, go level, learn your class, realize you don't bloom until probably around level 30, Profit.


    Starter for ten, fill in the blanks.


    Fail troll is ____


    PVP players don't really want to sit through hours of boring as hell PVE to get a chance to compete in PVP.


    Its pretty simple really.

  20. CC is the real problem. Give CC immunities, so you don't break one then walk straight into another, and people aren't going to be so helpless when getting stealthed.


    Its true that a stealth caught out is an easy kill, but being killed without being able to do anything about it is boring as f***. I don't much care if the runt gets himself killed after he has killed me.


    Tweak their burst down a bit, their sustained damage and survivability up a bit. Thats not limited to OP/Scoundrel, its a good rule for PVP in general.

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