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Everything posted by KinCharBamin

  1. Yeah seriously! The first time it happened to my Smuggler I thought I was getting an aerial bombardment or something! Yesterday I changed the crystal in one of my blasters to a different color from the other blaster and now it looks like a Disco when I get into a firefight!
  2. Yes they are aware of the graphical glitches that came with 1.4. I really hate the Blaster Fire From Above!
  3. Yeah I think it's a combo of "I'm not willing to pay good money for a crap game". Fix it and I'll pay for it, leave it and I'll play for free. So it's a partial truth, and analysts can spin it any way they want.
  4. So my laptop has an Intel card and an Nvidia card in it. With the Nvidia, pre 1.4 everything was groovy, now I get LAG really bad, pretty much unplayable stuttering whenever I target something but otherwise no real glitches. When I swap to my Intel, the graphics are crappy but it's not choppy or stuttering when I target something but I get the Blasters from Space effect when in combat. ( http://www.loosenuts.com/Screenshot_2012-10-04_23_20_59_223225.jpg ) That's really annoying because you don't know if you are being shot at from someplace else or it's just a visual glitch.
  5. Many, many people are suffering issues from this patch that result in completely breaking the game for them, making it difficult if not impossible to play therefore offering them, nothing.
  6. AMEN! This would be a really nice to have.
  7. Ok, so you're idea would be...........?
  8. No, No, No. This is only my illogical problem, nobody else has this problem according to the expert!
  9. I'm just running it on my Dell Latitude with Quad Core i5, Nvidia NVS 4200M. But it worked GREAT until the patch, then it went to crap. So what changed? Not my hardware! Does anyone know if Microsoft rolled out any updates the same time 1.4 came out?
  10. Um, yeah, ok. It's all my fault. I guess my computer just decided to go stupid when that patch downloaded. Me and http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=532014 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=537855 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=536884 Thanks for the chuckle, now if you don't have anything USEFUL to say.......
  11. Well I was really hoping they would shut the servers down at Noon EST today and fix it (NOT). Seriously I figure they shut down and fix bugs all the time, thought maybe over the weekend they figured out what they did wrong and fixed it. Seems like a reasonable thought. You break something, you fix it as soon as you can.
  12. Really? This is good to know because I had recently updated my drivers, maybe I should try rollback on them. Thanks. And yeah to all of you who have not seen any performance issues whatsoever since 1.4 came out, what type of computer are you using and what video card? Everything was working fine at highest settings before this latest patch and other games I play haven't slowed down any so I don't believe the problem is suddenly with my hardware or drivers (unless they introduced an issue). I'm pretty confident something they changed doesn't jive with my hardware not the other way around. But I'll attempt the rebuild and check my drivers. Thanks for the helpful advice.
  13. Well as I stated, it's unplayable for me. It becomes severely jerky whenever I select a target. And yes: Shadows OFF All Graphics settings on LOW Nameplates OFF Only thing that matters is if I have a target selected or not.
  14. I have been busy and I haven't come back to play since 1.4 made the game unplayable with all the stuttering and graphic glitches. Have they fixed it yet? I don't want to log on again only to be disappointed. I mean, the game is perfectly playable as long as I keep nameplates turned off and don't target anything but, that makes the game pretty useless. So have they fixed it and re-updated it yet? Thanks.
  15. This is what scares me. It makes me think that someone had some really old libraries or something and it got sucked back into the system. Nothing sucks more then "But I didn't change that, how did it go back to what it was!".
  16. It's called Code Management and I don't think everyone there at BW is doing what they are supposed to. It happens when Dev A makes a change in a library that Dev B is using for something else without letting Dev B know the changes were made. Dev B tested his stuff against the copy of the library he had and it worked. Dev A tests his stuff against the changed library and his stuff worked. Now Dev C compiles all the code together and guess what, Dev B's stuff doesn't work anymore because something he didn't change changed. It's tough when you have different teams working on different parts that share common things and someone goes and changes the common thing.
  17. At least someone gets it! You see folks, we aren't allowed to say negative things because the posts go bye bye when we do. So we have to say nice things about the game. Like how it's easier to play when it's so choppy and slow and how I didn't like hearing all those nice sound effects and I thought the ability to push the bad guys off of me in all directions was too difficult to manage so I'm happier being able to only push the people in front of me that I see and not the ones sneaking up behind me. And I really prefer seeing cut-scenes/conversations that look like a Japanese movie because the words are no longer in sync with the actions/facial expressions/lips moving! I'm really very happy about the stuff that they fixed in the game and I'm just peachy keen on the way the game is headed now. And I'm really looking forward to F2P so I can still play but not have to pay for this high quality game that EA has so much faith in.
  18. Oh please, can we get past this patch and all it's glory before we move onto another one?
  19. Yeah, I may have overstated Majority, but there sure are a LOT of folks unhappy with the performance post 1.4.
  20. And for a majority of people it means a laggy, jittery, unplayable and unhappy gaming experience.
  21. You are so right! This game is great and works perfectly as planned and we should be more than happy to shell out money to play it. You can be sure there is not another Star Wars MMO as rich and feature filled as this one. And the continuous improvements are mind staggering! I really thought the game moved to fast before, this last patch has made it much more playable. I can't wait for the next improvement!
  22. And I thought my toons were going through spice withdrawal!
  23. What he said! It wasn't this way pre 1.4. I didn't change or add anything to my computer, can't they just fix their code instead of us having to attempt to get around their mistakes?
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