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Everything posted by Triandis

  1. I have not received the email. Have been subbed since launch and opted in to all email options.
  2. I understand it is the holidays and you may be short on personnel and the overflow of emails you must have received from 3.0 but I've been a subscriber since early release at the start of this game. I enjoy the game immensely, which is the only reason I continue to subscribe, to support the game. I have a mast so many cartel coins and credits that I could easily go free to play and not miss a beat but this would defeat the purpose of supporting the game. When I send in numerous tickets and I get an automated response and it closes my ticket and nothing gets resolved I take it as a smack in the face. I don't care about the petty rewards or the decorations I lose as I describe in my tickets. What I do care about is, I feel I am being ignored. I can not send a complaint to customer service about this because I just get an automated response again. The only people I can contact is the accounting department, who have gone above and beyond their job description but customer service is not a part the their job. When I continue to get automated responses over and over again I feel the only way for my voice to be heard is to cancel my account. Even if you were to have an automated response as first attempt and put the ticket in a pending status until a person can reply would be better than the way it is now. I don't care about the rewards or the lost items. I can always get more in the game and I wouldn't mind waiting a few extra days if my ticket was in pending status. I hope this issue can be resolved because if I have to send in more tickets and waste my time just to get an automated response, out of principal, you will leave me no choice but to cancel my subscription. Thank you for your time and enjoy your holidays.
  3. Here's an idea for ya devs. Next year instead of standing around in fleet tossing snowballs or at a droid on some planet. Why not make a wampa boss on Hoth or Ilum to toss the snowballs at. It could drop ice sabers and snowball gun rewards or coms to purchase them {only good for event} for a HM scenario of the same boss. It's an event, there should be an ops. Sages/Sorc. could finally use their lightsabers,lol maybe be able to throw icicles? If we cant have a real ops, then at least its better than just throwing snowballs on fleet.
  4. I would like to enter Legacý's Nar Shaddaa Galactic Stronghold.
  5. So because I purchased ROTHC early I get a title. However, everyone that makes the same purchase last minute gets a much larger reward? This is BS! I have been a sub since early release. I purchased the expac the day it was announced. So where's my 1050CC for supporting this game? This feels very unfair and like a big slap in the face. BW says they want their subs to feel appreciated. Well this does not do it for me. Keep the title. I would like the 1050CC please.
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