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Posts posted by ForceFanatic

  1. So,


    I upgraded to a new GTX 980 Ti and I'm still getting drops to ~40 fps a lot of the time, especially with other players. I'm on Rishi now and noticing it where players are (and there aren't that many.) Turning Shadow Quality to low solves everything but looks barf-y. NOTE: I have a 30" monitor so I'm running at 2560x1600 rez. 1K resolution doesn't increase performance much - only 3-5 fps or so.


    I have an i7-4790k at 4.4 Ghz, 24 gigs of ram and it's running on a Samsung EVO SSD. Also Windows 10.


    In the nVidia Control Panel, I have:


    Max pre-rendered frames: 4

    Single display performance mode

    Power Mgmt mode: Prefer maximum Performance

    Triple Buffering: on

    V-sync: on


    I'm not the best at tweaking things technically, but looking for advice. I spent a lot on this rig and generally this is the only game I'm having issues with. Help!

  2. Let me pose a very simple question to you. Who's fault is it, that you sat back and let your companion kill everything ? Bioware's ? Or you ?


    my point is I don't have to hit a button myself. Therefore, I'm not playing a game. I'm watching my comp instead. My comp is surviving and handling everything. Before 4.0, I'd have to heal them, do some abilities myself to progress and live. Not anymore.

  3. Pants are a lie, there are only briefs.

    Through briefs, I gain strength.

    Through strength, I gain power.

    Through power, I gain victory.

    Through victory, my pants are broken.

    A thong shall free me.



  4. I'm on Chapter 8 of Kotfe and the first 7 were an insane breeze. Comps are just super-OP, barely getting hurt, and just doing way too well. I can let my comp take care of all enemies and sit back and just watch.


    I also noticed on my lower level 28 the same OP-ness.


    I don't usually advocate nerfs but seriously!

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