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Posts posted by ForceFanatic

  1. I finally felt a challenge with Heroic 2-man's - Star Fortresses especially, after breezing through Chapters 1-9 with no deaths or anything even close. As I said in another thread, I didn't feel like I earned my victories and the story had less impact.


    I understand that some people play for the story (maybe most) but, would be nice to have a "heroic" option for chapters from now on. I'd feel better about my victories going forward.

  2. Breezed through Chaps 1-9 with no deaths, or anything even close. Didn't feel like I earned anything really, it was more "given" to me. I get it, it's about story. Would be nice to have a heroic option for Chapters 1-9, or 10+ going forward.


    Until I got to Heroic 2-mans star-fortresses - then I started dying. Seems like that's what they were aiming for. You HAVE to have comp affection AT LEAST at level 20 to even make it solo, and use Heroic Moment regularly.


    Anyway, I also am/was advocating a comp nerf. But, I see it's a good challenge in heroics 2 mans. Just not regular content.

  3. Breezed through Chaps 1-9 with no deaths, or anything even close. Didn't feel like I earned anything really, it was more "given" to me. I get it, it's about story. Would be nice to have a heroic option for Chapters 1-9, or 10+ going forward.


    Until I got to Heroic 2-mans star-fortresses - then I started dying. Seems like that's what they were aiming for. You HAVE to have comp affection AT LEAST at level 20 to even make it solo, and use Heroic Moment regularly.


    Anyway, I also am/was advocating a comp nerf. But, I see it's a good challenge in heroics 2 mans. Just not regular content.

  4. I have a Fury X from AMD and I still can't get 60fps all the time. Note that I play at 4k. Anyways, I heard that 980TI is around 20% better in some DX11 applications than Fury X. Probably old DX apps also get this improvement. Anyways, it could be two things. 1.- It's the game, as I tell you. I myself get 30, 40fps at 4k in special locations. Flashpoints, etc. In the meanwhile I can run Battlefront at 4k and almost getting 50 - 60fps. Or. 2.- Something is making a bottleneck your video card. This also cannot be possible since you say that you can run other games like silk. I guess it's how the game is optimized.


    Note: If I go to Alderaan and I stay in the grass areas. Hell no, I get 20fps. From what I can tell, it's the game, not your hardware. I just remember this thing happening to me in Alderaan, but again. Note that I play at 4k all the time.


    Best Regards!


    thanks for your detailed reply. Ugh, this is annoying. I will say that in WoW I get 60 FPS all the time, even in raids. I know that's CPU dependent too.


    I'm only at 2.5k rez too, but as I said, I notice the dip even at 1k surprisingly. I mean, I could turn shadow quality to low and everything is great but it just looks bad...

  5. Ya I know it's CPU dependent. What else can I do to help it? I'm at 4.4 ghz now. I'm pretty sure my cpu should be more than good for handling this, right?


    I keep thinking some weird setting is messing me up in the BIOS. I have a Z97 Gaming 5 m-board btw. I turned off OC Genie.

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