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Everything posted by twiggie

  1. Could you elaborate, please? @ Pairaka: would you also explain why you feel it will upset people? Of course there's no need; it is purely an aesthetic option. I know an Assassin or two who would would really enjoy swinging around an electro-staff instead of a double-bladed lightsaber, for instance. As for your input on the GTN and voice emotes -- I completely agree.
  2. Off the top of my head, I'm not sure. I imagine a new "leader" could be introduced in a future content update. I understand your reasoning regarding Malgus, and I do agree with you. However, the game has already sort of defied the continuity of the story. For example: I enter the False Emperor flashpoint and defeat Malgus. I queue up again afterwards for another flashpoint and get The Red Reaper. At the close of the flashpoint, I activate the terminal outside of the phase portal to complete the mission... and speak to Malgus, who is now a living ally, when he was previously a defeated adversary. That being said, if Malgus wouldn't be a possible faction leader, I can perfectly understand why. I wasn't stating I wanted him to be, but merely using him as an example.
  3. Thought of a couple more suggestions: Remove ability ranks: I feel this is an out-dated concept. Once players train the initial ability, it should increase in effectiveness as the character levels up. Companion party frames: For smaller groups using companions, this would be very helpful for healers to monitor their health.
  4. Greetings! I am a friendly individual seeking a great group of relaxed and mature players. I do not wish to join a dramatic or competitive guild. I am playing for fun and would enjoy the company of like-minded people. My main character is a Mercenary. I am experienced in both the Arsenal and Bodyguard specializations, and am willing to play either or both! I would prefer to stick to the Mercenary, but I would consider playing any of my seven other characters: Deception Assassin (50) Vigilance Guardian (50) Sharpshooter Gunslinger (50) Medicine Operative (22) - This character is committed to leveling with another player. Immortal Juggernaut (25) Seer Sage (11) Shield Specialist Vanguard (10) My main focus is Hard Mode Flashpoints and Story Mode Operations. I don't have much interest in Hard or Nightmare Mode Operations. I am more focused on the experience and story the content has to offer instead of the challenge and the gear. I don't typically play many Warzones, but I do love the occasional PvP skirmish, especially in the open world(s). I work the evening shift, so I cannot play during peak hours. My available play times include: 10:00 AM EST - 1:00 PM EST Monday - Friday 12:30 AM EST - 3:30 AM EST Monday - Friday Open availability Saturday and Sunday If you would be interested in recruiting me for your guild, please reply to this post or send me a private message via the website! If you prefer to contact me in-game, send a whisper or mail to Lirue. Thank you for your consideration!
  5. Would anyone like to add suggestions? I will be updating as I think of anything else.
  6. Greetings! This is a wishlist I am compiling for the developers to read and fellow players to comment on or add to. I acknowledge that some of these suggestions may have already been discussed and I do not take credit for them. Also, if any of these suggestions have already been addressed by the developers, please let me know and I will remove them from the list. Thanks! Holiday Events: one of my favorite things about WoW was the annual holiday events. I would like to see something comparable in TOR. I know that there has been two events thus far not relating to any holiday (and I appreciate these events), but I feel the holiday events are something fun to spice up the game when nothing else may be happening. Access to all planets: Republic players able to visit Hutta, Korriban, and Dromund Kaas. Imperial players able to visit Tython, Ord Mantell, and Coruscant. Low level players on these planets can be protected from enemy visitors by allowing their PvP flag to only be activated upon attacking an enemy player. Missions to assassinate faction leaders: another thing I loved about WoW was getting huge raids together to invade enemy capitol cities to kill the faction leaders. Not only was it a task to get deep into an enemy city and kill them, but it provided a very entertaining PvP experience. Targets can include characters such as Darth Malgus and Satele Shan. Chat bubbles for /say Interactive chairs, cantina stools, etc. Epic mission arcs for solo play: meant as an alternative to end-game group content. These will be very long and challenging missions chains that, once completed, will yield respectable rewards. These can even be made class-specific. Tionese Crystals: this is a mostly pointless currency. I suggest either removing it from the game, allow players to use them to buy crafting materials, or allow players to exchange them at a ratio for higher quality commendations. Weekly Operation Missions: the missions that require players to "Make Significant Progress" in an Operation can be redesigned to randomly assign a specific Operation in order to complete the mission. This will keep older Operations relevant. Perhaps Tier 1 Operations will even require a full clear for credit. Legacy-wide Codex entries: once a Codex entry is unlocked by a character, it will appear in the codex for all characters on your legacy. This will be especially true for Datacrons. The stat bonuses for Datacrons can be unlocked every 5 levels in order to spread out the stat gain for leveling characters. The legacy-wide codex will exclude class-specific entries. Legacy-wide friends list: adding a player to your friends list by their legacy instead of by individual character. Open World PvP objectives: these will appear on every planet to give players a reason to re-visit and populate them, as well as a simple change of pace from other aspects of the game. Perhaps a random weekly mission will assign a particular planet in order to complete. Droid companion vendor: a vendor that sells droid parts for Tionese, Columi, and Black Hole commendations would be welcome. Non-lightsaber melee weapons: more plentiful and viable for players who wish to use them. Hard Mode versions of all Flashpoints Neutral alignment: titles, gear, and vanity pets available for Light/Dark characters should be made available for neutral characters. This could be done by awarding Neutral I-V as a character stays within Light I - Dark I at every 10 levels. Keep Story Mode progression in Story Mode content: proposing that Story Mode Explosive Conflict be put in the Group Finder (as well as future Story Mode Operations). They will drop lesser gear and have a lower difficulty to be easier to manage by pick-up groups. Not all players have dedicated raiding guilds and would simply like to see the content they are paying for. The challenge and superior gear can be left in Hard and Nightmare modes.
  7. Greetings! I am a friendly, experienced individual seeking a great group of relaxed and mature players. I do not wish to join a dramatic or competitive guild. I am playing for fun and would enjoy the company of like-minded people. I am located on The Fatman server, though I was originally from Belgoth's Beacon before the server merges. I would like to stay on The Fatman, but I would not entirely rule out a re-roll with the right incentives. My main character is a Mercenary. I am experienced in both the Arsenal and Bodyguard specializations, and am willing to play either or both! I would prefer to stick to the Mercenary, but I would consider playing any of my seven other characters: Deception Assassin (50) Vigilance Guardian (50) Sharpshooter Gunslinger (50) Medicine Operative (22) - This character is committed to leveling with another player. Immortal Juggernaut (20) [plan to be] Seer Sage (1) [plan to be] Shield Specialist Vanguard (1) My main focus is Hard Mode Flashpoints and Story Mode Operations. I don't have much interest in Hard or Nightmare mode Operations. I am more focused on the experience and story the content has to offer instead of the challenge and the gear. I don't typically play many Warzones, but I do love the occasional PvP skirmish, especially in the open world(s). I work the evening shift, so I cannot play during peak hours. My available play times include: 10:00 AM EST - 1:00 PM EST Monday - Friday 12:30 AM EST - 3:30 AM EST Monday - Friday Open availability Saturday and Sunday If you would be interested in recruiting me for your guild, please reply to this post or send me a private message via the website! If you prefer to contact me in-game, send a whisper or mail to Lirue. Thank you for your consideration!
  8. I'm going to bet the folks who disagree with the higher tiers of Story Mode Operations being made easier and more accessible are members of established raiding guilds. Some of us are not so fortunate; my own situation being that I work odd hours and play at off-peak times, which is when the vast majority of guilds are finished raiding. I am also in a guild of five people. What's the harm in letting the players who only want to experience the content have a chance to do so? As it stands, the only way I can experience Operations is by grouping up with random players on my server. This is fine for EV and KP, but not so much EC. It has been out since 1.2, and I have not even had the chance to step inside of it yet. Believe it or not, there are those of us who are only interested in Story Modes. Why not let us access them? Those who want the challenge and the gear can have their Hard and Nightmare modes. You don't lose anything. The way the gear progression SHOULD work is as follows: Tier 1 - Eternity Vault and Karagga's Palace: requires entry-level 50/Tionese gear; drops Columi gear/commendations Tier 2 - Explosive Conflict: requires Columi gear; drops Rakata gear/commendations Tier 3 - Terror from Beyond: requires Rakata gear; drops Black Hole gear/commendations See the pattern here? This make sense for players who only want to participate in Story Modes. Right now, I would have to gear up through HARD MODE Tier 1 to play STORY MODE in Tier 2. I know I'm not the only person who feels this way. Bringing down Tier 2+ Story Modes in gear requirements and difficulty is a good design for letting more casual players see the content they're paying for, while the players who desire to go above and beyond still have the options to do so.
  9. I know that a Tracer Missile that can't be interrupted sounds overpowered, but I was looking at the Sniper/Gunslinger (I have a level 50 Gunslinger, so I'm going to use their ability names) and couldn't help but compare the two. Sniper/Gunslinger: Has an interrupt. We have none. Immune to interrupts while in cover. We have no protection against this. Immune to activation knockback while in cover. We have no protection against this. Cannot be charged or pulled while in cover. We have no protection against this. Has a 20 second crowd control immunity (Hunker Down) while in cover. We have no protection against this. Has an AoE blind (Flash Grenade). We have a ranged stun with Electro Dart. I suppose that makes us even. Has an AoE knockback with a root (Pulse Detonator) and an attack with a knockback (if Ambush/Aimed Shot is talented). We are comparable in this area with Jet Boost and Rocket Punch (talented), so no complaints here. Has a root with a snare (Leg Shot). We have none, unless you talent Unload and stand still to channel it. Has an ability (Defense Screen) and a talent (Ballistic Dampeners) to absorb some incoming damage and an ability (Dodge) to give 100% dodge for three seconds. Also has an ability (Scrambling Field) to reduce damage by 20% for themselves and nearby allies for 15 seconds. We can only compare with Energy Shield. I look at the list above and can't help but think how useful a GS/S is to their team compared to an Arsenal Merc. As you can see, they have loads of tools to use that we do not. I realize that the majority of the points I highlighted require the GS/S to be in cover, which means they are going to be stationary to reach their full potential. But guess what other class does? Mercs! Sure, we can heal, but as another poster mentioned, an Arsenal Merc trying to heal through their damage just makes them a free(er) kill. I'm trying not to only pick on the GS/S and I'm not asking for homogenization. I'm just asking that the gap between high utility classes and low utility classes would not be so punishing. If Tracer Missile had a stacking interrupt resistance like I proposed, I don't feel that it would be too much. For one, TM would only be completely immune after reaching five stacks. Secondly, we would still be vulnerable to other hazards -- stuns, knockbacks, pulls, crowd control -- as well as gaining no more benefits that we don't already have. If this can't be done, then at least give us an ability with a cooldown that gives us such resistances, or give us a root and/or snare that we can use.
  10. I plan to submit this idea to the Suggestion forum if it's well received by the Mercenary community. This idea is simple, yet I feel it would vastly improve our PvP experience without being overpowered or affecting our PvE capabilities in the least. The idea I propose is that any time a stack of Tracer Lock or Power Barrier is applied, a 20% resistance to interrupt Tracer Missile is also applied. This would last only while stacks of these exist on ourselves, and we would lose that resistance when the stacks expire. At first I thought this could also apply to Heat Signatures, but as that is a debuff placed on an enemy, rather than a buff placed on ourselves, I then thought that could make the concept a little more difficult to manage. As for how this resistance could be acquired, I thought that the Light 'Em Up talent in the Arsenal tree would be the prime spot for it to be placed. Of course, this is open to suggestions. I know it may have drawbacks that I have overlooked, but I feel it is a small, yet balanced, change that could go a long way. Your feedback would be appreciated!
  11. Agreed. I would also like to see them design the codex in a similar fashion to WoW's achievement menu; where it lights up the codex entries you've unlocked and grays out the entries you still need to unlock.
  12. I'm an avid Star Wars fan, and have been a huge supporter of this game from the time they announced it. I would probably be the last person to gripe about the game or the way BioWare and EA has handled it. That being said, I'm to the point now where once I finish the class stories, I think I'll be unsubscribing. All of the disappointments in the last eight months, including this, have been laughable. There are better ways to spend time and money. My condolences, OP.
  13. Seriously? El oh el. Anyways, OP, great video! Nice editing and very entertaining.
  14. Any other opinions? I want to make it clear that I'm not asking for a nerf on the difficulty of the higher tier operations. I would just like to see them as accessible (in the Group Finder) as the lower tiers; and I'm sure I'm not alone on this. I understand the risks of players not being prepared, but aside from a gear check being implemented, I don't see any way to avoid it -- it's simply the nature of a multiplayer game.
  15. I understand it's difficult, and I'm even eager to face the challenges. But if having to wait for the content to become outdated and for players to outgear it to be able to experience it, well... that's just plain silly.
  16. http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/20634-e3-2012-darth-hater-interview-with-daniel-erickson Then why isn't Story Mode Explosive Conflict in the group finder? Will the new operation, which has been stated to be the next tier, also be excluded? I am in a guild of five people, and we don't have any interest in playing outside of Story Mode when it comes to operations. We are there to experience the environment and the story. Gear means little to us. I know, I know. It's too challenging for the ordinary pick-up group. You require a certain level of gear and coordination. I understand these things. But as many have been saying, a system designed to check gear levels for admission into the operation would be welcomed. Items already have a numerical value assigned to it, so I cannot see this concept being too far-fetched. Of course, it is no accurate measure on an individual's ability to work with a team and play effectively, but it's a step up from sitting on the fleet for a long while, assembling an eight player team with the proper composition and desire to play through Story Mode. My guild has no choice but to fill in the remaining spots with other players. We have no issue with this, and have come across great, friendly players as well as the bad. If all Story Mode operations could be added to the Group Finder, with their respective restrictions, many players would be thankful to be able to draw from a pool of players across the entire server, and not limited to where they stand while spamming in general chat.
  17. I don't see them dropping class stories, but if they did, my subscription would be dropped, too. For Star Wars fans, I would think this is one of the main reasons they play. I know it is for me.
  18. Belgoth's Beacon resident here. I have barely been able to play any group content ever since the Rakghoul event. I'm eager to get back into it. I understand the need to release transfers in waves, but looking at the servers who have already been taken care of versus the fraction of ones that are left, you can't convince me that there was no room for us to be given the same privileges on a typical weekday. My faith in the developers is being all the more shaken. Are they this afraid of queue times on full servers? Seriously? I'd gladly sit through a queue if I can actually play the game to the full extent in which I'm paying for. Otherwise, there's other places my money can go; and I never thought I'd say that about the game I've been stoked about for years.
  19. I've supported this game from its announcement, played in the beta test, ordered the CE the minute they became available, and have kept my subscription active since day one. I've been patient and quiet amongst all the complaints so far. I can stand to wait until next week, even. But if my characters get screwed out of their transfers because they chose to push me to the back of the line and allow the weekend for the populations on the destination servers to potentially cap, I'm going to be pissed.
  20. Don't forget the datacron bonuses.
  21. I like the people stating that the log out screen is their favorite area. I can't sympathize with people who subject themselves to "torture" willing, especially when that "torture" is something as insignificant as a video game. I'll like the game even more when I'm not side-stepping their tears. Now, on topic: I like the jungle environment of Dromund Kaas, along with the lightning constantly tearing through the sky. It enhances the dark and mysterious allure of the planet. I'm also a fan of the urban planets - Coruscant, Nar Shadda, Corellia - they feel alive, even when only a few players are present. I found Voss intriguing, as well. The autumn feel of the planet sets it apart from others. The Taral V and Colicoid War Games flashpoints. I just find them fun.
  22. Bioware: please take note of this thread! This is an amazing post. Major kudos to the OP. I couldn't agree more with their vision on what to do/not to do with macros. It's a very reasonable blend between ease of use, yet still requires active, thoughtful participation from the player.
  23. Assassin checking in. I approve of this thread. It's good for the lulz.
  24. This still isn't accurate for some classes. For instance, I raid with an Assassin. Since this encounter means having aggro on the mob, I cannot use positional attacks. Maul is a very big part of the Deception tree's damage. I can still manage just fine, but my damage will not be ideal.
  25. I can't speak for the Marauder, but as an Assassin, let me correct some of this misinformation:
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