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Posts posted by Gremin_DaHutt

  1. Hi,


    I am a Jedi Guardian, Knight of the Republic. I do not hide behind pillars cause the "NPC" is casting or my abilities are not ready yet. This fight could not possibly have been made that way. If it was, the Dev was or is not in tune with what being a Jedi Knight means. I will not gimp myself or play those games to beat this fantastic storyline up to this point.


    If the fight is supposed to utilize our abilities, then allow force sweep to kill off the mirrors. In its current state, at least my end fight, I can not use AE as it has no effect on the mirrors. Fix that, and the fight is doable in my opinion.

  2. It's already been explained in several threads that it's doable. People have given detailed explanations on it as well. I wish people would stop thinking that something being challenging in a game is a bug.


    Learn to play better. That's the underlying theme in video games. They're supposed to challenge you so that you have a sense of accomplishment when you succeed. I can't imagine anyone in this thread playing Dark/Demon Souls with this attitude of "It's too hard, make it easier so I don't have to play better!"


    Your hollier then thou attitude is not helping, not everyone can do what everyone else can do. Some folks have disabilities, and have to click not hotkey their way through. Just because you are a "superior" player in your own mind does not mean you can act that way to others.


    I consider myself an above average player, having played pretty much every mmo that has come out since UO, and I still am unable to beat him with my Awe, LOS, waiting on CD's etc. You should not have to resort to that kind of crap anyways imo.


    Guardians in all forms need a serious boost in our dps, about 15 to 20% based on what I have seen. If you are going to make this Arch Class "the" tank then boost our ability to deflect, absorb, shield etc. Right now, in all aspects of the game we are the bottom of the barrel in all regards. I have had to resort to taking the dps tree I share with Sentinals to even stand a chance in this game.


    On my way to the Emperor I have died more times, and gotten pissed off in the process. I understand wanting and giving an epic feeling of accomplishment but right now your just pissing your player base off who want to be "the" Guardians of the Universe.

  3. Heroics are not required to be done in order to progress your class quest. Heroics are there to enhance your gameplay, give social points for interacting with others and to basically give you dungeons to do along the way to 50. I am sure you have one quest that does not require a heroic to be done in order to move forward, check your log under class quest.
  4. Gotta agree, game is not even on release day and we have que's. I think its time you release some more servers, and re-deploy some guilds from servers with que's.


    Almost every guild is going to still have some folk who did not pre-order at all, so the que's are not going to go away unless new servers and new redeploys are done.

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