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Everything posted by Lazyllama

  1. Lazyllama

    PvP: TOR vs WoW

    I think most of you are just being fan boys and not looking at it objectively. If you compare both games in their current state I do not see how you can compare SWTOR to WoW ESPECIALLY for the responsiveness issue alone. PvP is about fast reaction and fast targeting and when you can keyboard macro your partners targets or abilities of your partner as can you opponents the pace gets much faster. I do not entirely understand how everyone complains about arena and I am very impressed with the number of gladiators that seem to show up in SWTOR but for the most part arena and classes are balanced meaning a good player can run a decent comp that is not just completely illogical and still get up the ladder to a decent level. And hell ATLEAST they offer the ability to play arena... no comparison in SWTOR because there is not even an option to do so... Honestly though from my standpoint class balance in this game is not an opportunity area from what I have seen. I think many players are still learning what each class does in this game so the arguments of x class is overpowered are still kind of new. I think SWTOR is fresh and I like the concept of some of the new warzones like Huttball the problem is the game play is just blatantly less responsive then a more polished MMO at the moment that I do not see it as competitive unless your just looking to trash on WoW. I think World PvP is an area that SWTOR has a HUGE opportunity to shine over WoW at the moment but have not done so. If you are comparing these two games then having a solid successful world PvP event that draws your players consistently together, then you have a solid advantage. That being said I have seen nothing from Bioware to do that yet....but this game has been out for not even a month so figuring out answers to these questions is definitely something that can hopefully happen before too many subscribers grow bored of the content.
  2. Yeah....pretty sure you are all getting trolled right now.....
  3. First off Knockers is completely clueless and inaccurate about ALMOST everything they said. Competitive PvP needs to be in this game if you want to get that crowd and that is a pretty large crowd, myself included. Now I have to defend WoW arena because people harp on it left and right. But people who harp on it 9 times out of 10 were horrible PvPers so their excuse was never themselves it was "WoW Arena." WoW arena was relatively balanced and for what they had to work with, it did the best job of any MMO around balancing it. Was it perfect...no, it never will be, but do all the baddies rated at 1500 complaining that hunter hunter beat their warrior paladin because of "class imbalance" or "gear imbalance" have any clue what they are talking about. ABSOLUTELY NOT, I pretty much guarantee the arena haters like Knockers ARE these baddies. Gear was balanced very well, if you were complaining about gear its because you did not do your homework on how to play your class, comps were balanced relatively well until specific brackets. If you want to play HIGH level you have to work to get there. Every person with half an ego will IMMEDIATELY dismiss their loss due to "gear" or "class imbalance" when the finger needs to be pointed RIGHT back at them. Unless you were playing at 2400+ I would completely tell you its YOUR fault. YES it takes SKILL YES it takes PRACTICE YES it takes actually educating yourself around the game and strategies. So dont harp on how horrible arena and competitive PvP is when you never really truly put the time in to improve yourself to play at those levels. I worked my way up from being a 1500 to 1600 player into the 2400s it does not come easy you actually have to develop your abilities to do it and so do the people you play with that is exactly the appeal of competitive PvP. Im sure many bosses in PvE get pulled a few times before they are downed, because you have to practice and learn the fight to succeed. Feels pretty good to know you achieved something when the boss goes down and you get the loot. Same way for reaching a bracket or getting specific gear in PvP. So dont complain about it to the point where you want to deny a complete player base of it because of your own impatience or inability to practice is ridiculous. Also dont say its not skill based because I guarantee you the guys at the top end of arena could play the worst composition out there and still find a way to own 99.99% of the player base in arena, and quite frankly that is skill.
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