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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by brokentelevision

  1. I'm sad there is no light side version.


    All the more reason why everyone is "evil"


    the story line of the Jedi just under plays the republic something massive. You spend the entire time covering up for massive mistakes and errors and the empire being that much better then you. Seems like lame to me, no wonder nobody is republic. Empire however is more worried about things like terrorists and their own agenda and frankly already know they could kill off the entire republic if they wanted to.

  2. The reason everything is seen in reference to wow is because for being 7 years old it's still going fairly strong. MMO's are a market where they hope to stay strong for a year, beyond 4 years is wishful thinking. Lasting past 5 years is considered godly in the mmo market. It's an over saturated market.


    The sad reality of PC gaming is that, you're either an MMO or force long on like SC 2 and D3. The piracy has pretty much killed any developer from making a PC exclusive single player game. I had a feeling Bioware wanted to make Kotor 3, but it's that piracy reason why knew they wouldn't get their money on it. SO they made a single player MMO.



    It'll go F2P eventually. Charging for things like new race ideas, making slicing an elusive bought crewskill. Things like that, charging for maxed bag space.

  3. They removed the Dx11 settings before launch. I remember seeing that setting in beta greyed out.



    I play with dual GTX 560 ti's on max settings while running other stuff in background and get 80+ fps at all times. The game just looks like garbage really, the settings are good enough to be able to even say the engine is causing fps issues.



    FPS issues are because you have no setting to turn down spell detail, people with lower systems need that setting to turn down so they have less spell effects being generated because of other players. Things like lighting and fire and rocks all being thrown around causes massive lag, not graphics detail.



    I hate to say it, but Bioware needs to spend a good amount of time just messing around with WOW's graphic settings and seeing how that effects their game, because honestly they have a lot of settings to turn off and turn down and they figured out what settings cause people to lag out. Bioware have not.

  4. Go play a marauder or sentinel and tell me pvp is balanced.


    You are one of the following 4 classes without fail:











    So let us know what do you play? And you must not have played enough huttball. Cause anyone thats played huttball routinely hates pvp. Cause I've done about 50 huttball matches and 2 other warzones.


    I'm valor rank 11, at level 18 and I've done one other warzone on this character besides huttball. stupid freaking huttball >.<

  5. The problem isn't that Bioware didn't listen to the hardcore. It's that Bioware didn't listen to anyone.



    The whole, Hey the GTN UI sucks massive and needs to be redone completely.




    Hey you know sentinel's and marauders are kinda lacking in.....everything.




    why do we get huttball every time?




    why are knockbacks so strong against players but doesn't work against any mob thats considered strong?




    why can't I do anything to change/modify/or even move my UI screen around.




    why did you get rid of matching color outfit? I have orange pants and a brown chest and green boots.




    why for the love of god can't I hid this stupid hood.

  6. Can we get them now, it's not christmas you should be working devs, give us some word on some level brackets.



    I don't care about your fanboy bolster crap, sure it's nice and all and I can usually hold myself toe to toe. However, in reality somebody who is level 18 cannot hold themselves against someone who is level 40+. I just do not have my core talents that make my spec actually doable. As an operative, I do not have surgical probe, or Kolto Probe or anything else that actually makes it so my energy isn't terrible. As damage, I don't have any of the talents that slow or stun which then makes me worthless as concealment.




    We need level brackets so people can fight with people their own levels and learn and progress their own skills as they and those they fight gain more abilities. You don't learn that well when you have 3 abilities at level 10 going up against people 45 to 50 who are at their full talent points and abilities.



    If you want people to enjoy pvp put in level brackets on the warzones, put in cross server warzones as well because honestly with the whole getting huttball every warzone and fighting your own faction I'd rather fight jedi from another server then my own empire folks over and over.

  7. Honestly I think Bioware took more from Dragonage and Mass Effect then they did from an MMO. I'll go out as far as to say they used FF 13 for reference as well.



    This really doesn't feel like an MMO at all. Leveling on tatooine I encounter like 1 person, with 4 people on the planet total. So much for having group quests when there isn't anyone on the planet to do them.

  8. Honestly I'm hating the resource mechanic in this game. It wouldn't bother me if it was the same at all levels. It's the fact that at low levels you regain next to nothing.


    I'm an IA operative healer, I run outta energy pretty quick. My basic heal I have for my level cost 25 energy and doesn't heal for all that much. I tried healing hammer station at 18 and frankly I was almost at no energy the entire time for the last boss. My adrenaline probe is on constant cooldown, and I take it your vent heat is too.




    I really don't like how slow it regains at low level energy, or high level heat. Cause Force doesn't have varying levels of regen, it's static, so why does energy and heat have to be weird?

  9. yeah it's reasons like that which is making me think this game won't really be that successful and is doomed to go free to play. Bioware just isn't listening at all. Like period. I though blizzard had a habit of not listening to testers, bioware doesn't even listen to bug reports.



    Looks like Trion is the only company that actually listens to the people who play it with feedback.

  10. because they're the single most OP class in huttball and that is all we get 90% of the time. Huttball and nothing but huttball.




    Can get redue the warzones so that we get something other then freaking huttball all the time and I can finally go pvp in a place where knockbacks are stupid overpowered because they don't follow the resolute thing DR.



    DR only affects stuns, doesn't seem to effect knockbacks or knockdowns. Which is why you seem to be CC'd all the time.



    WTB DR to knockbacks!

  11. All of those already exist. I can't tell you the name without logging in, but they are higher level skills on a relatively long CD.


    Then thats why they don't mature till higher levels, honestly reduce them to lower levels and lower CDs



    in my opinion redesign the class around centering/zen not building focus. Let guardians be about focus builders and sentinels about building centering.

  12. There are currently 2 classes that don't have a tank or healer spec.


    Marauders and sentinels




    snipers and gunslingers


    The thing though, snipers and gunslingers are burst damage with lots of potential CC abilities and various other things to control who they fight.


    Marauders and sentinels don't have that much burst we're both long sustained dps. Sure we usually come out ahead on raid boss fights or anything that stays alive for a long period of time, but we don't have burst or CC to make up for the lack of healing or tanking tree to subspec in for increased survivability.


    That is why sentinels and marauders are weaker. What needs to be changed is:


    maybe a centering/rage consumer that heals or provides a damage shield.


    combined with a way to build up centering/rage charges before a fight so we're not at a disadvantage at the start. Like a 2/1 min CD move that instantly builds 30 centering/rage or a talent to make force leap instantly build 15 centering/rage.



    Just throwing out ideas, something that increases survivability without needing to increase dps.

  13. Right now, there is no instancing on tatooine and I'm one of 4 players on that current planet. I've yet to ever see an empire character running around the world.



    Servers are empty. You're either on a full to the max server or an empty one. And event he full ones you stop seeing people once you leave nar shadaa then it's always empty.



    Servers just feel like they artificially made the player caps low on them to purposely induce ques to make it look like the game has more attention then it really does.

  14. 1) nobody knows


    2) yeah, I've spent my time wondering what the hell they even did in beta. If you're going to have a beta test LISTEN TO THE DAMN TESTERS!


    3) it's not ruining the economy, because there is no economy. Gathering skills would outdue slicing if people actually used the GTN, the ui is so bad and I mean it's terrible don't think they could have designed a worse system, nobody uses it.

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