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Posts posted by brokentelevision

  1. Client instability, random crashes, and all this stuff should have been done in beta. Thats what Beta is for. Testing, then fixing things that went wrong.




    Honestly beta has become, hyped period of early play.


    They've just accepted that they can put things off and people will settle with bugs at launch and they can fix stuff latter when they get around to it.



    I won't settle with it. The story line isn't that good, come back to me when this becomes a real MMO.

  2. He acknowledged several of them here:


    While I'm not fond of reddit being the chosen venue for communication between BioWare and customers, he does acknowledge several of the issues here.


    As for the space combat issue (which I didn't see when I first read this thread), there is a fix in the upcoming patch that will remedy the issue of crashing out when a space station is destroyed.



    You're best off looking at twitter. Reid posts on twitter about game updates more then the game forum.



    And that reddit thing was a complete waste of time.



    Q: anything about legacy

    A: we're working on it.


    Q: anything about ability delay?

    A: we're working on it.


    Q: anything about adding pvp brackets?

    A: we're working on it.



    see a trend there? That whole thing should have been renamed: Ask a developer anything but get nothing as a response.



    I've almost had it with bioware completely, like never gonna buy another bioware game had it. This is gonna be the most epic failure of an MMO to date, if they don't get their *** in gear and start fixing stuff.

  3. I want a jawa :( I hate how only bounty hunters get a jawa.




    On second note, I should get a buff for not having one out. I shouldn't be forced to use a pet. I don't like pets nor do I want one.



    And no matter how good of AI or whatever you give it or call it, it's still a stupid pet.

  4. They are fixing what small things they can as QoL improvements, while working to fix the larger bugs. It's a very complicated process, as any software engineer will be happy to tell you, as changing one line of code can have far-reaching and unseen ramifications.


    All of these issues have been acknowledged by BioWare, and Stephen Reid has said they are working on fixes for them. Again, these things take time to reproduce, isolate, fix, and test.


    Except if a real software developer is informed about a bug, they don't sit on it for 6 months doing nothing about it.



    Most of the real big issues were let known in early beta. They just never did anything about it.



    GTN UI was made well and clear it sucked in beta as well.


    Bioware just doesn't listen to anyone, as they feel it's their game and they'll do whatever they want with it. In reality it's a terrible MMO, decent single player game if it was one. However makes for terrible MMO.



    It's like if they just all of a sudden made Dragon Age into an MMO with very little change.

  5. Yeah I'm annoyed that you have to wait so freaking long to get that one companion that is pretty much key to your entire class leveling ease.



    For instance Sentinels. You don't get Doc until like 30 and he's the one healer companion and the key companion that every single sentinel since the dawn of beta has use exclusively.


    Any real sane devolper would have seen a trend, gee every sentinel I've seen in beta has used nothing but Doc the healing companion. Maybe we should adjust sentinels survivability to not require the healing companion or give him lower.

  6. I already spam space bar. If it's a side mission I'll space bar to victory, and pick random dialog choices. I'll look at my tracker afterwards and see, okay thats a bunch of gibberish for kill 10 boars.



    Main story line for some of the classes really isn't that good for me to want to continue.



    Pretty much every republic story line blows. I'm tired of seeing how bad they're doing and how they got screwed in the war, and how the sith is always a step ahead of them. yeah know what F that, if I'm a dark jedi I want to be able to go on a sith killing massacre. It's payback but no....>.<

  7. yeah....this game is gonna go F2P in about 6 months.



    There is no end game here, and it won't get changed ever. If they didn't fix it from beta till now, they'll never fix it.



    They don't care about fixing issues with PvP. Bioware doesn't understand MMO's at all. Like period. They don't know the first things about MMO design. Hell, this game is screwed up even for a single player game. Oh well. Waiting on first real patch to see what they change.

  8. WOW wwas worse on launch. Fail logic is fail.


    I honestly thought the Bioware Social Forums were bad. This forum honestly takes the cake with absolute worst community ever.


    Yes and before wow MMO's could get away with that. It's a known fact that blizzard killed the genre that is MMO's. Because of them, all future MMO's have to launch with a perfect game just to stay afloat in a market that is monopolized by blizzard.


    You have to launch the game running, with start of the art features. You can't half *** it and just patch it in later like you could before WoW.



    Bioware didn't understand this and will pay the price for not taking MMO's seriously. Not giving the game enough MMO features. They screwed up every single aspect of MMO in this game and is only holding itself together because of it's story line. But that storyline only goes so far before you finish it and leave.

  9. Definitely try it, best mmorpg made to-date.


    And please, above all, ignore these forums and what you read on here. Some days it seems there is more Blizzard employees posting here then actual SWtOR players.


    Wow is pretty much dead, it's ageing so much and barely hanging on. It's like EQ in it's later days.



    TOR would have captured those players if it wasn't for the following in my eyes:


    No customization to the UI AT ALL


    GTN with a horrid UI it's almost painful to use


    Linearity beyond belief




    lack of bracketed pvp, which leads to 50's stomping sub 20's.

  10. DON'T DO IT!


    Like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, and really don't want any of those nerdy mmo things and people to have to talk to?


    Then you'll love Old Republic.





    This game is great if you hate MMO's. I however like MMO's and am very pissed this game is lacking pretty much every single aspect of what makes MMO's different.


    Crappy server economies and devs that don't know crap about it.


    No real people you encounter.


    Linear as hell.

  11. you just summed up all known info.



    this is a game that they don't even release cryptic info. They literally keep everyone in the dark about everything until after the last minute. It's starting to bug me really. I'd at least like to know plans or ideas they had. Makes it seem like the devs take us seriously and want our opinion instead of giving us the idea that they don't care at all what we even think of their product.

  12. Mostly because of huttball. Inquisitors are vastly overpowered in huttball with their knockback and specd knockback slow. They knock you into the poison and you die, since one tick of it takes off half your health. Fire takes off about 1/3 of you're health per .1 sec in it seems.



    If we had a bigger variety of warzones it wouldn't be so bad.

  13. No it's just become painfully obvious that the game wasn't ready for release and we're paying for stage 1 beta.



    I've canceled until the second patch comes out. Cause I know full well the first patch will fix nothing and won't really help.



    UI really bugs me beyond anything though. I hate hate hate hate not being able to move things around.

  14. I'm sorry but I hate companions, I dont' want a stupid pet. I don't want to send my stupid pet on missions. I don't want to worry about a stupid pets affection for me. I don't want to worry what stupid pet has a bonus to what crew skill.



    I hate pets, I don't want to be dependant on sending them on stupid missions to get stuff. For those that say you don't need send missions to craft lol you must not pay attention to nodes them. There isn't freaking any except once you get to taris. So you're already about 17 to 18 by the time you see ANY nodes. And there isn't enough to level on. Or enough to get mats to craft anything remotely your own level.



    I don't want things to be handed to me, I WANT TO DO THEM. Companions shouldn't be mandatory, they should be an option. I don't feel even remotely powerful as a jedi or sith. I feel weak as crap.



    Oh well, I've already quite Old Mass Effect I mean Republic.

  15. They are reasonable.


    no they really aren't, for this being the first game in the history of MMO's where you can't and literally cannot farm materials and get skills up for no cost it's expensive.



    Literally every other game I can go out in the world and find an abundance of nodes and go gather and that costed me absolutely nothing to do, and I could sell it and everything was pure profit.


    I hate how I can't do that and I have to send a companion and pay them to go on a mission, and sit there doing nothing waiting for them to come back. It takes forever for them to do it at higher levels and they could come back and fail it, woopty do I get a skill point I honestly don't care at all about skill points. I'm pissed I lost money on that deal.

  16. Slicing lockboxes should yield more then the cost of the mission, regardless of the skill point or not.



    Mats from underworld trading aren't Bind on pickup and worth 0 cred.


    Bioanylssis isn't BoP and worth nothing.



    So why should the one crew skill that even mentions in the codex that it's really only to make money, be the least money making crewskill in the game now? How can it yield negative credits most of the time and be considered a worthless crewskill for anything under bountiful yield?

  17. Normally I wouldn't mind them if they didn't reward raw stats.


    Because they reward raw stats I feel like I have to get them all, or at least the ones that reward my class stats because I have to or I'm weaker then everyone else.



    They should not have rewarded stats at all in the first place, stupid idea in my opinion.

  18. I have a few friends considering it mainly due to them being big pvpers and hating huttball, and the massive imbalances that comes with it.



    All the people I know staying are ones that don't like MMO's and never talk to anyone and have chat disabled and only party with their significant others and ignore all other people completely and play the game like it's a single player game.




    Which leads me to my theory that this was a single player game that they made into an MMO at the last minute to get more money out of it.

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