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Everything posted by reagan_youth

  1. Yeah, I get that point. Still think it would be a cool feature.
  2. I think it would be cool for Force users to have the option to use the other side's abilities if they are attuned to that side of the Force. For example, you play a Jedi class and you reached Dark V, then I think it would be awesome if you had the choice to use the Sith's abilities. Perhaps make it a requirement that you keep Dark/Light IV or above, if you drop they revert back to the dark/light defaults. Probably won't happen, but I think it would be cool.
  3. I am definitely for this. I want to be able to play two of a couple of classes while having all, I'm thinking 10-12 would be perfect. I did try rolling on another server, while I was having fun before 1.2, I don't anymore because I miss my legacy options. I think I would be ok with the 8 slots if I could carry my Legacy onto another server. Optimally, I would prefer more character slots as most of my friends play on my main server.
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