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10 Good
  1. Well they already let any of the characters use force storm with no problem so your argument is invalid.
  2. Dark and Light mean a lot only because they wanted it to. Dark and Light is just a separation of one thing, the force. One side focuses on damage and the other telekinetic. In Mass Effect (another Bioware game fyi) has Paragon and Renegade points that really mean anything its just shows you how evil or good you've been. The reason I dislike this separation they had implemented into the game is because it is the expanded lore that has different canon from the movies so there is no reason to hinder the players of they're freedom to make choices. (Bioware rarely hinders the players such as this) I'm exited about The Secret world because of the choices Funcom allows you to make.
  3. You can't always tell what type of class the NPC's you just have to look at the description. Regardless you don't need to no what type of enemy your facing to kill it. I know what you mean tho, people may get confused at times but people can easily get beyond it.
  4. Like I said before you can follow the path of light and still use dark side powers. The lore split the force into 2 parts Light (healing and telekinetics) and Dark (Damage and other forms of sith alchemy), but luke used a variant of force lightning that was more towards the light side I believe. But any ways you don't have to be evil to use the dark side of the force for example my force alignment is light on my sith inquisitor and yet I still can use force lightning, Revan can use dark side powers and hes good and so can Luke.
  5. It's easy to tell who is you ally and who is you enemy, ally's have green names and enemy's have red. It's really isn't that hard all I'm asking for is more customization for my characters. Oh ya why is it most of the light armor bottoms are "robes" and not pants? I think the only place i could find customizable pants was Alderaan lol.
  6. I like that idea tho (having trainers teach you dark/light side powers) but since force lighting is unconventional it should be only a select few can teach you, or maybe make place some new trainers to teach you how to use them.
  7. Well some one had to make the technique up right? The first to use it was not told how to use it but he leaned and teached him self. Also what they could do is add a dlc to have one of your trainers teach you how to use it.
  8. Ever since this game came out I wanted to be a Jedi Consular with force lightning and I was hoping this 1.2 update would fix this but of course it only gave me force storm that I can obtain once I get my sith sorcerer to lvl 50 and even then I can only use every 20mins because thats the cooldown for Heroic moment. Would it really be that hard to give the players a choice between telekinetics and force lighting animations? The same ability's but different looks? Something that doesn't have to do with legacys! It's a really simple and quick fix and I highly doubt people would complain and would actually praise the idea. Bioware has always been a company where they in power the player with the power of choice. I hate the morality choices I have as a sith inquisitor because half the time I'm like "Ok how is that Evil" or "How is that not good" or even "How come I don't have the choice?" but on the Jedi side you can be really what ever you want. And I have friends on the republic side so I tend to stay on my Consular. Force users have walked the path of light and used dark side powers. Such as Reven (There is alot just can't think of their names) and even Bioware other game "knights of the old republic" you play as a character who can use dark side powers and still be a Jedi. All I want is the choice of animations from mirroring abilitys. If this is done this game will be that much better. (I also want Force scream for my Guardian)
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