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Everything posted by Jaren_Kincaid

  1. It flashes because you have some garbage in you inventory that is nominally superior to your currently-equipped item. The problem is that everyone expects (quite rightly) that lock boxes will give them individual items (armor, enhancements, etc.) better than their currently equipped mods, but that is not the case. This utterly crap new system gives you fixed new helmets/gloves/whatever, just like when you first started out in the game. Note that the purpose is NOT to optimize your equipping yourself to the point that other players will accept you in groups; the point is to keep you coming back and wasting your money on unattainable equipment. I can fix this game in a day. All it would take is for everyone at Bioware to do exactly as I say, no talkback. But I have a better chance of winning the lottery of that level of justice ever happening.
  2. Ever sice this bug-ridden ******** upgrade, I have been unable to retroengineer , for example--lightsaber hilts. By which I mean I can't right-click and expect a chance of a better blueprint. Please, what am I doing wrong?
  3. I am totally lost. I was a maximum, and then with Ossus the skip ca got lifted so I had to stop playing with others and go back to square one. I calculated that it would take me 2 years per character to properly gear them to the point that I could rejoin the game. And know that's all disappeared and they've introduced some new concept called "renown ranks". I don't understand. Could someone PLEASE point me to a website/homepage that explains all of this?! I am so *********** lost.
  4. With this latest update, how do I earn Masterwork data crystals? It seems that I can't earn the appropriate tokens anymore.
  5. I've been working my way through the Oricon weeklies, but for some reason when I get to the Tower's Core the two consoles on either side of the entrance that are supposed to spawn the defensive droids are unavailable and I can't proceed with the mission. Can anyone tell me why, please?
  6. Are datacrons now legacy-wide or still each character only? I have vague memories of them becoming legacy-wide but that was a bajillion years ago before KOTET. TIA.
  7. With the new update, some of my reputations like galactic market, etc., have been reset to zero. Why is this? Is it deliberate?
  8. You know what else is stupid? Upgrades only ever have alacrity. I don't need or want alacrity; I want critical skills. Why is there no vendor for that?
  9. I was playing Priority Containment in Section X dailies, and at the very end I was fighting the Dread Guard and his minions who protect the Maximum Security area. I used force push on the Elite Dread Guard, and he vanished half-in/half-out of the sealed door. I force-leaped to him... and passed straight through him and couldn't get back to the fight. I also couldn't go around the final Dread Guard in the Maximum Security chamber to get out and come running back. So I had to reset and start all over again.
  10. And with this, I have now unsubscribed. Unless all characters can recruit all comps, I'm no longer interested. It's already bad enough that I can't solo everything, but this is the last straw. You want my business? Make everything universal. Yes, it really is that simple. (Or hard if you're so stupid you lack the imagination to understand why...)
  11. As the title says. Can anyone help with the following, please? "Earn the merciless Darth Hexid Companion who delights in crushing all opposition when you complete three PvE or three PvP missions through Group Finder by the November 27th deadline." Is that per character or for the whole legacy? Is there any way to check that I've completed the requisite conditions for claiming the rewards? And, more people on the server means more bottlenecks for the dailies. How will this problem be addressed? TIA.
  12. If I send a new toon to a stronghold for the first time, I get a little intro video of them walking through the stronghold. This does not play for the second time onwards, except for Manaan, when it plays every single time. Why is this? Can I disable it? If so, how? If not, why not?
  13. My Sith Warrior can't start the current Relics adventure. I go to the fleet and click on the news device, it plays the message and I'm told to go to Ilum... and then the cutscene ends and nothing happens. No definitive "click", no "Go to Ro-Tuk", and no highlighted Ilum on the galaxy map. Other classes seem OK; just this one. Any suggestions or ideas?
  14. *** is the option: "Who Betrayed ME": Lana, Theron, or Acina only? Why is there no "I don't know/someone else"option? It's dishonest!
  15. It would be nice if we could get them just from doing dailies or soloing weekly heroics. Not everyone can group or is any good at PvP.
  16. So I'm running around Iokath as a Jedi Guardian, and I can't complete my map because there's no way to get into the Imperial base. Or is there? Does anyone know how to pick up that part of the map (and presumably vice versa for Imperial players)?
  17. Not a major issue, but the DvL symbols in the in-game control panel are reversed to the way they are displayed in the tutorial.
  18. I agree we should be able to customize all comps. Not least because when you go to Odessen, everyone's comps look all the same: a dozen identical Therons one time, for example. How stupid.
  19. So the latest patch said that the Trooper companion/Booming Vocoder bug in which his weapon is displayed like a horse ***** had been fixed. It has not. I even have a pic, but cannot insert it here, evidently.
  20. So, if I complete all levels up to 65 and complete the first 5 chapters of KOTFE I get a new comp, but does that comp unlock for all characters in my legacy or just the LvD character I'm playing?
  21. I just downloaded and installed what I thought was a smartphone security key app *i.e., I can discard the physical security key that came with the game(, but instead, the app just keeps cycling through a bunch of numbers ceaselessly. I've tried entering those numbers physically into the PC desktop launcher, but they don&t work. Can anyone please explain this?
  22. I bought a new PC complete with Windows 10 yesterday. Since installing SWTOR, the new launcher is fine, but the images in game are rather dark. What are the optimal graphics settings, please? (PC has Coure7i.) Also, how do I locate the folder into which to place my custom UI file? TIA to all.
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