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Everything posted by CorePhantom

  1. A big thanks to everyone who responded and tried to give me an answer to my question(s) To those looking for answers to the same question I can say that the general consensus of the community seems to be that it will not be possible to skip "Knights of the Fallen Empire" expansion like you could some of the previous expansions. Also for those who had the same reasons as me for wanting to skip it (which was the loss of the original companions), even though you are still not able to get most of them back to use within the KotFE storyline zones yet, you are actually able to get all of them back by accessing a terminal on Odessen after completing chapter IX, I was not aware of this as I had been away from the game for awhile Anyway, once again a big thanks to everyone who was ready with a reply to my questions, it was much appreciated With the best regards CP
  2. Hehe well yea those would be the extreme cases of cartoonish you are right about that But basically cartoonish pretty much describe anything where you exaggerate shapes and sizes on things, to create a sort of emphasis, an example of this in SWTOR is the body shapes used by the PC and most of the humanoid NPCs, the petite body shape becomes a really slim / skinny body model, the muscular body shape becomes a 10 feet tall 10 feet wide bodybuilder, the overweight body shape becomes as big as a house and often you'll find boss NPCs that are meant to be really intimidating are 6 feet taller than the PC and so on and so forth None cartoonish is games where you try to make everything to scale, basically you start with creating characters that are as realistic as possible and then make everything from weapons to equipment and game environment to scale, however even in these games you'll often find that the bosses are slightly larger, just to crank up the intimidation factor
  3. I'm not sure what game you are playing but none of the human NPCs in the game look realistic (apart from Valkorion, who is actually really well made) and I didn't mention anything about the creatures or alien races
  4. You are basically just repeating my conclusion "I think in their attempt to really make these key characters stand out among the other NPCs the artists have accidentally lost that slightly more cartoonish style that is a part of what I like so much about the game" The thing is that there was no need for them to do it, it was bad decision making on their part
  5. Well if you take a companion like for example Lana Beniko and compare the style of her face design to pretty much any other NPC (or possible PC morph) in the game she looks nothing like them style wise, but the problem does not only relate to companions, it also extend to other NPCs that stand out like a sore thumb, among other: - Satele - Vaylin - Arcann - Valkorion Other comps are: - Senya - Koth I think in their attempt to really make these key characters stand out among the other NPCs the artists have accidentally lost that slightly more cartoonish style that is a part of what I like so much about the game For some people (I'm talking about you there, running around in-game in that santa costume and a top-hat) who doesn't really look at this stuff it might not be a big deal, but to someone like me who takes things like design- integration and flow serious, it's really frustrating when developers do things like this
  6. My biggest issue and the reason why I asked the question has nothing to do with the storyline, it is solely based on the fact that the devs took away my comps and replaced them with comps that looks like they are from a completely different game (and a horribly designed one as well), I'm guessing it is the same designer who was given the job of designing the model for Satele Shan which also looks like it is from a completely different game (though slightly more in the style of the usual SWTOR character design)... But again, even though it would still be preferable by far to never lose the original comps at all, my question is no longer relevant as I now know that I will thankfully get all my original canon looking customizable comps back in chapter IX Still, it will most likely mean I will just rush through most of the KotFE story with all my core characters so I can get my real comps back, sadly that's the only option the devs have left me with
  7. That's not the issue, I have no real problem with that, basically already doing this as I have 16 characters Yea but you still have to look at the hideous faces of the FE comps the whole time which makes it feel like twice as long xD
  8. Allot of people have been saying that you only get a few of your original comps back, is that not true then?
  9. ANSWERED A big thanks to everyone who responded and tried to give me an answer to my question(s) To those looking for answers to the same question I can say that the general consensus of the community seems to be that it will not be possible to skip "Knights of the Fallen Empire" expansion like you could some of the previous expansions. Also for those who had the same reasons as me for wanting to skip it (which was the loss of the original companions), even though you are still not able to get most of them back to use within the KotFE storyline zones yet, you are actually able to get all of them back by accessing a terminal on Odessen after completing chapter IX, I was not aware of this as I had been away from the game for awhile Anyway, once again a big thanks to everyone who was ready with a reply to my questions, it was much appreciated With the best regards CP _____________________________________________________________________________________ Original question: Does anyone know if it will be possible to skip the "Knights of the Fallen Empire" expansion storylines and jump straight to any possible future expansion storylines? I have bought and run my game with the expansion, but due to the devs decision to not let you keep your "old" companions, I have no intention of starting the "Knights of the Fallen Empire" storyline with any of my core characters, in fact the only character I currently have running storyline is a level boosted one and so far he's only at chapter VI because I can't get myself to play him as I don't feel any kind of relation to him and even less his companions... In short, once I am done with the pre FE storylines the game ends for me unless there will be future expansion with independent storylines, so I'd really like to know if I'm just treading waters for nothing or if there is still hope Best regards CP
  10. Well does anyone know if we will at least get some character customization options in the future for those hideous FE comps?
  11. Have they given any good reason as to why they have made it this way? Makes you wonder why they have put so little effort into the new companions when we can't even get the old ones back
  12. Wait, am I understanding this right, we don't get all our old companions back at the end of FE? O.o
  13. Hehe well apart from the last one, I wrote those over 4 years ago so...
  14. Nice! so it seems some of the ideas I had back in the beginning are actually now a part of the game, whether or not my post of suggestions was a contributing factor or they were already in the making I can't say and it doesn't really matter as long as we got them In any case I have yet another request or suggestion if you will Sheath/Unsheath - Mount Flourish Combi Button: - This is kind of a minor request and not really that pressing, I just think it would be a good idea, I think it could be great if the "Sheath/Unsheath" and "Mount Flourish" feature could share bindings, it's kind of a waste to have these two features require two separate bindings when neither of them can be used at the same time anyway and both are only visual features and yet fun to use for especially the RP'ers Anyway, just a thought Suggest making "Sheath/Unsheath" and "Mount Flourish" share key bindings. With best regards CorePhantom
  15. Time to give this post a bump... This error has still not been fixed and again, I first reported this flaw in the design 2013-10-22 in-game and then again here in the post below, still there has been no attempt to fix this or any indication that they have any interest in solving it. At this point with the flaws in the game stacking up, it could be time for the current developers to hand the development of the game over to more capable people, as they obviously have not been able to live up to the challenge of running a game of this magnitude, especially when even simple flaws like the one I have reported has still not been fixed after so much time has passed since the first report. Additional armors with same flaw: - Echani Tracker's Jacket - Warrior's Vest
  16. Part of this bug was first reported 2013-10-22 through the in-game support feature, but have still not been fixed and I am assuming it has to do with a flaw in the in-game report system, so I am re-reporting the bug here. Mesh error in the front loincloth of the chest armor "Aspiring Knight's Vest" when worn on a female type 1 body. The error is in the form of an indentation in the mesh, as seen here: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/295/c/3/bug_report_001a_aspiring_knight_s_vest_by_corephantom-d6rf70b.jpg Additional armors using variations of the same model, that I have personally confirmed as also having this error (there's most likely more as it's a really popular armor model): - Ambitious Warrior Chestguard - Relaxed Vestments Chestwraps
  17. This bug was first reported 2013-11-14 through the in-game support feature, but have still not been fixed and I am assuming it has to do with a flaw in the in-game report system, so I am re-reporting the bug here. Doing a mission in a player phase area on Corellia, I came across an object I assume is not meant to be here. Looks like it could be some kind of "editor marker". Object : http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/318/d/e/bug_report___corellia___unknown_object_located_by_corephantom-d6u7q1z.jpg Location - World Map: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/318/9/a/bug_report___corellia___unknown_object_located_by_corephantom-d6u7q31.jpg Location - Local Map: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/318/4/8/bug_report___corellia___unknown_object_located_by_corephantom-d6u7q2i.jpg With best regards CorePhantom
  18. Came across this misaligned road tile last night (edge highlighted in red): In worldspace: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/142/6/7/swtor_2014_05_22_01_04_09_29_by_corephantom-d7jad5q.jpg Location on map: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/142/4/7/swtor_2014_05_22_01_04_24_73_by_corephantom-d7jad5e.jpg (P.S. I can't believe you guys haven't made it so you can post images in this thread)
  19. _Galactic Starfighter_ "Firehauler" shoot part 2 The ship in the screenshots is the "Firehauler", a "Bomber" class craft and the new preferred ship of my trooper Keelan http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/066/3/3/gsf_firehauler6_by_corephantom-d798wgm.jpg http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/066/f/3/gsf_firehauler7_by_corephantom-d798wfk.jpg http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/066/3/c/gsf_firehauler8_by_corephantom-d798wew.jpg http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/066/f/3/gsf_firehauler9_by_corephantom-d798we1.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/066/c/e/gsf_firehauler10_by_corephantom-d798wde.jpg Hi-Rez:
  20. _Galactic Starfighter_ Several people have asked me if I had any shots of the latest ship class introduced to the "Galactic Starfighter" feature, i.e. the "Bomber" class, so here you go The ship in the screenshots is the "Firehauler", a "Bomber" class craft and the new preferred ship of my trooper Keelan http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/066/c/1/gsf_firehauler1_by_corephantom-d798w93.jpg http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/066/f/0/gsf_firehauler2_by_corephantom-d798w8k.jpg http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/066/3/b/gsf_firehauler3_by_corephantom-d798w7z.jpg http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/066/8/a/gsf_firehauler4_by_corephantom-d798w7f.jpg http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/066/5/b/gsf_firehauler5_by_corephantom-d798w6x.jpg Hi-Rez:
  21. _Galactic Starfighter_ This is the "S-13 Sting", which is a "Scout" class fighter and the preferred craft of my Bounty Hunter Eda http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/064/9/4/sting__1__by_corephantom-d7913vt.jpg http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/064/9/5/sting__2__by_corephantom-d7913v1.jpg http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/064/9/8/sting__3__by_corephantom-d7913u9.jpg http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/064/8/5/sting__4__by_corephantom-d7913tl.jpg http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/064/8/9/sting__5__by_corephantom-d7913t2.jpg Hi-Rez:
  22. _Galactic Starfighter_ This is the "Flashfire", which is a "Scout" class fighter and the preferred craft of my trooper Isalin I recently gave it some cosmetic upgrades in the form of new pattern colors, paint-job and engine trail flame color I know these aren't the bomber shots I promised, but I just wasn't happy with the ones I had, so I took some new ones of the "Firehauler" that I really like and I should be posting them soon, just have some of the "Sting" that I want to post next, but then I should have the "Firehauler" shots ready after those http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/064/5/5/swtor___galactic_starfighter___the_flashfire__1__by_corephantom-d78zqxc.jpg http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/064/2/3/swtor___galactic_starfighter___the_flashfire__2__by_corephantom-d78zqws.jpg http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/064/8/3/swtor___galactic_starfighter___the_flashfire__3__by_corephantom-d78zqwf.jpg http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/064/7/3/swtor___galactic_starfighter___the_flashfire__4__by_corephantom-d78zqw0.jpg http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/064/5/e/swtor___galactic_starfighter___the_flashfire__5__by_corephantom-d78zqvc.jpg Hi-Rez:
  23. I do have a couple, but only of the Imp ones, I'm so disappointed by the Rep designs that I have chosen not to use them, though I did buy the Rep version of the CM bomber, it's kinda cool and mean looking At this point I'm also extremely disappointing about the unwillingness of the SWTOR developer team to do their job and fix the many flaws in the mechanics of the GSF feature, every day we (the gamers) fight with a ton of these flaws, involving everything from de-buffs not being applied correctly to enemy ships, de-buffs on own ships being displayed as "buffs", people taking advantage of several exploits like for example the "lag-skip", loss of missile lock-on attempts even if the aim is within the bounds of the aim-arc of the weapon in question, the ability to make OP builds, and so on and so on, the list is getting longer each day it seems The worst thing is that we now have to deal with ppl that are so incompetent that they resort to actual cheat hacks to be able to win Okay that was a bit of a rant, but what I meant to say, yes I have a few shots of bombers and I'll try and get around to post some of them
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