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Everything posted by Brutem

  1. In every warzone you will see Bounty Hunters/Troopers being the top damage due to their high AoE damage, add in they are ranged, they are the ones doing the kiting instead of being kited, high survivability VS the guardian who has only high survability. While i have been able to be in the top 1-2 in damage done in a warzone, it is an uphill battle on my guardian. From a Vanguard point of view, we have the same protection abilites as the guardian taunt, AoE taunt and guard. I have seen a few to do tons of damage, hit lv 50 and get expertise gear and face roll lv 10s hitting them for 9k with force sweep before the patch that gave 50s their own bracket. To sum it up, the vanguard provides the same amount of protection as the Guardian, survability, easier to play and more damage resulting in more medals.
  2. I leveled as a guardian defense spec. I would use Kira, T7 and Doc depending on the situation. For most of the questing process i used Kira, occasionally using T7 in his offense stance and i would tank. If i was having trouble with a fight i would use Doc because of the healer+tank=survivability, just would be a longer fight than using Kira or T7.
  3. A player named Stuartrt has a thread on how defense adds to the delay for JK/SW found here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=173944 I would like to see the delay/stuttering effect fixed. Makes tanking and pvp extremely hard.
  4. So i spent a few minutes doing some tests (notice i said a few minutes, not extensive testing, so take my findings wiht a grain of salt). I do agree that defense does have a part in the lag however from what i can tell its basically any movement. 1st test out of 20 tests with force leap in, followed by force sweep, i experienced the stuttering effect only 2 out of 20. 2nd test out of 20, used force leap in, while turning my character with the right mouse button whille using force sweep, experienced the stuttering effect of force sweep 20 of 20. 3rd test out of 20, used force leap in, used both mouse buttons to move slightly while using force leap, experienced the stuttering effect 20 of 20 These tests were done at low level and without any defense gear and the skills would stutter only once before activating. On my high level with decent defense, i experience the stuttering effect 3-4 times before activating, so i assume this means that defense does play a role in making it worse. So went and started to do the tests on my main, and noticed an increase. With a repeat of the 1st test 7 out of 20 experienced the stuttering effect, so went from 10% to 35% by adding defense gear. I was actually seeing the animation hop-hop-parry-cast on 3 of those.
  5. My force sweep looks like i am no longer a Zabrak but i am now a rabbit... hop, hop, hop, hop and then sweep. Though i am not sure defense plays a roll in that, i have rolled another JK to play around with, does it at low levels without any defense gear.
  6. On MOST servers Imps win more, however there are probably a few in which the win/loss ratio is swapped. A quote from Gabe Amatangelo (Principal Lead PvP, Operations & Flashpoints Designer) "In the first week after launch there were over a million Warzone matches played, with nearly half of all players participating in Warzones. Bad news for Republic players, though - the Empire currently leads overall, having won 53% of all Alderaan Civil War and Voidstar matches (across all servers). Huttball has been played the most, accounting for 39% of all matches – and yes, we’ll be adding a new same faction vs. same faction enabled Warzone in the future." found at : http://www.swtor.com/blog/new-year%E2%80%99s-pvp-update
  7. The bad thing is i have seen constant lv 50s (in warzones) since dec 20th, so many pvp guilds quickly hit 50 in the early access. I still do not understand why Bioware rewarded players for skipping content by allowing them to farm low levels. Now lv 50s will get their own bracket, so its well farmed/geared 50s vs new 50s. So if basically you leveled up viewing the story and content, you will be facing well geared 50s and get facerolled. Expertise needs to go.
  8. Whoever has the most 50s and expertise gear wins. Whichever faction has the higher pop has a higher chance of having more 50s in the warzones, resulting in a higher chance of winning.
  9. Heres a little math for you, for example lets say there is 60k republic on a server and 120k empire. Also lets say 5% are level 50 from both factions this would put 3k republic lv50s vs 6k empire lv 50s. Lets say 30% of those that are 50 are actively doing pvp, thats 90 republic vs 180 imps. With that said there will be more lv50s on the imp side than republic in warzones. "but those numbers are made up they are not actual stats!!1!11!" Yes those numbers are made up, however on most servers the imps do have a 2:1 ratio or higher. The bottom line is, the more lv 50s on your side in a warzone the greater chance of your side winning (expertise is the IWIN stats when facing low levels). On my server the WZs have had consistently out of the 5 WZs i did last night and average 75% of the imps were 50 (yes different imps each time and same rep), and republic averaged 31.2% lv 50s. This has been a consistant factor in the WZs on my server. While skill does help, its no match for lv 50 gear. Bioware has waited too long to give them their own bracket, lots of 50s have already farmed their pvp gear by face rolling low levels, now fresh 50s will have to face the fully geared. IMO bad job Bioware for rewarding players for skipping content. By shortening queues for the 50s as you did, you discouraged pre50s from doing pvp. Why would a lv 15 queue up to be face rolled by 50s? In the first week of launch Bioware stated(sorry if i am off a % or 2) that 53% wins were imp and 47% were rep. I would be willing to bet that number has changed quite a bit. From my experience you cant bring down 6 geared lv 50s when you only have 2. TL;DR Sorry but faction imbalance does matter, the side with the most 50s win
  10. Being a hardcore pvper, rolling on a PVE server and then complaining about not enough people doing pvp on your PVE server is actually fail. If you read the OP you will see that is the real issue. He is just upset he wont be able to faceroll low levels. Atleast he didnt go to a rp server, because thats where all the hardcorehardcore pvpers go. Yes it sure is. Cross server anything isnt needed at all, there are enough lv 50s to fill WZ on most servers. In this game WZ queues are short in comparison to other MMOs WITH cross server queues and often several are lv 50. So i personally do not think they will have long queues unless the lv 50 community whom have been simply facerolling low levels stop playing due to being paired vs all lv50s. Calling cross sever queues a "modern feature" is horrible wrong. Its simply a feature that offers rewards with minimal effort. While i would agree cross server queueing has reduced the queue times in other MMOs. It discourages people from trying to form groups to do WZ together, why would i spend a few minutes waiting on my friends to finish up whatver they are doing when i can can just queue up solo and get quicker gratification. In previous MMOs, precross realm queues, i actually made friends with several people from the other faction as well as my own. Being added to others friends list, because of how i played, other faction mentioning,(on your faction, with their low level alts), how they enjoy the challenge of facing you and your friends in close matches forming friendly KOS rivalries. AFKers and bots are also much more common with the cross server system, other games there would maybe 1-2 bots/afkers in pvp the entire day, after usually 1-2 per match(on one side or the other). On same server pvp, you and the rest of the participants would reconize those players. Eventually those players would be blacklisted within the community. The report afk feature in most MMOs is a joke, because often all the bot/running in place against an object has to do do, it get attacked, and then not more flagged for being afk. Typically in cross server queueing you simply get people "farming mid" and "fighting on roads" instead of people playing to actually win the game. You may not remember this but precross realm queues people would actually defend points, defend carriers and actually WORK AS TEAM, instead of "man look at the damage i did, well no i wasnt defending any nodes, me and about 4 others were ganking 1-2 people on the road instead of going to defend the node or carrier that was being attacked". Long story short, the instagratification player typically DOESNT care about teamwork because it only took a short time in a queue, so if they dont win, short queue time away they might. While the person who put in the time in a queue will be more likely to try to work as a team because they want to win, "not farm". Lets see, we trade slower queues for people whom want instagratification. Ill stick with the slower queues thank you. The instagratification player, and game companies catering to them is what is ruining the MMO communities.
  11. My assumption was made by this Yet rolled on a pve server, in a story driven MMO to pvp.... If he had wanted to do pvp why not be on a pvp server?
  12. Most of the warzones I see, have consistant 5-8 lv 50s and you dont see the same lv50s until you cycle through about 4-5 warzones, this has been a constant since Jan 1st. Perhaps rerolling and allowing the rest of the server to ding 50, and in the meantime go into a warzone on a lower level alt. Since you are not upset that you cant face roll low levels anymore and you are just worried you will have long queues, this is the best solution. But this just sounds to me as you are upset that you wont be able to face roll lv10s anymore. If anything they have waited too long to "flip the switch" to give 50s their own bracket, considering the gear these lv 50s have already got from face rolling low levels.
  13. Macros i can see the use, however they will need to walk a fine line with that, macros overall imo are a crutch. Addons i would say not needed. If im not mistaken, they are already working on the customization of the UI. Damage meters not needed, people tend to watch the meter instead of whats actually happening. Often the damage meters leads to someone stroking their epeen and trying to berate other players. (before trolls start typing "you mad because you bad", i was usually in the top 3 in 25s for damage when not tanking, i just dont like seeing people berate others). While i agree in the right hands a damage meter is helpful but more often than not it isnt (people tend to watch the meter more than whats actually happening in game and enjoy the toasty fire at their feet). IMO the game is better without addons.
  14. "There is no emotion, there is peace" so from a lore stand point the VA is spot on for a class following the jedi code
  15. Rift Pros- i enjoyed the soul system (talent trees), the "world events" that came out in a steady pace, constant updates. Free server transfers. Cons-Good story in the game just horribly, horribly delivered. No immersion at all in the lore of the game. Raid bosses still had bugs. Lower player base. No real innovation. WoW Pros-Since launch had taken good ideas from other game and put into their own. Large player base. Cons-Broken story line (for example 1-60 Garrosh is WC, 70-80 Thrall is WC, 80-85 Thrall is a pansy and Garrosh is WC). Rehashed content, reused models/encounters. Class imbalances (mages... no need for explanation). Game is balanced around the casual player, "oh it takes too long to level, lets cut down on the leveling time" takes little time/effort to reach max level and get geared. The game continues to become more "dumbed down" with every xpac. F2P microtransactions added to a P2P game (sparkle pony, buying gold err i mean buying a BoE pet and selling it on the AH for gold, $25 for server transfers which other games offer for free. Basically anything for a buck) Still has alot of bugs and often takes months to address issues. SW Pros-Bioware's classic story telling, well done cut scenes, great voice acting, the only MMO i have ever left the music on,probably one of the most class balanced MMOs to launch (with the exception to small tweeks needed). For a new MMO i would say it one of the smmothest launches ever (rift also had a very smooth launch). Cons-bugs, bugs and more bugs. Bugs with companion quests, companions abilitys toggling on/off. Bugged mobs here and there. Some people have bugged launchers and often stuck in a "redownload the game" cycle. Lv50 premades in WZ vs lower levels pugs is disheartening for the lower levels discouraging pvp at low level (which is being addressed in future patches). Slower customer service than in other MMOs. Some bugs from beta are still in the game at launch.
  16. dont remember the post but Bioware has stated that surnames can be used among more than one player, however the first name is unique per server
  17. only info ive found so far Q&A with Stephen Reid: "Q: Will it be possible to give us more information on exactly what we can get out of the legacy system? A: Without revealing more details I do want to point out one thing: don’t assume that there’s another, ‘secret’ character creation system that we’re going to allow for those who have unlocked their Legacy. The Legacy System will allow you to have more options at character creation, but it’s not like “Oh, you unlocked your Legacy? You now have 50 more beard types available to you!” found at http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19834-reddit-ama-with-stephen-reid-recap also James Ohlen stated in a dev blog: "The ability to select a surname for your character is just the start of something much bigger. Soon, the Legacy experience and levels you earn will grant your characters access to powers, objects and other cool benefits " found here: http://www.swtor.com/news/blog/20111213-0
  18. My thoughts... Ive seen a few "players" standing near chest spawn sites, occasionally twitching to avoid dcing and looting chests as soon as they spawn. When players get banned for exploits/botting they often get mad and cry foul. The email looks fake due to the repeated misspelled name of the planet Ilum. The posting player on the other site made the account that day to post the "Bioware email". To sum up my thoughts, player was botting, got banned and is now butthurt and posting fake emails on other sites
  19. Well that explains what hes been doing since the early 90s, he became a dev for Bioware. I can handle looking like a male version of Jennifer Lopez if it means they get the "stuttering effect" from spamming skills fixed first.
  20. Maybe these links might help you track down the quest. The Power Guard Project http://www.torhead.com/mission/4QjyxAx Showdown with Lord Sadic http://www.torhead.com/mission/yfDPbt The Defector http://www.torhead.com/mission/fQ4Qgxv Hope this helps!
  21. Nothing like joining the 'cool kids' on the empire side. I've only seen HB 3 or 4 times since starting in early access. Instead we are put up vs premade lv50s as a pug in the other maps. We republic, just get cycled through 1 of 3 empire pvp guilds (on a pve server), with the rare chance we get paired vs a pug of random levels
  22. I think you missed the point entirely. Why would PVP guilds roll on a PVE server and grind to max level prelaunch?
  23. Actually my honest opinion. Why else are there so many pvp guilds whom hit lv50 in the early access on pve servers? I guess you would suggest they are there for all on a pve server for the open world pvp? Players cant really queue up as a pug without being thrown to 1 of 3 pvp guilds on my server.
  24. Yes all the premade lv 50 pvp guilds whom role on pve and rp servers because they cant cut it on a pvp server. Hit lv50 and grief low level with premades.
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