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  1. get to it soon? a fix for this has been in the last 2 patches, right now, i have played 7 warzones won 5 and none have been added to my daily or weekly, now as i am only after battlemaster bags getting them has gone out of the window
  2. we have, but at the rate we are losing rep players to the unbalance we just be in the same place we are now, that is why we have to be able to swap over now
  3. Just like a lot of you who post on here, i am also in a very unbalance server. i have been in contact with BW and so have many other players on the server i play on. What we have been asking for is to swap the character i have over to the other side so my BH would become a Trooper with the same gear and valor level i have now. I know some of you are going to say why not level up a new character but the time i get up to 50 and up to the same gear and valor level, there is not going to be anyone on the rep side, just be me and a few others. The reply i had back from BW was a pointless reply and did very little to see if BW would do this. http://www.feck-it.com/star_001/reply.jpg when you on a server which has a balance of 85% - 15% something needs to be done very fast and this is the only way which will save a lot of server and get the balance back to a good 50% - 50%
  4. maybe fun for you but when you on a server which is 85% imp and only 15% rep i cant see myself getting any pvp done now, as it was before i could ride around and do some pvp, now there are no rep showing themselfs, as soon as one shows up its dead with in a sec with 100 plus imp trying to kill them
  5. yes it is a broken system, so does that mean if an alarm is broken on a house that it is ok to go in and take things from the house? And yes it can be looked at as exploiting.
  6. i do blame you, you could get a back bone and kill the other side, but no you cant do that can you, you just want it easy, like a lot of the others, and i bet you are one of the players which are ************ about the drops in the bags
  7. i did my daily by killing the other side, just like i do each day. sometimes i get killed and sometimes i don't. But i don't sit around holding hands and telling bed time story's to the other side
  8. So you one of the players which sit around and farm in the pvp zone?
  9. I under stand where you are coming from Miltonium, but it would not sit right with me to let players get away with this. I deal with cheaters day in and day out, and bust cheating punks from APB to Wolfenstein, so asking me to easy of them just wont happen, i may not have the tools in this game as i have in BF3 or any of the other games i work on. But i can and will report them
  10. this one shows both sides just farming, which i took the other day http://www.feck-it.com/star_001/Screenshot_2012-01-10_12_13_18_433025.jpg and i have a lot more showing both sides farming
  11. I did warn you and screens are going in and have been for sometime Ticket http://www.feck-it.com/star_001/ticket_001.jpg todays farmers http://www.feck-it.com/star_001/Screenshot_2012-01-12_12_34_21_265368.jpg http://www.feck-it.com/star_001/Screenshot_2012-01-12_12_34_14_695993.jpg http://www.feck-it.com/star_001/Screenshot_2012-01-12_12_34_06_361516.jpg http://www.feck-it.com/star_001/Screenshot_2012-01-12_12_34_02_583300.jpg http://www.feck-it.com/star_001/Screenshot_2012-01-12_12_33_58_299055.jpg http://www.feck-it.com/star_001/Screenshot_2012-01-12_12_33_52_842743.jpg
  12. I am happy to see this, no more of players ************ at me or my guild mates for turning up and killing the other side when all the players are doing is standing there with the other side. http://www.feck-it.com/ilum_001.jpg http://www.feck-it.com/ilum_002.jpg http://www.feck-it.com/ilum_003.jpg The pvp on Scepter of Ragnos is to stand around and not kill anyone and when you do you upset the server
  13. septicmeg

    ETA on 50's WZ

    As it stands right now it is point less in doing any SE's if you not 50, the muppet which came up with this needs a good kick up the ***
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