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Posts posted by Errthu

  1. This is a great idea, me and my friend will buy it =]


    It's ok to level another alt character to enjoy another story. However, leveling another advanced class is very boring, because you already know the story, you will get same quests, same ship, same companions, same wife etc.


    I wish to notice 2 moments:

    1. It should be not usable in any pvp area, for balance reason. For example make it usable in fleets only =]

    2. It should cost much, arround 5000 cartel coins.

  2. And I beg to differ about Immortal's 'weak burst'. If you pay close attention to my rage management in the video, you can probably see that Immortal probably can generate and conserve the most amount of rage out of any other spec. What does this mean? It means rage dumps. And rage dumps = high burst. While other spec's can also benefit from the Rage Free Force Scream on charge, no others can follow up with a force choke -> ravage (dealing damage while filling your rage bar) and then you can procede into dumping the rest of your rage in smashes, crushing blows and vicious slash spam.


    No. Dumping rage with skills you listed is not a burst. 5k aoe single hit is a burst, especially with 3k force scream next. And Vicious slash is not even worth gcd. Ravage + force choke is on 50 seconds cd, and it's mediocore. Anyway as rage I do not need much rage points. I even dropped enraged sunder for dreadnaught.


    I don't mean to brag, but I burned down a full BM Jedi Shadow at the same rate I was being DPS'd down (and didn't use any defensive CD's or heals) So I do not agree with your views on the burst of this build.


    Shadow must be awful then because this class is godly in 1vs1.


    Sure you can guard just as well, but if you are any other spec but immortal you are not going to be doing much else while guarding.


    So constantly dropping 4k aoe hits is nothing else?


    You are not going to be able to generate max rage with ease.


    I don't need max rage.


    You are not going to be able to survive heavy burst on you and your guard target without invincible.


    Tested this, invincible is like -1 death per warzone. Doesn't worth it. Lucky leap will save you more often.


    You are not going to be able to stun (to further mitigate damage).


    Leaps, mez, kb are enough. If I die 4 times in warzone instead of 3 I do not care.


    The damage differences between the specs are somewhat made up from abilities like heavy handed and sweeping fury. The extra damage on your backhands and smashes do add up over time and the rage generation makes sure you are using every GCD you have, minimizing the use of your regular assault.


    Your rage generation is only force you to dump it with weak skills.


    tl;dr Yeah, you can guard while outside of Immortal, but you have to lower the potential output in your offensive capabilities to do so.


    Yes I lower my potential in fulling resolve bars without any harm.


    What are you talking about, you don't have any stuns that allow you to effectively do anything else. The only stun you do have, force choke, also removes you from the battle when it is used.


    And what? 3 seconds of immobilize is not gonna lower my damage output. Because my burst is only 2 buttons unlike all your skill rotation.


    So lets say you are in a 2v2 situation. You force choke a guy, both of you are removed from the fight during the whole duration of the ability, so for the duration of force choke, it becomes a 1v1. But when you have non-channeled force choke and backhand, there is a different outcome. As immortal, in this 2v2 situation, when you use you Force Choke or backhand you are turning the battle into a 2v1. I don't think you are fully comprehending how POWERFUL that actually is.


    2vs1 with Immortal jug is like 1vs1 anyway.



    Those are not even included in my build, did you even read?


    Now yes, it's long time ago I saw this thread for the first time.


    Oh yes, a ~800 Hp shield you get every 12 seconds is crap :rolleyes:. Its effectively a 800hp heal when its up. That could be up to a maximum of around 45,000 damage prevented if you keep that thing up constantly. And the 1600-2400 hp that you do gain from it in your average group fight is pretty damn good. Doesn't matter how you look at these fungible numbers, you are mitigating a good percentage of incoming damage over time.


    800hp.. I can't even stop to smile... 800hp! No skills ingame hit that bad. Ahh yes, perhaps immortal jug's attack moves do.



    Why did I even bother with such a long reply to another player who doesn't really think his position through.


    30 respecs and valor level 76 gave me enough to think about. There's only 1 usable pvp spec and it's rage. Any kind of unstoppable is nice for huttball though.

  3. Watched the video. Good player. Smart using of force push. However damage numbers made me feel sorry for you.


    I can protect just as well as any immortal jug. Up to 180k protection with healer and 50k-60k very often without any heal. Yes I do not have 2 stuns but it's not like I need it because of 4k smashes in soresu and 5k+ in shi-choo form (on clothies). Where you need 2 stuns I usually need only 1, that's all. Invincible has a 3 mins cd - can live without pressing this button 3 times in single warzone. Sonic barrier is uber crap. Crash is crap. Shield chance is crap. Stacking armor is crap. Whole immortal tree is crap with exception of tier 1 and 2 which you can get in rage spec anyway. And yes, 14/27 is better for carrying ball.


    Anyway yesterday my friend powertech did 427k damage and 168k prot on Alderaan and he's almost pure shieldtech specced. Also darkness assasins are x2 better than immortal jug in pvp. Because both of these classes can do DAMAGE in their tank specs. And immortal jug has a lowest dps ingame and no burst at all. Seriously try this for a week or so:


    Use soresu all the time, switch to Shi-cho when needed (5k medal, farm game, team needs pure dps).

    And I bet you will never go back to Immortal.

  4. son i been full battlemaster b4 illum welfare boost before 2 month marker and alot of people on my server as well. My info is all in my sig its a big PvP server DWC and im known as the best guardian on it u can ask around if u even care so much. Yes ive owned plenty of assasins of all 3 tree's and that was b4 your nerf to kinetic tank tree pyrotechs are harder than you atm.


    Funny ego you have mate. Now it will be even more fun to fight your rage jug on public test server. Guys like you usually smash keyboard when they lose roaring "how commeee ****** cheaters, I'm still teh best!!!" :)


    Will drop you a pm when they implement this feature.

  5. 3200??lol? do you not no how to build singularity buff b4 force sweep for dmg? do you even play this game or just troll. My Force exhaustion ticks for 1300 my choke for 900 and ill make you blow your tenacity with force exhaustion snare so you sit in my choke /exhaustion ticks...This thread is hilarious guardian jugg dps underpowered...lawL


    Against full battlemaster darkness assasin? =] I think your server is a pve one...

    Not gonna discuss anymore...

  6. I can beat any Powertech/or any sin....ffs kinetic sins got nerfed and can't even use their proc if they sit in Defense stance and if they switch to dps stance they get smashed to pieces...right now they hit like a wet noodle 3k force n balance is like their best attack meanwhile guardian i do 6k all day force sweeps...If your losing to powertechs/sins all the time then you need to learn to keybind and learn to play.


    i just got the feeling you guys have never seen a geared guardian that knows how to play -.-


    That's why I told myself to stop posting on forum at all. Because people who can play a bit better than others tend to think they are superstars who never lose. I just hope they will allow character transfer to test server. Then I will gladly fight your rage jugs on assasin (has a little expirience with pt atm). I bet you are not even gonna execute 3rd smash... And yes they are not gonna hit for 6k. More likely 3200-3500 each (with all possible buffs).


    Ahh, yes my main is 75 full bm Juggernaut.


    Thanks and bb till test server character transfer.

  7. uhm no, i'm pretty sure i have and trust me you won't even be able knock of 50% of my hp before you are an overrated paperweight.


    He was skilled player with full battlemaster and popped all relics/adrenal, right? :p


    Don't get me wrong Jugs are not weak, but currently they are only good for huttball.


    As protectors Darkness sins and Shield-Tech powertechs are better.

    As damage dealers Madness sins and Pyrotechs are better.


    Really, smashspam is only good for killing unskilled players in pugs.

  8. i admit a good darkness assasin is often game over if i'm alone but pyro powertechs? just another tin can waiting to be smashed to the ground.


    Good ones can burst you through Saber Ward without problem. Thx to gods, not many people realize how deadly pyro spec is. :)


    I'd rather face good assasin alone than get jumped by pyro.

  9. Stop posting this Luciela video in every second topic, are you so blind to see he's fighting ungeared and unskilled players? Each decent jug can do at least the same.


    Put him against battlemaster darkness assasin or battlemaster pyrotech with at least basic understanding of gameplay and see how useless smash spam is.


    Hell people in this video can be killed by Vicious Slash...

  10. Or get rid of bound items altogether. they only serve one purpose, to force players to run content. I gained the reward, let me do with it what i want, when i want to sell it for 1 credit on the GTN, let me.


    While I like this idea, we should notice that it will attract real money to the game, people will sell stuff for $$$.

  11. After 2 months of gameplay many of us, players, have almost full Rakata/Battlemasters sets, which makes our centurion/columi/champion etc tokens worthless. The idea is simple - let us use these tokens/commendations for our alts. I think it goes well with incoming legacy system, why my character can't spend some tokens for his bro or whatever?.


    In short, all of your main character's tokens/commendations/unnasebled gear pieces should be bound to your Legacy.




    Our alts will no longer be 1shotted at level 50 warzone because of no expertise.

    Our alts will have no trouble passing dps check in raids or tanking simple instances.

    Finally, it will reduce the frustration of getting the 3rd same token in a row from champion bag ("lol casino has won again, gonna put it on my alt anyway". )


    Seriously, advantages are endless and no disadvantages at all.


    Swtor has a great replay value, and this feature could help many people with leveling another character.


    If you like the idea, please rate this thread.

  12. If you're a level 63 battlemaster I think you can perform better, especially if you play with your guildies.


    I do think us warriors are more group dependant. But Rage warriors can dish up to 650k~ dps if we ignore objectives and aren't getting facerolled by the opposite team.

    300~400+ If we do objectives.


    I'll agree on the survivability, we can't just walk around without any heals. But if we could that would be retarded given the fact we can often 3 shot the ball carrier ourselves.

    What we do have that makes up for it is GREAT mobility, seriously. You can leap up to 100 meters in a matter of seconds if your targets are positioned right.


    I won't disagree with you that we don't have a lot of options. "RAGE OR DIE!". But I do think you're exaggerating a bit. I believe juggernauts are one of the strongest classes out there.



    (If we could only heal like commando's... :p...)


    Man I do not perform bad. If I queu solo and our team wins, 90% I'm number 1 in medal list. However, if I would play powertech or assasin I would be there all the time. Hope now it's clear =]


    And 500-600k damage games are rare, huttball can end with 70-80k damage per player for example.

  13. Also I'll admit I could see 300k damage dealing on occasion if he's allowed to leverage his AoE abilities enough, Dfa and even flamethrower can put out some hurt if people are stupid enough to stay grouped in them, which lets face it they often are.


    Dharagada, I didn't say he does it solo. We protect each other quite often, constantly changing the guard recipient depending of hp pools, but he lasts longer, like Immortal Juggernaut, while doing the damage which is equal to Rage specced Juggernaut.


    Stopped reading here.


    Don't call yourself a good pvper if you chose to level up a juggernaut in order to play rage spec...


    I didn't call myself good pvper, however If you play on Ravager pm me for a duel and I will show you the difference between spec capabilities. I played all posiible warriors specs, sitting on 30 respecs or so.

  14. A powertech can't tank 3 even geared people unless he's getting outside support. Just saying. In addition a lot shield techs are starting to go for a hybrid spec as opposed to a pure tank spec for pvp because shields mean squat for them, so this does indeed allow them to do a good deal more damage than a pure tank spec, course they have less surviabilty too.


    Mate, no offense, but each evening I play with one who can. He is 300k damage tank.

  15. Hello all.


    My guild has many good pvp players - some of them are playing powertechs and assasins. I was comparing those classes to mine and I can say - Powertechs and assasins are better in pvp than juggernauts.


    For example, one of my guildies is powertech. He has like x2 of my survivability (I use rage build), easily holding the ball against 3 ppl, and doing 300+k damage per minigame while completing objectives. I can reach these damage numbers only if I:


    1. Completely ignore game objectives.

    2. Voidstar.


    But no way I can tank 3 level 50 geared ppl. Also I think he can unleash up to 500k if he will ignore game objectives, only going for kills.


    Another my guildie is hybrid sin. Again he does more damage than me (just a bit - but more) and he has heals. Yes, tank with decent damage and heals. Must I notice his lighting is uniteruptable with disruption?


    Both of these classes can guard/taunt. Both are nice ball carriers. You can say we have force charge/intercede. Yes it's our best abilities, but:


    Powertechs have charge and pull.

    Assasins have force speed and pull.


    Their defensive cooldowns are also better. With cleaver usage of force shroud, force speed and battle hide you should never die as assasin. Powertechs can't hide, but it's not like they need to. As i said my guildie can tank 3 ppl slowly bringing them down.


    At the moment we have 3 popular pvp builds:

    1. Immortal - no damage on geared opponents, has a decent survivability. If you want to play pure support class go for this. However there's absolutely zero chance to win a duel vs powertech or tank-hybrid assasin unless you outplay them badly. Tested by me and other guildies. Actually I doubt you can kill solo anything. And other builds can produce almost same support for the team. Then why bother?

    2. Vengeance hybrid - no damage on geared opponents, ok survivability. Does ok in group pvp, mostly because of unstoppable. Again zero chances in a duel against these classes, zero chances to kill healers, zero chances to be dangerous in group pvp.

    3. Rage - good damage, average survivability. Still a best choice, does well in group and 1vs1 pvp. The problem is lack of survivability - assasins and powertechs are x2 harder to kill if they are played properly.


    In short - both of these classes are capable of producing damage equal to Rage specced Juggernaut, while having survivability which is equal to Immortal specced Juggernaut. We are the only tanks ingame which have to choose.


    And now the most sad part, to prevent unconstructive and trolling posts.


    1. I am level 63 battlemaster. It's not a gear issue.


    2. I can top random minigame chart with any of character, including juggernaut. Not because of uber skill, but because of huge game experience (played pvp mmo for 8 years including ranked pvp in guild wars, age of conan, etc. ). As experienced pvp player I see class capabilities and well played powertech/assasin is better than well played juggernaut. So no, it's not a skill issue.


    3. I played with my guildies for years and I know our gaming skill is equal. It's just about their classes can do everything better than I do.


    Ahh, another thing to mention here - both of them are main tanks in raids. And their raids do well, so we are not better in pve either. Personally I do not raid at all, so I can't say how good our class is in pve.


    Please notice this is not a whine post, this is a constructive feedback from a guy who still likes the class and don't want to reroll another one.

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