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Everything posted by Radiatonia

  1. Troll harder. Anyways, to get back on topic. If you're interested in seeing the CE store get fixed, you should probably send in a ticket. They aren't as likely to see it if you only rely on the forums, since folks like the above poster are apparently determined to to try and whip people into a frenzy. You might also find the old thread where they confirmed what was in the CE store on sites like Wayback machine. Though I don't know if they archive stuff like forum posts, or if they do stuff so recent. Also, thanks for bumping the topic Andryah!
  2. Unless the Bioware developers lied in the CE store megathread topic about what was planned to be in the CE store, to generate sales, then you're wrong. They said there'd be numerous cosmetic gear sets, for one. There's only one. Also, the stores themselves are obviously unfinished. All you have to do is look at them to tell that. And who said anyone wanted overpowered items? Sounds to me like some of you people are just playing the role of the fan-boy. Developers make mistakes. Problems happen. What matters is fixing them. Do you think people are just going to shut up about this because you don't like it? That's not going to happen. Edit: I see your second post after this one is basically a "lol why don't you ragequit post". My apologies. I assumed you were mistaken, instead of a troll.
  3. "Why are you complaining! You got something, didn't you!" Something is not everything we were promised. Also, i'd have to see a dev post concerning a changing inventory. As it is, I don't recall seeing anything like that in the old megathread CE topic. And the place that quote you gave was dragged from was pretty much designed to sell copies. Calling something "dynamic" is a pretty common way to make something sound better then it is.
  4. Your claim kind of falls apart when we can look at the CE vendor day by day and see that there's nothing dynamic about it at all. It's the same gear every day. And on top of that, the gear doesn't even support every class. You have to play certain classes to get any benefit out of it. Also, don't forget that the Imperial side has many more items then the Republic. Clearly they're not going for a dynamic setup, given that there's no real equal distribution of items. They're just added in as they were done.
  5. So have their been any dev replies today? Be kind of nice to get a response on the whole CE/VIP store thing, if nothing else.
  6. Maybe you should read up on the issue before making smug "I AM THE ULTIMATE CONSUMER!" posts? The CE doesn't even have all the stuff it was supposed to come with. That's a bit different then getting mislead.
  7. Bioware actually promised unique social armor sets. Key word, sets. They also said that there'd probably be even more content developed after release, if the players who saw that particular post are to be believed. And since there are multiple people who have claimed that, I believe them. Unfortunately, Bioware deleted the CE store thread recently, so it's hard to prove anything. Really, the CE store is obviously not finished. All you have to do is look at the pages of stuff in the Imperial store, and look at the maybe six items there are in the Republic store. There's been a dozen topics about this, and the trolls always try and shut them down. Bioware needs to just respond on what's going on, so people can move on and enjoy the game without worrying that their $150 isn't wasted.
  8. There was social armor that was heavy and medium. As far as I can tell it was completely removed from the game a few versions ago, however. At the very least, I haven't seen the faction equivalent up yet for where it'd normally be. Maybe that's the missing armor sets that are going in the CE vendor! (Kidding.)
  9. The DDE items at least have a novelty use. The stores linked to CE/DDE/VIP players are busted, and are all but empty at the moment. Which is where the real gain comes from. You don't have to pay a million credits to get access to the VIP vendor. And if you got the CE, you were supposed to get another vendor full of unique social armors and other interesting things. Neither of those vendors have their intended items at the moment. I wouldn't bother putting a million credits down for lounge access as things are. There's just no point to it. I mean, I guess you could play suicide alphabet by jumping off of the lounge and dying. Which is good for a few chuckles when the station is full of people. But something tells me spelling out LOL in a place where it's supposed to be impossible to die, with a few group mates, to freak people out is hardly an intended feature that we were supposed to be given.
  10. @Ujelly: To get back on topic, yeah. The Republic Officer set is only available if you have the CE vendor. Presumably, it's one of the sets they mentioned adding in for release. However, if it's an officer set, it's not any NPC officer i've seen so far. It seems more "mercenary" then anything else. Which when compared to the Imperial Trooper armor, puts it a long way behind in terms of coolness. There's also been reports (The topic is long gone, apparently.) from multiple people that recall the posts in the old dev topic, that they plan on adding content to the store every few months or so, for awhile. But no-one can actually bring up the quote since it seems the store megathread was deleted. So who knows if they still plan to hold up their end of the bargain. It'd be nice if a Bioware rep could comment on it, like i've been saying, since it's still pre-release, and alot of people are wondering what the plans are for the store. Both the VIP and CE store are incredibly barren at the moment. The VIP store actually had pages of items removed from it if you compare it from the pre-release build, and this build, which only has one item (A speeder.) in it. If nothing else, I certainly wouldn't bother plunking down the million credits to get access to the VIP area as of right now if I didn't have the CE or DDE. It's just not worth it, given that the store has nothing in it for VIP people.
  11. Yeah, if you were looking forward to equipping the Security Authenticator armor, then good luck unless you roll a female character. It's a dancers outfit similar to the one Leia wears in Jabba's Palace. Which means its gender restricted. @Andrew: They just haven't added it. It's good that people are speaking up about it. Odds are it's on the low priority list of things to do. Which is fine. But they should fulfill the promises that were made to people prior to launch, which bringing it up helps do.
  12. Except that's bad business. I knew the mount probably wouldn't scale going in. But Bioware promised certain things in the other features that they haven't delivered on. It's only Caveat Emptor if you assumed. They just didn't deliver on a few things, like the CE vendor. Which is what i'll keep bringing up until it gets fixed or we get a reply.
  13. The CE store and VIP vendor are pretty empty. Especially the VIP vendor, which used to look like this: Now it just has one item in it. The CE vendors aren't even finished. And are massively imbalanced, with one faction having about two pages of customization items in their vendor (Still not featuring all of the classes, though.), while the other has less then a page worth of items, with only two customization items. Also, they forgot to add all the cosmetic armor sets they said they were going to add in the old megathread, for the CE vendor. Pretty sure they're going to have to keep to their word on developing both after release at this rate. Also, outside of the CE stuff, it would be nice if the old social armors on Ilum were available again. I miss having armors that weren't light armor only. I believe the social armors on the fleet stations were removed a few builds ago, too.
  14. The CE store isn't even finished. Just look at what's in each store between the two factions. The Imperials get 7 customizations for one guy, a ton of customizations for a bunch of other companions. And the Republic gets only two customization items, one for Corso Riggs (Trooper.), and one for T-7 (Knight.). You're talking several pages worth of content for one faction, and not even a page for the other. And even then, the Imperial side is pretty obviously missing a ton of customization options, if you're familiar with the companion listings. It looks like they either forgot to finish this feature, or have it on hold for now. Also, there's this: This was the VIP vendor in beta, immediately prior to release. Note the pages on pages of items for the Republic VIP vendor. Now, as of this version, there's only one item there. A speeder. Something is definitely up. Basically, the only thing we, as players, can do, is try to get Bioware's attention about this, and hope for the best. It's pretty obvious that both stores are seriously screwed up, and one isn't even finished yet, what with the CE vendor not having all the cosmetic armor items they said it'd have. The VIP vendor, which is what DDE/VIP lounge members get access too, did appear to be finished. But the items were stripped out in the version we have access too. Maybe due to this being an earlier build then the last? Bioware has quietly rolled back to earlier build versions in the past, during beta for one reason or another. I really don't know.
  15. I posted a video a few pages back. This is what the VIP vendor looked like in one of the prior builds. So yeah. Something's up. Obviously we can't say what's up with the CE vendor, since the only way to see what was inside the CE vendor prior to now would have been to hack the files, and data-mine the data. However, a quick google reveals that Reddit found a 1 hour fleet cooldown teleport token that looks like it's supposed to be in the CE store. So it's looking more and more like the store just isn't finished and doesn't have all the armor sets/items it's supposed to have. Also, there's the whole issue with the Imperial side having way more items in it, and being filled out much more evenly then the Republic side, even if it is still missing a bunch of stuff.
  16. Since about the time the U.S became a litigious society. You don't come out and say there's going to be multiple cosmetic sets, content developed after release for the CE store, and more, on the forums, and then don't deliver on the first point. The silence is the worst part. If a Bioware rep would just make a thread saying "Yeah, we know it sucks. We'll fix it, don't worry. What we promised is still going to happen", things would be fine. As it is, the silence just keeps feeding people's complaints. Now is really not the time to be silent on this. It's what, 3 days from release for most people out there?
  17. There's plenty of other threads talking about this too. Surprised we haven't gotten an answer yet. For the record, the CE is just as bad off. The store we get access to is pretty obviously unfinished. Especially on the Republic side. Which has maybe half the items the Imperial side has, at most. All those unique "cosmetic armors" we were going to get also never showed up either. There's only one set currently, and the Republic side set doesn't even appear to be properly named. I've checked a ton of major locations, and not seen any NPC using the "Republic Officer" set, that's an officer. It looks like mercenary gear that's been recolored. Contrast that with the Imperial side armor, which is actual Imperial trooper armor, taken piece for piece. God forbid you bring all that up, though. You'll get jumped by a dozen people who want to know why you're being so "entitled", to want what Bioware said in the CE store megathread would be in. Really, the DDE and CE as a whole have been disappointing so far. I wish Bioware would actually come out and say what the heck is going on.
  18. You, uh, do realize that the Darth Malgus statue is already for sale individually? And I believe has been for awhile? About the only collectable thing in the box is the journal, and the box itself. People bought the CE for the store and the extra items. It was the big "Oh wow! Gotta have that!" selling point, outside of things like the soundtrack, which is actually kind of incomplete (It only features songs from the first 1/3 of the game or so.). And then, and i'll say it again, the Bioware devs made alot of claims about the CE store. Which have not been fulfilled. In fact, the Republic side store is obviously not even a finished product, when you compare it to the Imperial store. Which is also more then likely not finished, given the gaps it has. Why is this such a bother to people? Developers make mistakes. They have to prioritize things. People aren't asking to get a golden scepter they can bean you with, and to force others to carry them from location to location in a solid gold chariot. They're asking to get what they spent money on, and for the promises that were made to be fulfilled. That's not a big deal! @Trobon: Also, you're wrong. But since you seem to be vehemently opposed to the idea of the store being finished, i'm certainly not going to take the time to argue with you further. It doesn't take a genius to see that the stores aren't even filled out yet with the basic amenities, never mind the more complex stuff. You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but the least you could do is stop derailing the topic, so that people can't work towards getting an answer on what's up from the Bioware developers.
  19. Actually, there was a post. Which you'd have seen if you were paying attention to the forums prior to release. There was a megathread topic that contained information from the devs. That topic appears to have since been deleted, as part of the preparation for release. It does not, however, invalidate what was posted, and said. As the sales were made under the claims of the Bioware developers. If you had actually read my posts, you'd have realized that. Since I stated it pretty much verbatim. @Amp: We did do research. The people who are complaining are the ones who watched the forums and any other form of media available pretty much weekly to figure out what we were getting. Which is why people are confused, and angry. We didn't get what Bioware said we would get. Do people not even bother to read forum posts before posting anymore? :/
  20. It'd be nice if the Bioware devs actually commented on this. There's been at least a dozen fairly large topics that keep getting killed off by the EGA spam/trolling over the past few days. Somehow I doubt things are going to get any quieter either.
  21. You seem to not be reading my post in full. I think you should read it again. In the mean-time, i'll repeat part of what I said. The developers and PR people of BR said the store would contain certain features. Certain features it does not have at the moment. That is not acceptable, either in a business format, a consumer satisfaction format, or just about any other form of decency. If you can't understand that, then there's really no way I can make you understand this. Because expecting to get what you paid for is a rather fundamental thing that people are talking about here, and people across the world expect. Also, the reasoning that "We had time to figure out what we were getting" doesn't hold muster at all. The CE store was locked in beta. The only way you were going to find out what was in the CE store was to data mine the files (Something that's probably illegal to do.), and scan through thousands of lines of code/data to find the items individually. That's not in any way a realistic expectation of your average customer.
  22. It doesn't matter whether you bought the CE or not. What you think about it is also irrelevant. A large number of people paid an exorbitant sum on money on the promise that they'd get access to the store, and that it'd contain items that are not in it now. Quite a few people could care less about a statue that's going to gather dust a month after release. And the soundtrack is probably going to be available for cheaper later on. The store sucks. Plain and simple. It isn't even feature complete. If you play a consular or smuggler, you don't even get any of the items the other classes do. The Imperial side vendor is also much more well stocked (but also pretty obviously incomplete) then the Republic side vendor is, showing proof that they didn't have the CE store as a priority feature for release. Also, the VIP vendor had ALOT more items in it last build. And was pretty much a complete store. See this video showing it off to see what I mean. As it is now, the VIP store has one item in it, the speeder. It seems likely that they screwed something up, or just put this on the back burner. The important thing is to get clarification from the devs on what's going on, before too much time expires. People should not be cheated out of their money. Nor is the excuse of "You should have known better!", that people are excusing the devs for, in various ways, acceptable either. That's not how you do business, anyone who's worked in management, or had a real job handling company assets, will tell you that. About all we know about the CE store is that there were supposed to be a number of cosmetic armor sets, according to posts that were made almost half a year ago. There isn't. There's just one. Apparently there was also a post pertaining to the store being updated over time too, according to multiple people who are posting on the forum. Which probably means that that's true too. Though a source would be nice. They've been quiet since. Now is not the time to keep being quiet. We're only a few days away from official release. What do you think is going to happen when all the CE players get their CE, and see these stores? Especially when they compare the two factions together? And yeah, a quote that they plan on adding to it over time would be nice. I searched for it, but it seems they deleted the megathread that contained info on the CE store.
  23. I'm not even sure the CE store is finished. Read this topic I made here to see what I mean. There's too much to go over, but one of the quicker things we found out was that the VIP store lost all of its items from last build, for one. And the Republic side CE store has a much smaller stock then the Imperial side. To the point where if you rolled Smuggler or Consular, you don't even have any class specific items you can use in the CE store. What's on offer for the Trooper and Knight is pretty pathetic too. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=34005 There were a number of armors that were medium and heavy a few builds ago. I don't know if they existed on Republic side Ilum too, but the social vendor Imperial side had a ton of sets of really cool looking armor, like Mandalorian armor. However, when I went to Ilum R side at release, the vendor was empty except for a few social trinkets. I'm assuming the same is true for Imperials, since i've noticed similar things elsewhere.
  24. So a quick update. I hate double-posting, but I figured this should be pointed out: I sent in a ticket yesterday about this. Clarified on what was wrong, and was pretty clear. I got a pre-written reply from a CS bot "MO-TO" back, that had nothing to do with this issue. Apparently reporting it flagged it as me having "deleted an item", and wanting restoration of it. Something that can only be done three times, evidently. I received this report two times in a row in the same ticket. I've got no idea if I just used up two of those tries or not. Which is distressing all by itself. However, after the two replies, the ticket was closed. Meaning I couldn't clarify on the actual bug I was trying to submit. I've opened another ticket in the hopes of an actual person reading it. But it seems like the developers might not be able to easily know of this bug prior to release?
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