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Everything posted by CaptQuazar

  1. Are you from the future?
  2. If they either implement cross-server queues, or they merge the servers the queue times would still be within an acceptable range for both solo and group queue in regs.
  3. CaptQuazar

    Okay Bioware

    I know, it seems so real. But trust me, you were doing a face plant in your pillow and drooling.
  4. CaptQuazar

    Okay Bioware

    This was a dream you had. It never actually happened. I know because I've had the same dream. Aside from mixing your dream/wake states, your suggestions do have merit. They can't implement #1 without cross-server queues. Otherwise, queue times could go beyond an acceptable range - especially during off peak hours. Number 2 and 3, they should be working feverishly on day and night. But they've opted for a more lackadaisical approach. I doubt there will be any serious improvements anytime soon. We'll all be playing some other game at this rate.
  5. It is rumored they have an advanced training facility somewhere on Coruscant...
  6. What I saw over the weekend was a bunch of Imp premades vs Pub pugs. They focused well and killed stuff quick. You can't expect wins and scoreboard glory when being dominated by premades and people start quitting matches.
  7. I used absorb modifications because I thought they affected Shield Probe on my Sniper.
  8. I should have mentioned I'm coming from a PvP perspective. I don't PvE other than class story. In PvP I feel Engineering could use some more direct damage, and the return of an innate reset ability. Even before all the new mobility abilities other classes received, our AoEs didn't have much impact. Now targets can just zip right out of them. And our DoTs are extremely weak in PvP. Back when the resets on Imperial Preparation were Engineering only because they were tied to EMP discharge, and Scatter Bombs was actually powerful, Engineering was a lot more fun and unique. EMP Discharge in its current state is simply too weak as a top level active ability for the spec. Its damage is too low, and Engineering still needs an innate reset like the other two specs. On a side note, I started out as an Eng Sniper, dabbled in Marksman and what was called Lethality (now Virulence) back in the day. Then returned to Eng. Now I'm a Sabo GS because I got tired of 90% of the fights being Imp on Imp when playing Imp side on my server. I use Imp terms for the class as I know them by heart and struggle with the Pub translations.
  9. When they redesigned EMP Discharge, they took away its awesome resets and made it do lackluster damage instead. Later they gave those resets to all specs in the form of Imperial Preparation. But Engineering was never given back an innate reset ability. Marksman still has Sniper Volley to reset Penetrating Blasts, Virulence still has Lethal Takedown to reset Takedown (and makes it usable at any HP level). Engineering has....? Since EMP Discharge is underwhelming in its current form, I suggest its damage be increased by 50%, and that it also resets Frag Grenade and gives the next Frag Grenade 100% chance to crit. What say you?
  10. Juggs can be tough to bring down 1 on 1 if they have all their CDs up. But 5 people on a Jugg and his health doesn't drop more than 20%, and he goes on to kill all 5 people? That's pure fantasy.
  11. I think the fight with the sorc is more telling about the OP nature of sorcs, than it is about the short comings of this particular sniper. Or it could just be about how nice it would be to have a medpac up after you've just killed a sorc, have only 135hp left, and their dots are still ticking on you. Or it could be about how purge should still be tied to the sniper version of Evasion like it is for Ops. Further still, it could be about how snipers need some sort of self healing ability of their own, just like Ops. In fact, this whole dam thing is about how the two ACs of Imperial Agent (and by extension, Smugglers) should have more in common- mainly self healing and purges. That much is obvious.
  12. Covered Escape can be trained at level 51.
  13. X = PT Tank for the sniper, so he/she doesn't get blown up. Y = ?? Z = Profit.
  14. Can someone explain the above statement to me? I'm not seeing how the spec of those doing the tunneling makes a difference going against a Jugg tank vs a PT tank.
  15. I'd settle for at least a 50% damage increase. But with a name like EMP Discharge/Sabotage it begs to have a secondary effect in-line with the name.
  16. As highest level active abilities in Engineering/Saboteur specs they are underwhelming. The damage needs to be increased by at least 50% if they are to remain damage only abilities. If the damage remains the same, secondary effects need to be added. Such as an AoE interrupt, or an AoE silence/disarm.
  17. The dots aren't that strong. A nuisance at best. It can't kite melee as well as Gunnery/Arsenal without the 70% slow on Fullauto. It doesn't have the killing power; it takes too long to down a target. The spec does have some perks, for sure. But it's just not as powerful compared to Gunnery/Arsenal. You have to work hard to do well with it, only to still be less effective than Gunnery/Arsenal.
  18. How'd those tips work out for you? I just don't think there is any way Assault/IO can compete with Gunnery/Arsenal in PvP. It just doesn't have the oomph.
  19. I doubt this game will ever put that much effort into developing PvP on the level of DAOC or Warhammer Online. That would take the game in a whole new direction- something they never had in mind. Barring that, it would be nice to get more than just one new WZ and one new arena. It would be nice to completely replace the current line up with all new WZs. We'll have to wait for Camelot Unchained for substantive RvR type PvP.
  20. I would argue Thrill of the Hunt/Forced March is mandatory in all 3 specs if you want to maximize your ability to kite.
  21. I had a Squigherder and a Black Orc in Warhammer online. I enjoyed PvP much more in that game, even though it had its own versions of OP healers and DPS. The CC was much more balanced. I get frustrated on my commando from time to time, but I keep coming back to it. Despite its defensive short comings, it has emerged as my favorite class to play. I can only hope that the class gets a proper fix before it becomes moot and I'm off playing some other game.
  22. CC immunity needs to be re-worked in this game. Being stunlocked from 100 to 0 is abhorrent. Resolve is too slow. There needs to be some type of immediate immunity to further stuns.
  23. Lots of good ideas here. What bugs me is how long it takes for the devs to do anything.
  24. The interrupt CD is probably a data entry mistake they consider too low priority to fix. I remember a similar mistake in Warhammer Online. The devs there only got around to fixing it about a year before the game went offline.
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