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Posts posted by Balmuck

  1. 1. PT/Vanguard, Pyro/Assault

    2. Marauders/Sentinels, both in Watchmen/Annihilation, or Combat/Carnage

    2. Juggies/Guardians, DPS spec mostly, especially the one that allows them to be CC immune after leaping to you

    3. Assassins/Shadows, tank specced, DPS geared

    4. Snipers/Gunslingers

    4. Operatives/Scoundrels





    10. Sorcs



    This is a basic list of how I see the class distribution, as far as it effects my Sage, and the ease of kiting, killing or surviving against a class.


    Of course, this is just the basic list and it doesn't apply to all situation, especially when it comes to objectives or usefulness of a class to the team, while it retains it's damage and defensive cool downs, which would really make Marauders and Assassins, pretty much way above everyone else.


    I'd say that as far kiting is concerned and a class that literally can keep you in range full time, Juggies are up there and it's pretty much impossible to kite them, while they do pretty crazy damage in the time their CC immunities are up.... and I think that Juggy/Guardian, DPS spec, is pretty much one of the most effective classes to be played by people who have a comprehensive understanding of the game and know how to play as a team.. They have very good damage, by far the best gap closer in the game, very good CC and they can kill and work with their team to easily further their goals in no matter what situation.. To me it seems that they have a extremely high skill cap, mainly because the difference between a good one and a bad one, is really astounding.


    The reason why Pyro/Vanguard is up at number 1? The bust damage... They posses, by far, the highest time stamped burst damage in the game and it's not really hard to do, or set up, and again, if they know what they're doing and properly manage heat and kite, they're wrecking machines that no class can survive against for very long.. This problem is very much compounded by having more then one of them in a good team and it's becoming more and more prevalent in higher tier premades.

  2. A. Prepatch if you're a DPS and you're not able to occupy a healer by forcing him to heal himself just to stay alive, You're a bad DPS.


    B. Prepatch, if it takes 8 of you to take on a Healer/Tank combo, again, you're terrible at the game and should stick to Hello Kitty Online.


    C. Postpatch if you can't kill a Healer 1v1 as a DPS, you're bad and should quit the game.


    D. If you think stacking Healers is remotely effective in this game, you're a tard who frankly doesn't know how PVP works in this game and should be barred from posting on the PvP forums as you have about as much skill as a paraplegic does at basketball.


    Loo, XSorus, you're so cruel... but you speak the truth, sir.

  3. This is the way I see video games in general.



    Not everyone is a nuclear physicist, or a doctor, lawyer, and so on and so forth. Of course, not everyone can play video games, no matter how much disillusionment they posses.... That being said, I strongly believe that basically, 95% or more of people that play video games, or MMOs, suck at them. This isn't something I say to be rude but after playing MMO's for 8 years now, people just seem to prove me right.



    I see people day in and day out, who just constantly make huge mistake and cost us wins, yet, even if you're nice and try to tell them how to play, they won't listen. In their own world, they're the perfect player and everyone else is either lucky, stupid, or playing an OP class. I can't really fathom at how bad some people are... I just really can't.


    However, I know this and I expect this so when I PUG, I don't expect to win... at all. When I play as such, I try my best to win of course, but I play for myself... I'll do anything for the team but no way in hell, I'm going to go in in a PUG match, and die and die because my team is horrible. I'll do whatever it takes to maximize my loss, which seems to offend the people who PVP at level 50, with level 40 mods and really, only help the imps by doing so.


    Anyways, I run with a premade when I want to win and I can see why some people can get frustrated... You can only take so many losses and seeing the same people, over and over again, that never improve, can only piss you off.



    I had a decent discussion with one gentleman the other day, who didn't appreciate it when I called him out for losing a flag, which he lost and of course, called out after he died at which point, there was no way for anyone to come and help or interrupt the other team's cap.


    He basically said that he couldn't do anything because the guy CC'ied him multiple times, capped the flag and then killed him... at which point, I asked him if his CC break was up, at which he answered, yes. So, I asked him, did it ever occur to you, that the attacking player, actually CC'ied you in the first place, to make you waste your CC break, so he can CC you again, to cap your flag... and of course, he said, no, to me. Then it occurred to him, that maybe, just maybe, he should actually wait to use his CC break, only when someone is capping the flag and then you'd use it to interrupt the cap.


    This is the same exact person who I saw in PVP for about 4 months now and if that doesn't occur to you after it happens every day... multiple times, then I have no idea how you can even think about PVP'ing in a game.

  4. you missed the part where he said "after trauma"


    Lol, after trauma.. That's a very nice way to cover up his stupid numbers.



    Let's be realistic and very basic.


    If we're taking a 100 damage and 100 healing ability and factor in the expertise at the most basic levels, without considering the billion other factors, the 100 damage would hit for about 122 with the way the current expertise works, and the 100 healing would hit for 78.4, if you factor in the -30% trauma debuff and the 12% expertise you get on healing if you're maxed.



    If things worked the way he wanted them, it would only make healing more OP, because if we're talking about just pure, raw, PVE numbers, healing is a lot more OP that way then when you factor in trauma and expertise.

  5. I will make a compromise.


    If healers give up the ability to do any damage at all, and also give up their ability to CC/stun/root/mes, I will be willing to say a healer should be able to tank a dps 1 on 1.


    But healers don't want that, they want to retain all their healing abilities and at the same time be able to do damage and have other utility skills.


    Healers want to be able to do everything, on this forum they are the worst group of QQ'rs in exsistence.





    We'll be glad to heal, ONLY, as long as you agree on dropping all your CC, utility and defensive cool downs.


    This is only fair right? Oh, wait, it's not? Well, I guess you're just another hypocrite who only loves to herpa derp 4 buttons and kill people.

  6. With the healing changes in 1.2, many of us feel that time to kill (TTK) is way to short, especially when you look at the compounded changes to overall damage and healing gained from expertise, the numerous, very small but very important healing nerfs, and of course, streamlining of many DPS classes to make all their trees more viable.



    Are there any planned tweaks to make PVP combat more what it used to before 1.2. More drawn out and tactical, instead of the way it feels right now, way to zergy and DPS dependent, and of course, are there any plans to maybe, re-adjust certain healers so their class and healing doesn't feel like a burden and useless, especially the Sorc/Sage, because many people will tell you, outside of Force Speed, there is almost no way to survive when getting focused. As someone who has played many MMO's and played a Sage for quiet some time right now, I feel that my healing, especially in PUG situations, is totally worthless when I compare it to my DPS.

  7. I agree with you 100%. Not only were healers nerfed, certain classes such as Marauders/Juggies were streamlined, which made their DPS even more effective and if compounded with the overall damage increase from he expertise and healing lost from the expertise, the game you have is the one we're playing right now. Not so fun, whoever can zerg faster, hit that re-spawn button, get back into the action and face roll again.
  8. I actually never told anyone to "l2p" if you took the time to read what I wrote. Admittedly, it could be a reading comprehension problem as I'm also not telling anyone to use whirlwind after creeping terror; they are simply examples of superior cc when used intelligently. When I play my sentinel, do you know what I see? Sorcs who immediately hit their knockback and let me leap to them, sorcs that spam force lightning 10m from me, sorcs that stun me at range and have nothing left when I get into melee range, that never slow me outside of using force lightning; the list goes on. Whirlwind is incredibly strong as even when it breaks on damage it still stuns them for 2 seconds but yes you want to avoid using it early. If they want to burn their predation to avoid being kited, more power to them- if they are annihilation spec'd I've just potentially saved myself a lot of incoming damage. I don't doubt they'll nerf the class, I have little faith in the dev team after lolerscrewing sorc healing in pvp.


    Whirlwind only stuns targets if their CC bar isn't full, which is extremely rare because 99% of the time, Whirlwind will in fact give them a full Resolve bar. Due to the way the CC system works, occasionally, not often, this will happen, mainly due to them using their CC break to lower their resolve, which then it would mean that your stun would activate. If you don't believe me, get on your Sage, duel someone and lift them, if it gives them full Resolve Bar, it's basically just that, nothing else. Trust me, I duel Sentinels for like 5 min straight with Chain CC from Lift, Stun, Force Wave root and Kinetic Collapse and yet rarely, do I come out on top, mainly when they make huge mistakes.



    I've dueled the best Mara/Sentinels hundred of times and in perfect scenario, if we're speaking Sorc V Mara, duels, group, anything else, Mara is all in all a much better class. I'd always bring one over a Sorc, of course, this isn't talking about healing.



    That issue is totally something else to talk about and I'd agree with you about the Dev team, especially since I played the closed beta for a year. What they did to Sorc/Sage healers post 1.2 is pretty atrocious and made no sense what's so ever, and of course, this is one of the main reasons why Mara or PT or any other DPS class looks so OP. They greatly increased the damage boost from Expertise, while tweaking certain classes, such as the one we're talking about, and making their DPS much more effective and streamline, while, at the same time, they basically compounded quiet a few different healing nerfs and released them all at the same time. This doesn't work and it makes the game feel much more twitched based and un-enjoyable by people who like longer combat scenarios and more tactical feel to the game.



    I will say one thing again, I don't really care what they nerf or buff because I agree with you on the point that bads will be bads no matter how you look at it. but overall, Mara/Sent is by far the best DPS to bring to a fight, by far the most effective DPS and if you combine them with Power Tech, they seem to be the most populous class after 1.2. There is a reason for this and you can't really deny that you'd always pick your Sentinel over you Sage if we're talking about small scale fights where killing the opposition matters. Sorcs may have some sort off advantage in certain scenarios but in reality, even if healing, it's better to bring the other two healers then it is to bring the Sorc/Sage.

  9. Marauders have two forms of real cc; force choke and an aoe mez (which is largely a waste of a gcd outside of node protection, ect) - force scream doesn't stun you in pvp, btw. Sorcerers, in addition to the standard ranged stun and knockback available, can utilize creeping terror in addition to using the instacast whirlwind from the madness line which is arguably one of the best cc skills out there; I've used it to counter undying rage more times than I can count. You know, that unstoppable skill? You can run full madness and still pick up the +20% absorb to static barrier additionally. I'm not going to be like most on this forum and say "l2p" but truthfully you can work a marauder over with practice if you work on your kiting skills and learn what to expect.


    Yea, go ahead and tell people to L2P, but then go ahead and tell them that you can, "Creeping Terror", Marauders and then follow that up by your instant cast Whirlwind, you know, since it makes sense to give them a full Resolve bar, while breaking Whirlwind immediately because you have DoTs rolling.



    From your posts, you're either playing a different game, or you're just being a hypocrite and really know that your Sentinel is OP, but you don't really care for class balance and want to face roll some more. As far as kiting a good Mara, even if full Madness or Hybrid, you can't roll your DoTs. Of course, you'll ask why, but the reality of the situation is, you'll basically only want to Crushing Darkness/Mind Crush him since it's the only DoT that doesn't last for an eternity and a half, and if you do want to utilize all your CC properly, mainly your instant cast Whirlwind/Force Lift or your 5 sec root on your knock back, you'll do anything to avoid having a full DoT rotation on him. Not only that, even if you're supported by other players and if you're Creeping Terror/Sever Force every C/D, it's still pretty much impossible to keep him off you. Leap is what, 12 second cooldown, on top of the best snare in the game, and plenty of defensive abilities that allow the class to survive ridiculous burst, while keeping all it's damage, not only that but they have multiple gap closers, speed buff, vanish, leap, snare on Saber Throw, and such, that basically, again, makes them impossible to keep of you, if they know what they're doing.


    Good Mara/Sentinels are the best DPS class in the game right now, by far. They posses the highest burst damage and basically, if they know what they're doing and keep on their target, highest sustained damage as well, while, possesing the best defensive cooldowns in the game... Does that make them OP? I don't really care, you'll get what you deserve..

  10. Intro:

    This is a proposed change to the Sage/Sorc AC DPS/Kiting, as I feel 1.2 fails to make our class viable @ PvP (once ranked is deployed) and PvE (in some ways). The focus is PvP and is a constructive thread made for proposals, not conjecture or opinion on how un-/powerful we are or L2P issues. I have played standard (3/7/31), hybrid (0/23/18), modified standard (2/11/28; 0/13/28) and have been playing since launch on this character only. I have a mix of BM/Rakata gear and I feel I have a good grasp of my flaws and strengths when compared to other characters, but with 1.2 the balance seems lop-sided.

    I tried to give 1.2 a chance. I still have my AoE/CC damage, which looks good on a leaderboard, but realistically it feels like I am Brock Lesner’s backhoe tire, and “other” classes have his sledgehammer and pounding me with it. This was not the case pre 1.2 and was not due to the change in PoM proc. The buffs other classes got, along with the already inflated cc, have severely crippled Sages/Sorcs. It has gotten players to the point that most are quitting/rerolling or stubborn as hell and enduring the beatings (I am the latter). It is pretty obvious that 1.2 has made our survivability suspect, at best. With the mass re-rolls and somewhat “unwarranted” nerfs some classes were subject to makes me highly doubtful I can use my Sage will be viable in Ranked. This is just background to understand my proposed changes.


    Problems (the good; the bad; the ugly):

    -Sages/Sorcs were overpowered from the PvP damage output perspective: We needed a nerf, and I think another is required. I will explain more on this later.

    - Our skill trees are incorrectly balanced from a role perspective: The “shared tree” is not really shared and the other two have misguided skills for the role. I thought game mechanics would have made us kiting DoTers (Balance Tree), burst DPS/Off-DPS (TK Tree) or healers (Seer Tree), but we can’t get enough in a single tree to excel at any of these. Since this was not addressed before 1.2, our flaws are now even more evident, given the nerfs and buffs that took place.

    -We have no defensive CD/threat generator, but too much CC: Seems like most classes have at least one DFCD, and some with more depending on skill tree or class. There are none for our class. Our CC is the main contributor to the OP’d threads. It just so happens some of the CC is directly attached to our AoE, which is a problem.

    -Most of our attacks are Force based but are kinetic damage: We have very few ways to initiate internal damage. Since we are heavy force-users, lore and role dictates that most of our attacks should be internal types and also takes armor rating out of the equation.




    Proposed Changes (Can we get some of the dogmatic view of the Jedi Counslars?)


    Tree Changes:

    1. Swap “Two Disciplines” from the Shadow/Sin balance tree with “Assertion” from the Sage/Sorc balance tree (both are on the same tier anyway): This will give us some melee bonus on each “Project” (more on this later). This should be an easy change since it is a “shared tree”.

    2. Swap “Kinetic Collapse” from the TK tree, for “Psychic Suffusion” and move that high in the TK tree: This gives more decisive need to spec high in TK for max DPS and gives Seers a better tool for survival while healing.

    3. Change “Mind Ward” to ALL ATTACKs, but nerf it to max reduction @10% instead of 14%: This will help the balance tree in kiting/tanking aspirations.

    4. Get rid of “Rescue” and make “Force Pull” a lower threat friendly on the seer tree and “Force Push” on the balance tree that generates high threat and “small perks” if the attackers hit someone else (an effective taunt): If we want to kite, then we need a threat generator.

    5. Add a “Double Strike/Sabre Strike” talent on the TK tree: How much and what tier? Eh!! Maybe 20% and tier 3 or 4. It gives incentive to spec in the TK tree.

    6. Revisit all Sage/Sorc skill trees because they are not really role defining (except maybe the Seer tree): I could go on for days about the trees, but for length considerations, I will leave it at that.


    Talent Changes:

    1. Nerf our AoE DAMAGE OUTPUT by 30%, and change Force in Balance to a Kinetic attack: The PoM proc was causing the issue, but if you reduce the damage on ANY PoM proc’d attack, then the number would have fell in line better. Say “instant activate, but decrease damage by 30% over a straight activated one”. As a whole, AoE is much more valuable to prevent caps/plants, but the damage made our numbers outlandish on PvP leaderboards and still does to a degree.

    2. Change Mind Crush to an internal attack and Disturbance to an elemental attack and buff them 20%, and take out the “root” requirement: Mind Crush should have NOTHING to do with armor rating (unless by “mind crush” you mean sticking your head in a force-vise). It should be an attack on the person’s mind; not their head, and would fall more in-line with the lore of consulars. Only mental resistance talents that are spec’d out or talents should mitigate a withering of the mind. The Disturbance animation is a “lightning ball” so make it an attack that can only be shielded with generators or redirected/mitigated with talents.

    3. Give us a talent like “Deflection” on a 2min CD: Deflection is in the Shadow/Sin pool, and should be an easy add.

    4. Lock “Tumult” to Sage/Sorc only, unlock “Tumult” so we can use it against other players and buff “Tumult” 50%, increase the CD on “Tumult” to 90 sec, and keep the incapacitated requirement as is on “Tumult”: Whew!!! It’s a lot, but did I mention changes to “Tumult” are long overdue. I mean seriously. We already have limited attacks (as some call us “one-button wonders”). Why not open us up to more melee, if the range is eliminated. This could be our “Neo, matrix style, nuke” but it still would require a stunned opponent and good timing to connect (saying a breaker is available to the opponent and they are willing to use it).

    5. Increase the CD of ALL CC (Force Wave, Force Stun, Force Lift)abilities by 20 Sec: This will need to be the tradeoff since it would appease the “Sage/Sorc CC is too much” crowd (resolve makes our CC ineffective at a certain point, but whatev…)




    These are just observations and suggestions I have come up with. Overall I feel these changes will not cause an “overperformance” as BW calls it, and all classes can live with these. Even if BW implemented a few of these, our Quality of Life would greatly improve and also make us more viable for rated warzones. Even if it is just for a trial, I encourage BW to do it.

    If you want to add or change ideas, feel free, but like I said comment on why the idea is bad; not anything else. I want to keep this 100. I can accept my ideas being critiqued, but fanboy; class bashing is not what this thread is about. Come correct, or don’t come at all…


    TL: DR

    1. Increase our kiting abilities.

    2. Give us a defensive CD and a threat generator on long CD’s (aka better defense on the balance tree).

    3. Nerf our AoE DMG output further.

    4. Give us more attack types: Internal v Kinetic (better single target DPS).

    5. Increase our CC CD’s (which are a bit much).




    Sorry, those ideas are horrible. You actually want a talent that increases our damage on Sabre Strike/Double Strike, even if they're totally useless because Willpower/Power does nothing for them as far as damage modification is concerned. You should never use those abilities as a Sage/Sorc.

  11. Haha, you a funnay guy. You are so witty, you instigator you! You remind me of explosive diarrhea. You make a lot of offensive noises and everything that comes out belongs in the toilet. I bet your hate for healers stems from problems like you being 'out of LOS' when you need healing. I know I'd take a team loss just to see you bite the dust.


    Is that like a food?

  12. Your are ridiculous. And your trolling is ridiculous. That, or your just plain stupid. Its people like, that caused me to unsub days ago. Enjoy your 4 weeks of busier fleet. Cause after that, you will be back to 12 people standing around on an empty server.


    In the end, Bioware can thank turds like yourself, for destroying the game.


    I didn't destroy anything. It's the undeserving healers, standing around, pressing 4 buttons, making fights into a bore fest.. they're the ones that destroy this game.


    I think that if you heal, you should automatically get your comms and warzone rewards cut in half. It's not like they're DPS'ing and killing people and decided the outcome of a fight. They just stand there, being useless and all.


    Also, they should tweek Maras/Juggies/Melee Operatives just a tad bit more to allow them more mobility during fights. My Mara would really appreciate if those healers would just stay in one place so I can beat them over the head with my glow sticks. It's not like running away is going to change anything, they still gonna die, might as well speed up the process.

  13. The Op seem to think there could only be 1 healer on 1 team.

    What do you do when 1 team has 4 healers and they're all healing each other?


    hence, healers are nerfed.




    Yea, I totally agree. You know, we can never bring more then one DPS in the game. If they have like 3 healers, we can't have like 3-4 DPS either focus one and kill him in 2 sec, or maybe throw some CC out there and interrupts and even burn more then one at any given time.




    I try to tell these people, you can always bring mores healers. It's like this after 1.2, you bring a healer, to heal your healer, as a back up to heal the first healer that you brought in to heal your original healer. So yea, that's 4 healers that we, DPS that is, have to deal with, while of course, DPS can do that. You can't have DPS attacking and assisting or trying to survive. As soon as those healers start healing, well die cuz they do so much damage while healing, while we don't assist or attack them.

  14. You wanna know what? Healers deserve this patch. You wanna know why? Because I couldn't kill them. Seriously, I COULDN'T KILL A HEALER.


    I think that as a DPS player, first and foremost, it's very stupid that a class can regenerate his HP. Seriously, what's the point? If I'm hitting some abilities, that say that they do damage, how fair is it for another class to have some other abilities that can recover that HP they just lost? I don't think its fair at all. If I attack a guy, he should die, not stand there, recovering his HP, while he friends come over and beat my face in. Have you guys seen those healers at all? They all stand there, in the back, between like 4-5 other people, doing nothing... I mean, each one of them has like 4 heals, I have to use like 10 DPS abilities.. Of course, back before 1.2, they used to stand there, tanking my damage while I got beat up by the 4-5 guys.




    Now, I can just go in and smash them. They deserve it, I say. It's only fair that one DPS should be able to kill one healer in few seconds since healers are support class only. If you want to heal, you better bring some tanks and other people to protect you cuz I'm gonna KILL YOU.


    Sometimes I do think, maybe, Bioware's content and such was easy, maybe they just nerfed healing to make it hard. This wasn't like a good nerf when I think about it because in reality, they should adjust other thing, not nerf healing to make it harder, because if you can't heal or are out of resources, that will make the fight harder, right? I'm not sure who is more lazy when it comes to this. Those stupid healers hitting 4 buttons or Bioware who thinks their content is going to be hard cuz people can't physically heal.



    I don't really care. As long as there are no healers around, I'm happy. I can just sit there in my corner and kill people all day long... just the way it should be.





    If I see a healer, I kill you.



    Next time, don't try to heal so hard. Maybe then Bioware won't nerf your *** into the oblivion because they're either to lazy or to stupid to change their codes to allow for more dynamic, engaging and fun fight. But hey, if you can't heal, your dps will die, your tanks will fold, you'll lose a fight and Bioware will be satisfied. They don't really care if you quit, smash your keyboard of PC, or yell really loud to the point where you neighbors think you're insane.

  15. Since so many people are crying oceans, I figured I'd save you the trouble of actually researching this and just give it up. If for no other reason that to shut the kiddies up.


    Marauder and it's mirror have several very key, and very easy to exploit, weaknesses. Understand that knowing this is not going to save you if the circumstances are not right. If the dual wielder, as i'll refer to us, is smart then they'll be playing in a manner designed to minimize these weaknesses but it is impossible to eliminate them completely.


    1. Never, EVER fill a Dual Wielder's Resolve.


    This is because one of the most glaring weaknesses is our need to be in Melee range. CC of most any kind allows one to move outside this range, effectively negating our presence. This point is probably, more than anything, the Achilles heel of the Dual Wielder. It's also the hardest one to do correctly as lots of us have tamed the urge to instantly smack the CC break. This is even harder against a Carnage/Combat Dual Wielder due to the Camo talent we all take. How you avoid filling a Dual Wielder's resolve is simple: DO NOT CC UNTIL THEY ARE BELOW AT LEAST 30%. CC needs to be saved for the END of the fight, when we start popping the really heavy defensive cooldowns like Undying Rage. Stunning us through that will negate it.


    2. Avoid 1 vs 1 fights


    This is fairly hard, as most of us try to create 1 vs 1 situations. But remember, running isn't a *****-move. It's playing smart. If you escape a Dual Wielder, you've still won because then you can go get help. Or go hang out next to help, either way. Against a Carnage/Combat Dual Wielder, you're more or less up a creek in this department. It can still be done though, if you FOCUS on ESCAPING. This is about denying the Dual Wielder THEIR fight, you want to face them on your terms. Which, preferrably, includes some backup. If for no other reason than at least one of you will kill the guy.


    3. NEVER KB as soon as the Marauder attacks you, unless you can position them in such a way as to knock them off a ledge or something


    This one is pretty self-explanatory. A smart Dual Wielder will try to position themselves in a way that will cause your KB to be ineffectual. This is the ONE and ONLY scenario in which I would advocate CC'ing right off. You'll buy yourself JUST enough time to knock the Dual Wielder into the pit, or off of the bridge. If you don't think you can do it in time, or the Dual Wielder stupidly blows their CC break to avoid the incoming KB, then you need to save it. The reason is that if you waste it, most of us have learned by now to sit on Force Charge for when we get KB'd so that we can instantly re-engage. Also, if you DO manage to knock them into, say, the pit, then you need to MOVE AWAY FROM THAT SPOT so that the Dual Wielder can't just wait for Force Charge to come back up.


    4. (If the DW is Ataru specc'ed, ignore this one) Move away from them/Interrupt when they start Ravage


    Ravage is stupidly easy to spot, and the only hit that really hurts is the last one. If you can interrupt it, do so. If you can't, run away. Simple as that, and it will make them lost a VERY significant bit of damage.


    5. (If Shii-Cho specc'ed and you DON'T do this, then you're stupid) Kite like a mofo


    Do I even need to explain this one?


    Other Important Notes: If your a PT/Vanguard or a Sniper/Gunslinger and you get blinded (Obsfucate/I forget the Sentinel version's name), ONLY use Tech attacks. Your abilities should be labeled in the book. Ranged and Melee attacks more or less all miss while obsfucated. If you happen to be a Dual Wielder and you're fighting another Dual Wielder, you need to blind them ASAP. The blind isn't terribly effective against any other classes.


    Really, at the end of the day, it's all about keeping us outside Melee range and about never letting a Dual Wielder get you by yourself. This isn't that hard if you don't waste your CC or your KB.


    To clear up any confusion about which ability is which, please refer to the list below for which ability is which and what it does.


    Undying Rage/<Insert Sentinel Version>: This ability gives 99% damage reduction at the cost of 50% HP for 5 seconds. When it's popped, the Dual Wielder (Depending on faction) will either turn black with a red aura or black with a blue aura. They need to be INSTANTLY stunned upon using this and THIS is why it's so critical to NOT fill their resolve bar.


    Cloak of Pain/<Insert Sentinel Verison>: This ability gives 20% damage reduction and inflicts a tiny amount of damage whenever the Dual Wielder is attacked. This can only happen 15 times MAX while the ability is up. The damage will be around 200 - 300 per tick making the maximum amount of damage that can be inflicted by it something to the tune of 4.5k. HOWEVER, this is ONLY if that person IS being attacked. The damage is 100% dependent upon someone attacking that person and it will ONLY affect the person who threw the attack. This will wrap the user in a red/blue aura depending on faction. It will look kinda like fire, but not NEARLY as distinct as Bloodthirst.


    Saber Ward/<Insert Sentinel Version>: This ability gives a melee and ranged damage reduction of 50% and a Force and Tech damage reduction of 25%. This ability surrounds the user with an "bubble", either blue or red depending upon faction. This lasts for 12 seconds.


    Saber Ward and Cloak Of Pain are almost always used in conjunction.


    That about all I can think of.



    This is idiotic, lol.



    Let me see.



    A. Don't use any abilities to fill up the resolve bar, aka, don't CC the guy. How does that work out? So, to counter you, I have to run? Is that is? To fight a Mara, I need to bring more then one person to fight you, because in reality, not only are you gonna smash my face, but me defending myself is going to only make it faster?


    B. No 1v1? How do you do that? What happens when you're in a WZ and the other team has 3-4 Mara? If they're OP 1v1, what makes them any less effective in a group? Nothing? Yea, you're right... nothing. Actually, not only are they mega OP in small scale fights, they're basically the best group utility DPS class in the game. The speed buffs and damage buffs can't be rivaled by any other class..


    C. Ravage, stupidly easy to spot? You're right, except if they're Carnage, it roots you on activation, IT CAN'T BE INTERRUPTED, and does like 6-10k damage in one channel? How do you do deal with that? Oh, you stun them, right? Well, guess not. You said not to white bar them, so at that point, mid way down their rotation, that one stun or knock back is going to white bar them and you're screwed after that... but, wait. What if they're already white barred from the previous engagement because in reality, no WZ is ever a 1v1 fight? Guess you get to sit there and eat all that Ravage damage to your face... nothing you can do about it.


    D. So you finally got that Marauder down at about 20% HP? So guess what happens then? He dies? Naw, he actually pops his defensive cool downs, takes 43658437584738 damage and lives, because he has the best defensive cool downs in the game and basically, if he pops them at the right time, he can live longer at 10% HP then any other class going between 100% to 0? That's not OP or anything, right? Not only that but while those abilities are active, he can basically get healed fully since he takes no damage and... he keeps all his damage while taking none.



    A Marauder, a good played Marauder has:


    1. Best mobility out of any DPS in the game

    2. Highest sustained damage in the game

    3. Highest burst damage in the game, depending on the spec

    4. Best defensive cool downs in the game, hands down, no other class comes close

    5. As far as DPS go, best group utility in the game

    6. Multiple ways to close the gap between itself and ranged

    7. Highest amount of interrupts and stuns in the game



    Simply, what goes around comes around. You scrubbies asked for this and now you're paying the price. In a month or two, when Bioware does another around of nerfs, you'll be hitting the levels of Melee Operatives and Sorcs.

  16. Because the MMO is called Knights of the Old Republic, not Troopers of the Old Republic or Agents of the Old Republic. Clearly they want the most powerful class in the game to be Jedi/Sith Warriors. This will work great in the short term, however the lack of diversity will get boring and people will quit. Then a business decision will be made and the guardians/juggs/Mara/Sents will be nerfted but not until then.


    Yes, they are clearly over powered and yes, it is by design.


    SWTOR, Star Wars: The Old Republic.




    I don't see where knights comes from, unless you're talking about their old games?

  17. I thought you were supposed to get more rewards for a lopsided win? Isn't that the reason why they added medals for finishing the game early?


    I've noticed this as well, even if you get extra medals, they seem to have no effect on the total comms rewarded on the end. I had a match in Voidstar where the same thing happened and we only got 60 comms as well, even if each one of us had 15+ medals.


    As someone else mentioned above, I don't think it's a bug, it's just their idiotic design.

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