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Everything posted by JadenStar

  1. When I think of a word "Sniper" I see a person with many years of training, skills and to wait for his one target to shot. This might be in the real world, the trained sniper dose wait for his target or moves in to position to shot. If I was an Imperial Agent , I would want 2 rifles one with a shorter barrel for in-door shooting and a longer barrel for ranged targets. I like rifles with stocks on them, first of all I have not seen a sniper rifle with out a stock , in any movie or TV show. it might have a folding stock, but you can't shoot stable enough with out a stock. So Far in this game I have found stock-less sniper rifles. yes I'm a picky person when it come's to weapons, and I will ( Reverse engineer ) to make it better and to my spec's. Think about people if you are handed a rifle that can reach out and touch some one at 2,000 meter you want the best optics/ scope ? Correct I can see clearly that EA and Bioware did not have any expert or some one to help them with the tactic of a sniper, also a sniper would not be seen in public, they would keep a low key and not be seen. The Distance of 30 meters dose not make sense to me, 100 meters is what I'm talking about. I've play a Sniper in a game for Xbox live, I have taken down every one that has entered the game, I have never lost , I may have been wounded, but as a last man standing, I stand as the victor. sniper's are silent killers in day or night, once you here the report or bang it is to late, your dead.
  2. Fallow me for a bit pvp gear is for pvp only. OK now players that are inquisitors have Electrocute, force lighting at 30 meters. when a inquisitor enters a pvp battle ground with pvp gear , Electrocute and force lighting go's from 30 meters down to 10 meter because he or she has PVP gear only in the battle area. once they leave the battle are there range returns to 30 meter All is happy on both sides PVP and PVE, this should be thought of from the get go.
  3. Sage's and Inquisitors All have light armor, that is fact. same say that are ranged/support in a group battle, I do not care if you pvp or not. I pvp and pve it is nice to have ranged lighting or all 3. In a flash point how are the sage's and inquisitor if they are healers now that they are not ranged they still have light armor and they are first to die in battle. they will not be last Man or Lady standing in a battle. The time some complained, Inquisitors lost pillar of lighting which was like mortar volley damaged up 5 target, Now All the Lighting ability for Inquisitor have been nuffed, for all PVE players. You know you mess up the Game for all the PVE'er and yourselfs, by thinking of your selfish self's do to PVP you now blew out the balance for all PVE player . I PVP and PVE , Why mess it up for the rest of the players? PVP player this could fix All your problems, when you enter a pvp battle field / battle area your electrocute , force lighting, jolt, force shock what ever range it is at , for example 30 meters will drop to 10 meter as you enter the battle field.
  4. I Can tell you this, the Severs you where on a week ago is gone, the Surname you might have is gone. people who have Set Up Guilds during Beta testing and before launch to have special and perminent names in game is gone, the name of each charactor you might have is gone. So did EA give us a chance to select a new distination server in the last 24 hours ? NO
  5. People you have been forceabley moved from one server to and other sever with out a choise.
  6. 1 . EA if you asked Guilds, Players to move to certion server, you would not have this issuse of players, cancle there subs or quiting the game. I do not see you getting a christmas bounus from Santa this Christmas. 2 . Bioware was acquired by EA in 2008, in a sence Bioware dose not have any say or control, EA is pulling all the strings because Bioware is the puppet. 3 . EA you SHOULD have allowed player and Guilds to have a chance to move in a timely manner, in stead of a force move. The game agreement dose not state that player are subjest to force moves, the game agreement only affect who break the rule of conduct. I say, EA you have broken the rules of Conduct, I have seen you pull underhand tricks before with other companys to get the quick money and then throw the company under a bus. Sub - numbers is going to be the end of EA and this game, Star Wars The Old Republic will end with a thunderous disapointment because EA can't look past there profits. Money dose not make this game grow, it is the subscription that make this game grow. EA management has not learned from there mistakes, in the past and how many game designer/companys have to fallen or no longer around, do to EA's greed.
  7. I know server transfer, has issue's I lost a maxed out commando, the departure server and the arrival server both said my commando was still on both server, figure that one out. 1. eather my commando was still on server A or server B did not received all the data from server A. 2. fact is out of 8 characters 7 transfered with out issue, my Max out commando died at the hands of EA/Bioware, there was nothing the dev's could do. The departure server that I started all my Beta testing, in the begianning was fine, untill I transfer to the asigned arrival server. 7 out 8 characters made it.
  8. 1. I know there are players that want to help other players beat the Elite Boss's, these plople just jump in and steal the thunder from the player that the quest was intended for. A . If a person is battling the Elite Boss and you see that their health is 75% gone, by all means help the player out, if you wish or throw some heals... B . If you are a player that likes to help, then ask the player who is getting ready to fight the Elite Boss if he or she need help. This is the proper respect and you are not stealing the glory of the kill. Yes, I play imperial and Republic and knowing that I can solo a Elite Boss's is a great feeling. 2 . I have seen many time player just jump in and steal the thunder from other players , that like to Solo this game and see how the combat is... Not all Eite Boss's are alike in combat style they have differnt specials, that make it a challage. If you attack with same attack you will loose....you as a player have to change your attack and special attacks to confuse the AI's then you will win. The only way to beat a Elite Boss's is to watch and learn and loose a battle a time or two... to know how to win the battle.... The Art of War Sun Tzu Be Respectful of other players and ask if they need help, But If you see player at 25% or less health, He or She is battling an Elite Boss then by all mean help him or her out, if you wish.....please do not steal there thunder/victory because I'm sure you will not like it if a player took yours.
  9. 1. Leaving the Main Entery of Druuman Kaas space port, Sith Charactor was Address as " My Lord " other times just "Sith" eather it's one or the other, Or untill you rise in the ranks to be Lord. 2. Suggestion Have the Dailog writter, read and check on what they written, so if they use the word Sith, they stay with it untill the point that the charactor you play moves up to the rank of lord. From lv 10 to lv 18 I've been called My Lord about at least 5 times and sith the rest of the times while on Druumin Kaas. 3. That is WHY we do Beta Testing and have teams of people, check the scripts/dailogs, where is the Quality Control? 4. This Game Star Wars The Old Republic lost sub's and preorders do to the lack of exstending the beta test for 2 - 4 more months. Yes, there was long down times, but that is why you exstend the Beta testing to be sure every, i is dotted and all the t's are crossed. 5 . I find little problem in the game every day. on the planet Balmorra there is a short side quest, most people do not even do it. It is called defector a NPC called Gryffin Remus want to defect, the person in charge is a Man and when you get to the office, there is a lady in the chair. Now this was reported in beta many times, yes, this is not a game stopping change but, it seems that Quality Control has left the building even for the smallest things in the game. 6 . I think that 40% of the people who play this game, dose not pay attention to the Cinimatics and want to rush to level 50 as fast as they can. Now they are Board and there is nothing to do, so what these Board people do at level 50, they go for example if they are sith... they travel to a Sith side to a lower level area and sit until a player is going to kill a imps in the group quest area. As soon as you attack you are now lock in PVP with a level 50 and he or she will remain there Guarding so you can't finish the quest. Reason this happens is that the combat is to fast and quick, you can only us one Heal pack per battle conflect and you can not use more then one, like you could in Kotor. 7 . players are not respecting others, When a player is in combat. example if my companion is fighting a mob of 5, an other player jumps in and killes 3 out of the 5 that you are fighting and runs off. there are plenty of mobs out there they just want to disrupt your game play. 8 . I've notice players sending request to be grouped with them, but the person did not ask me first if I want to join him or her's group, if I jion that person group, I'm loosing all my loot and credit to that person, and I can not eject my self from that group.
  10. My suggestion is to have a ( badge / title and codex ) that states the player is a defender of the Empire. Inquistor Arzanon states " Take this reward as a token of the Emperor's favor... and wear this badge, it marks you as a defender of our Empire". The token is the Korriban Commidation. The badge there is none... Why not a badge ??????? I suggestion that every sith that plays / partakes in the Allegiance side quest gets a badge/ title that states: Defender of the Empire Codex to be added as well... Back story for codex / Acolyte and slaves who have felt that this was a bad choise, these traitors know they can't leave Korriban, so they plot and amung each other, to do harm to other students and teachers... The Emperor knows that these traitors if they get orgianized could cause a stir in the Academy, that is why they must be killed. The Inquistors seek out loyal students to seek out the traitors and kill them,
  11. On Korriban there is a short-side quest called ( Allegiance ) where you kill 4 taitors. at the end of the quest you get a korriban comm. Also Inquistor Arzanon states and I quote " Take this reward as a token of the Emperor's favor... and ware this badge, it mark you as a defender of our empire. 1. the token is the commindation Issue here is we do not get a badge, that states we are the defender of the empire... after the quest is over just 1 comm. My suggetion is to make a title and codex, That the players who complete the quest / mission get a Title that states ( defender of the empire ) and a Codex to match. back story for Codex, Some Acolytes and slave's feel that they can't go through the trials to be sith. traitors know that can't leave the planet. Small groups have plotted and talked amung them selfs about killing there instuctors or other students, But the Emperor want the traitor's killed and the Academys grounds stained with the traitors blood. So the Inquistors / instructor ask for Loyal Students to seek and kill the traitors on the Acadmey grounds.
  12. On Balmorra there is a short mission, called "The defector" you run in to a NPC callled Gryffin Remus that want to defect to the imp's side, do to the fact he has info on the reb's location and activity. So Gryffin Remus know the imp officer who handles the defections. this officer is discribed as a Male officer by Gryffin Remus, and when you find this officer in Sobric on the Planet of Balmorra, it is a female officer. NOT MALE as discribed by Gryffin Remus.. This Issue has not been fixed Sence Beta and sence launch of this game. it has been Repoted number of times. No one has lifted a keyboard to fix it and I work as a beta tester. I do check on thing that I report to make sure that they are fixed. And so far I have not see any think fixed correctly. How many times must a person Report an issue before some one acts on it, 1 month, 3 months and how many tickets 1 ticket, 20 tickets, 100 tickets... I know people have issues, but when in BETA none of the Dev's or any one else fix's a problem in the game, then it is the top Mucky-Musks that need to be FIXED and reprogramed, You Can't Turn a NET PROFIT if when the game is not ready to Launch, All the Beta Tester knew this, But EA want to launch before there physical Year End.
  13. I know the weapons, Icon look alike when you want to find a weapon for M1-4X, though M1-4X has a weapon pack, My suggestion is to have a weapon icon that look like his weapons pack, then if you go to a Weapons vender or drop loot, it dose not look like an other drop loot rifle/weapon. even complete mission rewards M1-4X weapon Icon/picture looks like a common weapon/rifle. think about M1-4X is part of Havoc Squad/special Forces the best of the best.... In any military operation you give you special force team state of the art equipment that no other branch of the military has, for example....Seal Team 6, stelth helicopters. thank you for your time.....have a great day....
  14. I like the Idea that they bring in the HK assassion droids, But If you all remember this includes All you Dev's to in kotor, it was Reven who Programed HK-47 to call Malik a "MeatBag" and the only reason was Malik did not like being called a MeatBag........if you kotor fans out there who spent time and did the HK-47 quest would know that. Also HK-47 was was not just Reven's droid, HK-47 has had many master before Reven came to be, grant it HK-47 template of design, fuction as a assassion with full protocals to kill any one that got in Revens way.......
  15. I know human companions have a hand held scanner for resource gathering, and a red beam hit the resource that you want. Well the droid has nothing, I would like see the T7 droid if you take him gathering to have some kind of scan beam as well during resource gathering. thank you for your time.........
  16. I would like to see Mennon the water world, I have seen Selcath Jedi on Tython, I have seen Seen Selcath goverment rep's on board the Jedi councelor ship and they are part of the Rift alliance. 1. I would think that after 300 years that something changed on Mennon for the Selcath to spred there wings and explore the Galaxie in stead of placing high Kolto restriction on the Imp's and republic. 2. For the Selcath Goverment and the judges 300 years ago there was a split, the republic had some sway for the Selcath Goverment to feel that the Sith where evil, but the reason for some of the Selcath goverment members or judges to allow the republic to harvest Kolto in a secret underwater base. 3. Kolto the wonder healing power is only found on Mennon, after 300 years has the republic been able to synthisize Kolto or not ? 4. 300 years later is Mennon Still holding strong to there laws and staying netruel because of the Kolto? 5. Here is a quest for all Classes can do, if Mennon comes back. Harvest Kolto from the under water, like we do on land. but the catch is. two diver compion and you must dive and or groups. one harvest the kolto, while the other watch out for the sharks we do not kill the sharks we stun them with sonic gun only. if you remember the Selcath and the sharks have a bond. when the giant shark cryed out like a whale to the baby sharks, the selcath went crazy and went in a frenzy like sharks do if they smell blood.
  17. I would like a change in the Sage Project ability, I see the Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker effect here in the game. just be for Luke lost his hand, Vader stood to one side and raised his light saber and objects from the walls were project at Luke Skywalker, Vader was doing a number on his son. The point here is 70 % of the battles the Jedi sage is involved with is open land vary few "CQB ( Close Quarters Battles). The way I see it you have only 2 options here....... option A. make 2 project abilitys short range like it is, at this time during the 1.3 up grade and long rage for out in the open battles. option B. it is to much of a short distance , give it more distance and do not make it look like the Vader Effect.
  18. How many of you like the orgianal "PROJECT" ? and how many of you like the new project ? that Jedi Sage has for now? I my self do not see the effectiveness, when a rock or bolder is less then 15 meters from your target and slams in to him. what kind of damage are you going to do? And I say, If you are going to do damage distance + volocity = damage. like it was first tested in Beta people like it. Tell me why did some one want it changed? if it not broken do not fix it....... Like the cinimatic trailor of Koriban, in the saber duel we do not see the Jedi Master Project or throw objects from a short distance around Darth malgus it is ranged. But I also see the Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker effect in a med sise room and Darth Vader pull objects off the wall and slams them in to Luke Skywalker. This is not a star wars movie.....this a game and the player make the adventure and story by his design on the actoins and responces. How offen is a sage going to be toe to toe with a target fighting ? it vary's it the Game demo's that was shown to every one on the web-site, do to the "Sage's" Light Armor we keep the Distance and do it from a ranged attack.
  19. there is nothing wrong with the "Cash", credits way of advancing as well, it like the real world if you want it so bad , save the money and buy it. or go do your dailys and get credits. the other thing is to manage you money better...
  20. this not in a pvp battle area, it is in a standard quest area when a sith class player enters a republic side and he or she is a level 50. when a rebel player is doing a quest in a quest area that has sith troop and ect. the sith player who has the ability to heal, mind you the sith class is level 50 and the rebel class is lv 37 or less, the sith class heal the target that you are shooting at and now you are in auto matic pvp with this lv 50 sith class player, and there is no way out of the battle because you are locked in fighting the target that you are trying to kill and the lv 50 player as well. I hope you understand what i'm try to say, if you need a demo to prove what I say is true it's true. player should be able to disengage from combat or higher level sith class players or level 50 class player in the sith class should not be able to be on the republic quest area when it is not a pvp battle zone. thank you for your time JadenStar
  21. My thoughts on this is.....that you eather redo your armor sagments/parts to ajust for the 1,000 point differance. it's a suggestion....
  22. I know that you are allowing people to have free transfers to an other server, For argument sake we will say, that John jones started on server "Apple" as his primary server, then went to server bluebarry wich was suggested Server in the tranfer. I see at this point you will have a lot of people funneling into server blueberry and the server will full up quickly. This is a suggestion, We are the customers allow us to pick and choose server to travel to for free. If we want to travel to an other server to see our friends. then charge a small fee and they can't transfer back to there primary server for 15 - 30 days. thank you for your time JadenStar
  23. This is Star Wars, Not WOW . In All the years of playing any star wars RPG or on line game like Star Wars Galaxies I have not seen any one fight or combat it common Street clothies. Who ever came up the this Idea, Slapped George Lucas in the face with a major insult, not to mention you have insulted every Star Wars Fan in the world. You have no respect for the game of starwars, This is not Star Wars The Old Republic. EA you better stick to sports games and leave Star Wars The Old Republic Alone. You have mess up the game, BIOWARE I have see Better work from you, At this rate you will not see any E3 awards for 2013 for Starwars The Old Republic. What kind of BS is this ? BioWare you are out of focas, you are not on the same sheet of music. I may not me worng on thinking the only reason George Lucas is making STARWARS 1313 is because BIOWARE lost perspective of StarWars The Old Republic. Bioware you may know this, but Starwars Galaxies and Sony lasted about 8 years before they Crashed & Burned....Are you goning to make it to the First Year Birthday Dec 20 2013. Bioware I Dare you to do better then SONY,
  24. I know jedi sage first companion is qysen fess/companion, and he dose not have a modifiable weapon, but tharen cedrex/companion dose, and trying to find a modifiabble weapon for qysen fess. Suggestion when qysen fess get to level 25 he get's a modifiable weapon, all the other companion have them, so all should have them and make it consistent... Thank you for your time....
  25. Planet Tatooine Creature : Geonosian/Champion/26/strong Jedi/sage/Force Slow Suggistion: Force slow is an ability that slow's the body fuctions down for ( 12 sec.) with the Geonosian/Champians/26/strong, as soon as you hit the force slow, the Geonosian jumps up flying and fire's a rocket at you. If Force slow is used the Geonosian will not fly or do anything for ( 12 Sec. ) if you see what I mean.... Jaden Star Server Juyo thank you for your time
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