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Posts posted by Verain

  1. If you’re stopped on the street and asked to sign a petition, do you just write down all the reasons you disagree with it?


    In those cases, I don't sign it. See, those petitions turn into votes, so I can vote for or against it. This isn't a democracy, this is the devs word is law.

    And on the off chance that it was being evaluated *as a petition*, everyone would know what a lot of signers are. You got 25,000 people to sign your thing about minimum wage? Pathetic. You got a million people to sign it? Whoa, that's a lot!

    But is 12 GSF players a lot? After all, not everyone is subscribed. So every voice probably stands for a lot more.


    These are some of the tricks being used by this stuff.


    Also in the real world a petition wouldn't just be Luc's pet issues plus some stuff that he hopes will get more signatures. Real world petitions are like "We should put this law on the ballot" or whatever.


    If you don’t agree, don’t say anything.


    How about Luc not say anything? How about YOU not say anything? Or should I start my own petition to NOT do what Luc says? Why should I be the one silenced?


    The petition, if implemented, would make the game a whole lot worse.












    There are far more important places to spend your energy.


    You know, since you care so much about my time, let me offer you similar advice- there's muuuuch more important places to spend YOUR energy than disagreeing with me. So if you do, just stay silent, say nothing, go spend your energy somewhere else. Don't speak. That's my advice to you.


    Does that help you? Is that helpful? Should I just tell everyone who disagrees with me that I'm doing them a favor by telling them to be silent, because I'm being RESPECTFUL OF THEIR TIME?


    What a joke.

  2. So to repeat the issue here, GSF has been largely neglected.


    So? A "petition" isn't how you fix that. All of SWTOR has only a moderate amount of resources, and they help GSF when they can. Do you really feel that GSF is uniquely crapped on or something? I'd like them to pay more attention to it as well, but they don't owe us anything, we aren't some aggrieved party. At least you are being more honest now- initially you were hiding this confrontational take you had on the devs, and now it's in the open.


    If it received regular updates and content like the ground game does, then there would be no need for a multi-point petition.


    I feel you'd make one anyway. Your last petition went somewhere, so you think that's a skeleton key to get all your pet requests addressed.


    The petition is essentially saying, "hey Devs, GSF kind of needs a little work please."


    NO, that is NOT the "essence" of what it is saying. The essence of what it is saying is "here's stuff I want and I see other folks bring up some times so lets see if I can bully the devs into doing it". That's what it's essence is- making demands and trying to get everyone to line up and spam AGREED in your main thread.


    You could easily make a thread saying "@devs GSF needs a little work please". And no, your petition isn't more likely. No, we haven't reached some fictional line in the sand where we need to take some stand. None of that. You could have made that thread, instead of these two.


    People put individual posts up all the time asking for things, and what happens? Nothing.


    Hey, remember the individual thread asking for mines to not respect LOS? Or more recently, the one about slicing, that you did? Slicing got nerfed because it needed a nerf and everyone knew it, not because your chosen format was a petition.


    We tried that, it doesn't work. Time for a new approach. You'll thank me if this works. Regardless of whether you disagree with the approach.


    I'm actually angry that I've never managed to sound this arrogant on the forum. I need to step up my game.


    GSF is not balanced anyway,


    Lol, GSF is extremely well balanced in comparison to everything else that gets discussed. It's vastly more balanced than Squadrons ever has been on any single day of its existence, and less buggy to boot.


    So balance and mode would seem to be entirely unrelated.


    So, I'm going to argue with everything you just said. First, you're incorrect that GSF is not balanced. By comparison to a lot of games, it is extremely well balanced, and keep in mind we are talking about the game modes and the ships here. The only standard by which SWS and GSF are both imbalanced is that neither will give you a perfectly balanced matchmaker thing, and that is by no means a relevant point here.


    Second, you are assuming that because GSF is not perfectly balanced, suddenly, balance doesn't matter, and that every game mode will be equally imbalanced. This take is HOT GARBAGE. A MOBA is much harder to balance than a TDM. Balancing a TDM and a Dom with the same rules is a bit challenging- zone control is more relevant in domination, for instance, and healing, evasion, and player killing are more relevent in a TDM. But a MOBA thing? No, that's a whole other universe. There's a reason why League's myraid of creative modes are generally still in the framework of a MOBA instead of there being a capture the flag, or a democracy-tower type mode in there.


    Squadrons was designed to be a MOBA. It was the core element of the game, and they did an ok job, but by walking away from it so fast (the devs didn't even stick around six months after launch) they guaranteed that every imbalanced would stay forever. GSF was tweaked to its current point over the span of years, and then it became something only touched carefully. Even the sweeping changes a few years back weren't as disruptive as the ludicrous crap squadrons devs did, such as "now your ship takes double damage when you use this weapon" and "we took the ships that couldn't fly good and made them fly worse as a joke".


    Adding a MOBA mode would be a huge deal.


    If anyone wants to suggest pvp modes, the game to look at is Star Conflict. This is because GSF's domination and TDM were lifted out of there, back when that game was young and only had those two pvp modes. They've since added several other modes that work pretty good, and some of them are pvp modes. The two that would be of interest to GSF are:


    Beacon Hunt - this is like domination, but with two core changes. First, only one satellite turns on at a time. Second, the team that has the active satellite can't respawn until the active satellite times out or until they lose control of it. This mode works way better than it sounds, though I don't think it's as good a mode as domination, it's very close. You can check it out in that game versus bots pretty easily if you like. This mode could be played with domination maps, making it the most likely thing that could be added.


    Detonation - This is their take on capture the flag. This would require new maps. Each team has three points, so there are six points of interest on the map. A special bomb spawns, and your team wants to capture the bomb (so capture the flag), and the bomb guy has to get to any of the enemy points, at which point it explodes.

    I don't think GSF would be perfectly balanced with this mode out of the box, and it would require new maps which is a huge ask.


    They also have a variant where respawns are limited, but I don't think anyone would love that here.



    I appreciate some players have tremendous amounts of fleet requisition stored up. But its still a pointless currency that becomes utterly useless beyond a certain stage. Would seem only logical to give it a purpose.


    It's perfectly logical to leave it as it is. Perhaps the only change we should ask for is the ability to flex by linking our ship in a way that will show our ship and how much requisition it has available, so we can all measure our epeens in /gsf. Or perhaps we could ask for future cosmetic work to add some effect if you are willing to spend a million ship requisition.

    But having it interact with the economy would be odd and strange. Whatever thing you end up being able to buy with it would have a tiny price compared to the effort put in, because everyone has all this braggable points that suddenly would be a currency.


    Importantly, why would this obscure point be part of a petition?



    This is why it needs to be a very high figure for the conversion.


    See, that's not fair either. I have a zillion req, sure, but why should the time I spent be less valuable? And why should FUTURE conversions be penalized here too? The moment you let it become, I dunno, tech fragments, or some tradable item, you'll be here doing a petition (BECAUSE NOTHING ELSE WORKS GUYS) begging for a better conversion of time spent in GSF to earn ship and fleet req to (whatever), and you'll be busy showing how this DOESN'T RESPECT OUR TIME and how it's TERRIBLE FOR GSF PLAYERS and the devs HATES USS SO MUUUCH. Or maybe that won't be your thread, but the next you's thread.



    Honestly the amount of fleet requisition stored up pales into comparison to the already existing ways to farm Fleet Comms.


    This doesn't seem true to me.


    But at least it would give a purpose to the currency.


    I'd only be interested in a purpose that keeps the ship req tied to the player, and tied to GSF. So unlocking a sparkle trail or something for a huge amount seems ok to me, especially as the game needs a few more perks to stay on mains. But I wouldn't like, petition for it.


    If the unlock price is "much higher" it defeats the purpose.

    Your purpose is "free stuff for me", so yes, obviously a higher price defeats the purpose.


    You're not at an advantage. Yes its player power in the sense that its a 2nd copy which can be useful,


    It is useful. You know it's powerful as well, or you wouldn't be here asking for it. It is nice to be able to put two of these ships on your bar, especially if you tune one for TDM and the other for Dom.


    As for the refund, yeah that's just not going to happen


    Of course not. But nothing you want is going to happen either, and you're still asking for it. You're not asking for this because your goal is to screw over players who have bought the ships, like me, and to get free stuff for you, so you don't even bother asking or thinking about it or anything. It's not on your petition for this reason.


    I remember seeing people moaning when Nico Okarr was given away free to subscribers a few years ago, and the founders were complaining that it was no longer an exclusive founder reward. Things change. You're either thinking about other people here or you're not.


    First, "the devs screwed some people before, so they should screw everyone constantly" is a terrible argument. Second, unlocking these ships on multiple characters costs a lot more than Nico Okarr, and we've had the devs come in and say that they don't have the ability or the intention to do account wide unlocks on GSF, which is pretty much the go-ahead to buy stuff with the confidence that it won't be given away free later. So you're basically asking them to go back on past statements, specifically excluding anything that would serve as compensation to those that paid, all because you want free stuff and want to punish those who bought things already. Because "things change". And then have the balls to pretend this is about "thinking about other people". I'm the one "thinking about other people", because other players have done what I have. You want what you haven't paid for, and explicitly in a way that screws over people who played by the rules.

  3. There is nothing wrong with trying to make a collective voice heard.


    This is YOUR voice. You've collected a bunch of things that other people have discussed a bit, and then added some of your own. For instance, there's plenty of people who want free cartel stuff, but very few people asking for removal of copilots. Yet here they are in the same "petition". Organized by you, and no one else.



    Safe to say you are in the minority on this one.


    Of course I am. You're voting on free stuff, and I'm one of the few players who bought enough here that I'd be punked by them doing this, because I paid to have cartel ships on multiple characters, and you did not. Obviously if they go and give you and everyone else free cartel ships everywhere, I'm the butt of the joke. Being in the minority doesn't make me wrong. I bet if we took a vote to divide your bank account evenly between the forum members, it would be "safe to say you are in the minority on this one" too.


    A work around for a bug that has been rather ignored? No thanks.


    You should say "thanks" because I just told you how to solve it if you really care. But yes, obviously they should fix it. This is the only actual defect in all of this, you know- this stupid deselect thing that I don't really think the devs understand exactly how frustrating it is to have to check everything every time you log in or just be missing a pile of upgrades. You can bet if talent trees had this issue in ground game it would be a tier 1 emergency.



    We agree on plenty of these. I don't think petitions are how to get stuff done. If we have to, I think they should be reserved for cases where it has become disruptive, and where basically everyone agrees. Multipoint wishlists strikes me as extremely disrespectful and inappropriate. None of these are prenerf slicing, and the only defect in the list is the component deselect bug. How many people signing "agree" don't actually care about 2-6 of your points but really just would like, for instance, a new map and the bug fix? But by setting it up to avoid this nuance, you create the illusion of mass support.

  4. Copypasting my dissent from the main thread into this distraction thread:



    First off, please not do discuss this petition here.


    No thanks, I'll disagree here and there if I have to as well. It's extremely important to disagree with a petition on the petition itself, to make it clear that a united front is not in any way being presented. By shoving dissent into another thread, it makes it appear as if the petition has unanimous support.


    Second. If you agree with the petition, please just type "Agreed", and then rate the thread five stars. Do nothing else. Do not make comments or give feedback in this thread. We know from previous experience that a clear petition with lots of "yes" votes that is also rated 5 stars, will get the attention of the devs.


    Good grief, no, this is the worst possible lesson. "Here's how to bully devs, from the time the devs listened to us last time".


    How come you don't even say how to disagree with your "petition"? Hrm....


    Here's your idea:

    1- New map. This is a good idea. We don't need a petition for it. The devs know that new maps are great. Iokath in particular was really great. Do you think they need a petition for it? Nobody petitioned for Iokath. GSF shares resources with the ground game, especially with something like level design man.


    2- New mode. I'd like several modes to be added- they could look around at other, similar games for inspiration, many of which started with domination and TDM and then added other objective type maps- but I don't expect it and I don't feel we should demand it. A new game mode is a huge deal, please remember.


    3- More GSF decorations- Hey this would be neat, but why does anyone need a petition for this?


    4- More stuff to spend currency on- there's technical difficulties with spending fleet or ship requisition for anything else. This would be nice for them to fix at some point, but at this point it's pretty absurd how much ship and fleet req is stored up, waiting to absolutely hammer whatever aspect of the economy they tie it to, were they to do this.


    5- Legacy unlock for cartel ships - I don't want them to do this. I have bought cartel ships on many characters, and this is one way I can distinguish myself from someone who is unwilling or unable to do this. I won't be sad if they did this (though I would be grumpy as they would inevitably not throw any CCs my way). Anyway, I bought into it this way, and I hope they keep it this way.


    6- Completely destroy links between a character's appearance and that character's abilities - Naw , screw this. It's great that if you like a character, you get to put up with their unique ups and downs, and can't just build everything perfectly without any actual tie to the characters being represented. It's really good the way it is now, if anything I'd like more things tied to characters and factions than now. We already lost almost everything that made these characters unique in the ground game, we have absolutely no compelling reason to lose that link here (at least the ground game people had points about access to healers and tanks back then).


    7- Component deselect bug can be worked around by transferring a character. This should definitely be fixed or worked around (the workaround would be to let the game transfer you to another real or fake server and then immediately back, for no cost). But again, a petition? Screw that.


    8- Matchmaker Improvements- Yes, this would be a nice thing for them to work on at some point. Matchmaker does pretty good right now though, with so many people playing. It seems to bump around in the dark when there aren't enough players for three games though.

  5. First off, please not do discuss this petition here.


    No thanks, I'll disagree here and there if I have to as well. It's extremely important to disagree with a petition on the petition itself, to make it clear that a united front is not in any way being presented. By shoving dissent into another thread, it makes it appear as if the petition has unanimous support.


    Second. If you agree with the petition, please just type "Agreed", and then rate the thread five stars. Do nothing else. Do not make comments or give feedback in this thread. We know from previous experience that a clear petition with lots of "yes" votes that is also rated 5 stars, will get the attention of the devs.


    Good grief, no, this is the worst possible lesson. "Here's how to bully devs, from the time the devs listened to us last time".


    How come you don't even say how to disagree with your "petition"? Hrm....


    Here's your idea:

    1- New map. This is a good idea. We don't need a petition for it. The devs know that new maps are great. Iokath in particular was really great. Do you think they need a petition for it? Nobody petitioned for Iokath. GSF shares resources with the ground game, especially with something like level design man.


    2- New mode. I'd like several modes to be added- they could look around at other, similar games for inspiration, many of which started with domination and TDM and then added other objective type maps- but I don't expect it and I don't feel we should demand it. A new game mode is a huge deal, please remember.


    3- More GSF decorations- Hey this would be neat, but why does anyone need a petition for this?


    4- More stuff to spend currency on- there's technical difficulties with spending fleet or ship requisition for anything else. This would be nice for them to fix at some point, but at this point it's pretty absurd how much ship and fleet req is stored up, waiting to absolutely hammer whatever aspect of the economy they tie it to, were they to do this.


    5- Legacy unlock for cartel ships - I don't want them to do this. I have bought cartel ships on many characters, and this is one way I can distinguish myself from someone who is unwilling or unable to do this. I won't be sad if they did this (though I would be grumpy as they would inevitably not throw any CCs my way). Anyway, I bought into it this way, and I hope they keep it this way.


    6- Completely destroy links between a character's appearance and that character's abilities - Naw , screw this. It's great that if you like a character, you get to put up with their unique ups and downs, and can't just build everything perfectly without any actual tie to the characters being represented. It's really good the way it is now, if anything I'd like more things tied to characters and factions than now. We already lost almost everything that made these characters unique in the ground game, we have absolutely no compelling reason to lose that link here (at least the ground game people had points about access to healers and tanks back then).


    7- Component deselect bug can be worked around by transferring a character. This should definitely be fixed or worked around (the workaround would be to let the game transfer you to another real or fake server and then immediately back, for no cost). But again, a petition? Screw that.


    8- Matchmaker Improvements- Yes, this would be a nice thing for them to work on at some point. Matchmaker does pretty good right now though, with so many people playing. It seems to bump around in the dark when there aren't enough players for three games though.



    Anyway, this shouldn't be a petition. None of these are pressing issues (except maybe component deselect). One is even a demand for free cartel stuff. I for one don't support this petition, the tying of these ideas together, and I certainly don't support the idea to shove dissent off into a thread a dev is disincentivized to read while trying to get your entire laundry list of pet crap shoved down the throat of the community.

  6. Brand new players are 4 shippers now. A 3 shipper or 2 shipper has to have not updated their hangar since the patch that added Type 2 Gunship and Type 3 Bomber to everyone's hangars (everyone has at least 4 ships, people who preordered start with 5 ships).
  7. it isn't FUN to me using the mouse to fly.

    Practice and you'll find it fun, once you learn to fly with it. Will it ever replace a flightstick in your heart? Of course not.


    The linked threads explain EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS though. If they add the joystick, it's either better than the mouse, or worse than the mouse. You can already have it worse than the mouse. But there's a million other reasons why they won't do this, and mostly it comes down to the simple fact that adding joystick support to SWTOR is a large task. Even NEW games using an engine that HAS joystick support (unlike SWTOR), such as Star Wars Squadrons, had a bunch of dumb issues at the start related to controls. I distinctly recall Squadrons launching with a small "maximum number of buttons" that they had to patch out, for instance- and again, they used an engine with flighstick support already, which SWTOR lacks.


    So, let me be clear please: All i want is to use the same 'flight stick' (joystick) that i had with Xwing:Alliance and SWG JTL and even now with SW:Squadrons


    You can try mapping it to your mouse, but you'll probably have a worse time than using the mouse.

    So, there's a genre of mouse-flown games- where you fly from outside the ship- that didn't really catch on, because they have full three space flight, and people look at the game and think "this is more approachable than a cockpit", and then wham, riiiight into a rock. The game to try out- that inspired GSF- is Star Conflict. Now that game, I think they added joystick support to at some point, but you'll probably want to play it with the mouse, as it's extremely similar to GSF in that it was designed for it, with gimballed weapons (Star Conflict even has fully turreted ships, where you can fly in one direction while whipping your turreuts around at something on your tail, manually aiming it with like six turrets at once).


    I don't think you'll like it better than GSF or anything, but you'll see kind of what GSF came from- only part of its DNA is the old X-Wing series of games from the 90s.



    In other words, how is it my fault that i have (or can afford) a particular flight-stick but some other people don't (or can't) ?


    It's certainly not. Just as it isn't your fault that you can cream some kids in a pay2win mobile game. The problem is when the game changes what it is midway through. If a game comes out with flightstick support, we all line up and play that with flightsticks, right? And then I'm on your side of the argument. But GSF isn't a pay2win mobile game, and I'd be furious if it became one. Neither does it want you to have a great flightsick, and a lot of players would be cross were it to be added.


    Making a game really key on hardware support any time other than at launch is a terrible plan.


    Secondly, how would it even be an "advantage" if every single other player had access to the exact same 'joystick support' ?


    I have like nearly a grand of Virpil stuff on the floor next to my desk- and you'd want a good one for GSF, because you'd want some way to get that reticule to do its job- are not cheap. Would you be happy to play the game if you needed a 3090 to get playable frames in it?


    i've never had a *mic* for voice-comms


    You should get that immediately. It's really cheap, first of all, and it offers an immense improvement to all team play. It's also been standard gaming equipment in team games since the 90s.


    how come it works just fine in other flying games?


    They tell you about it. OR, and this is disgustingly common, they just make M+X vastly superior. Even Squadrons added a soft reset to mouse play, where if you stop moving the mouse, the virtual pilot will actually push the stick opposite the direction you were just going, whereas a neutral stick position doesn't do that, and you have to actually push the stick contrary, which is a kind of a medium deal. Many other games just flat out attach autoaim to mice.


    When I wrote those older posts, that stuff was really common. Nowadays I see developers trying hard to balance flight stick and mice, but they usually do it with subtle disadvantages for the flight stick instead of autoaim stuff for mouse.


    Anyway, other flying games launch promising to support stuff like that. SWTOR did not.


    What if there was a 'mouse player' queue and a 'joystick player' queue


    Dude, this breaks my heart so hard. I know we have a bunch of players in queue right now, but it's a bit unusual- SWTOR just added cool stuff and WoW is pooping their bedpan. Even with like seven times the activity we had a year and a half ago, you'd never see the "joystick queue" pop.

  8. No? It wouldn't solve the problem you think you have


    The thread was over when you posted this. Everyone arguing with you is just doing so out of spite.


    The skill gap in GSF is, and will always be, immense. You have a space sim type game, and it is fully pvp. It also has a control style that is indicative of a certain period of pvp game development- in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s, this would control like X-Wing or like Galaxies. If it were made today it would probably control like Squadrons. But instead it controls like Star Conflict, and a lot of players walk into it alienated for quite a bit of their learning curve. The game applies MMO features directly as well, such as "roll to miss, hit, or crit" on a perfectly aimed shot, as well as some other MMOisms. The logic around how shots work confused one player enough that he accused us of serving the devil, and he meant it completely without irony.


    You pointed out that in a single game you can account for over half of everything important that happens. The other 15 or 23 people are as impactful as NPCs. And the copes when this happen are ceaseless. Oh, you're a HACKER. Oh your ship has GEAR. On and on and on.


    Ultimately though, the players that continue to argue in this thread are less worried about you than they are about a team. And here's why- they believe they can rope together enough control ships in the spawn count down to shut you out. Plenty of times I see "ok everyone focus X", and sometimes it happens. When person X is YOU, sure, that makes sense. But to qualify for this call out and subsequent control spam, well, lets just say that the average X is not all that memorable, I think player X just has to be able to aim at all.


    So they have hope because they think THEY can form a functional (if ersatz) team to punish you for daring to fly solo against their greater numbers. This works because GSF is ultimately about teams. But how do they handle actual enemy premade teams?


    Well, as we see in this thread- they try to get them removed from the game instead of either dedicating themselves to trying to master solo queue as you and some others have, or trying to form their own teams.


    Since most premades are not 4 Ace level players, they are not grouping to find a competitive match


    You're correct, but you're arguing with them as if they don't know this. They know this. This is what they want. If four players show up to play, they want them to time out two hours later and never get a single game. They are asking for matchmaker to solve their issues by making teams totally unable to play. That's literally their entire goal. Their ideal world lets them go into solo queue, act all offended when a solo ace shows up and gang up on him or her, and then come to the forum and use lubed up tweezers on their tiny flightsticks when they see me or Drako or somebody pointing out that we literally can never play because we sat in queue for an hour.

    That's not an accident, that's what they want, a game broken for teams.


    Why complain about gear then?

    People who complain about gear fall into two buckets, with a very rare third one:

    1- New players who don't understand a lot yet, and overestimate gear's effects.

    2- Players looking to blame something besides themselves.

    3- (very rare) an alt of a known pilot explaining why he or she did junk in a particular game against geared good players (not why he lost, but why his numbers were low or whatever)


    In the context of the first game on a character, or even the first 10 games, you might have a game that you lose that you would have won. But this is contingent on being the sort of player who could have solo carried the game in the first place, which whiners (1) and (2) absolutely never are.


    How about instead we just remove Solo queue all together


    I mean, if someone is seriously thinking about a mode to trash, solo queue would send the better message. After all, players would just group up in /gsf and queue that way, as they have done in MMOs since time immemorial, and team leaders would quickly develop reputations and such. I don't think they should do such a thing, but it would be more interesting than trashing teams in a team game.



    Anyone with enough interest in GSF to be willing to put in the effort that's required to become an ace doesn't really have these problems.


    Absolutely. Further, I can say with absolute certainly that many GSF games pop with no one of any note on either side, something that can be ascertained with /who and the new legacy-stalking crap that this game has, so anyone pretending that they CONSTANTLY RUN INTO ACES is either lying or literally only queuing when good players are on, which is quite the talent.



    Ultimately this is always a team game, either 8v8 or 12v12, excepting custom lobbies. The game incentivizes you to make a team. If you choose not to, understand that you are setting different expectations for yourself- you are queuing as a SOLO ACE. Solo players, even top ones, get absolutely rolled by premade teams, because it is a team game. Your expectation in that mode is to play as well as you can (generally this is your goal in all games, one hopes). If your goal is TO WIN though, you should be queuing with three of the best players you know just as often as you can.

  9. The consensus of the comments in this thread and the success of the petition pretty much show that most regulars agree with me.


    I'm here disagreeing with you. "Regulars"? I've played this game way more than you ever will, does that count?

    You don't have a consensus. You have you, complaining about being sliced. Maybe some other whiners who don't like CC.


    Prior to the nerf, there really was a consensus about slicing, and I know that because no one I talked to didn't want slicing nerfed (including me). Now, we have a good nerf. Slicing was counterable before, but it required too much squirreliness- you had to maintain nearly a full tank at all times. With 30 less engine drain, slicing is much easier to deal with.


    Anyway, get crowd controlled and blow up mad. Or learn to play around it, which is basically what you had to do before, except a lot less of it.

  10. I would eagerly buy up any cosmetic variants and feel each ship deserves at least one. Anyone else remember long ago when these ships dropped in cartel packs?


    Most of this thread happened when the ships were available in cartel packs lol.


    I still wonder why they don't occasionally trickle out some cartel ships.

  11. I suspect it is a good nerf and adequate. You have now shifted the goalposts to something about no one being able to harass you with a full CC ship, and now lockdown has entered the conversation. Lockdown + slicing was absolutely brutal before, now you have 30 points of engine you didn't before. This nerf punished lockdown+slicing and slicer's loop+slicing, as it should have. But now you are coming up with builds that still offer CC and complaining that those exist too.


    At the end of the day, CC is good for this game, and this was a good nerf. If someone decides to take everything that they can and turn it into CC, that CC should be effective and frustrating to play against.

  12. Well, actually this wasn't my issue.


    But the setting I needed was:

    Movies_SeenBootFlowMovies = 56


    In Verain_Account.ini, which is under Application Data\SWTOR\swtor\settings.


    There's another setting in there, Movies_SeenMovies, which doesn't seem to control it.


    In any event, it just crashes for me, so it's a more obscure issue than I thought. I have a second install up and running, and I'll eventually either migrate to that or fix my original.

  13. The patch notes from a couple weeks ago stated that they reset the setting that says "I've already seen the intro movie, don't play it" to instead "crash immediately because these movies never play for Verain".


    Does anyone know which file I can edit to fix this back?

  14. It was due to his constant fact switching


    Is the core argument about actual time spent incorrect?


    That's the crux of the point. I don't think anyone argues that GSF should be optimal conquest per minute, but there's plenty to be said for buffing it from where it is now. Is anyone going to seriously try to make the point that you couldn't buff rewards, or increase conquest earned per-victory, without having entire guilds queuing and throwing games as fast as possible, or whatever the degenerate case for pure conquest players is?


    All I've seen is some argument that "MMO" is synonymous with "fill out every card on my bingo sheet", which is like, not true at all.


    If you love GSF distance yourself from this person, get a decent spokesperson , put in a concise idea of what is wrong with the CQ GSF awards system, post it in a seperate thread or send it to the community managers. And hopefully you will get what you want.


    What's wrong with his numbers? Why not attack that instead of the man?

  15. You nailed it. EXCLUSIVELY through GSF.


    So you agree that doing it EXCLUSIVELY through GSF should go at roughly the same speed as EXCLUSIVELY through planetary heroics, right?


    This is an MMO, your meant to do Multiple activities not just one.


    Errr.... that's not what MMO means. It means "Massively Multiplayer Online". Planetary heroics are a more solo-ish activity than GSF, making GSF the more, err, MMO-ey activity. Not that "the definition of MMO" is at all relevant here. Generally, a game has like SWTOR with a bunch of activities and minigames would like you to dip your toes in everything, but doesn't insist on it. And does the current system make you want to do a little bit of everything, is that the fastest way to make conquest? Or is it to find whatever is optimal (which isn't GSF right now) and slam your face into it?


    Edit: I also don't want more conquest farmers afk'ing in GSF just because you want more conquest for it. It's fine as it is.


    This is a fair point. Do you feel that if GSF rewards were increased by, say, 30%, that GSF would be flooded with conquest hunters? What about if they were increased by a factor of something huge, say, 7x? What is the largest percent increase that would definitely not cause a flood of conquest hunting AFK foodships? Also, aren't there ways to prevent this from happening by adjusting how the rewards are handed out?

  16. Anyway keep your advices to yourself. Or better, stay silent.


    Lol, no.


    Also, can you please take useless crap out of this thread? Sylvi was very clear on the topic. It's literally in the title.


    We already have heard how much you and your guild are enjoying the braindead protorp meta.


    It's the best meta GSF has ever seen. But everyone I play with is ok with, and in many cases has requested, a small lockon increase, since the patch that decreased it. But yea, this meta is great, and if you aren't having fun now, you'll never enjoy GSF for real.


    We don't really need 100500 threads discussing pretty much same things so i guess ill continue here.


    How about don't? No one in this thread wants to read you crying about proton. Go cry in a proton thread, or make one. We don't need our one useful balance thread, with a very specific and useful topic, crapped up by more nerfbegging. Again, this thread is for "components that are absolute trash". This lets us talk about the decent number of components that need buffs, with a bunch of offtopic stuff about proton torpedo, remote slicing, interdiction drone, railgun sentry drone, or whatever the kids are raging about today crapping up the discussion.



    Also, complaining about protorp is relevant to this thread bc any other secondary weapon component is trash-tier useless in comparison. :p


    Not even remotely relevant. Concussion missile is good, EMP missile is actually the best missile (better than proton!), all railguns are better than proton, cluster missile is good, and seeker mines are good. In fact, every missile except ion is perfectly usable. That's why I'm not trying to buff every single missile to bring it up to proton's level.

  17. Let's talk sabotage probe yet again.

    This thing could be decent, but it have so long lock on time it's actually useless unless combined with EMP field on T1 scout.

    When flying T2 with sabo probe, you will be shot 10 times out of 11 while you're trying to land it. Maybe needs increased range? Dunno really.


    Literally any decent-ish buff will make Sabotage probe good. The question is, do you want it to be good?


    Anyway, shortening the lockon by any amount will push it to the meta. But it's not garbage right now- it is not, as the thread says, "absolute trash".


    Now about components that deserve a nerf.


    How about go make a thread for that? Sylvi clearly made the thread to be about things that need a buff, so we could have a useful discussion completely free of people trying to crap all over their pet peeves. That's literally the point of this thread. Go make a thread where you ask for


    Proton torpedoes in it's current state are "press X to win". Even a blind deaf comatose lobotomy patient can score 15-20 kills in strike ship or T3 bomber with protorps. Removed DoT or increased lock time would be nice.


    Nah, it's not that good. It already has downsides versus just straight up concussion missile. Are protons overtuned? Yea. Are they OP? Not really. I'll recommend the same thing I've been recommending since they got buffed- the lockon time needs to be slightly increased. If that doesn't budge their dominance at all, maybe it can be slightly increased a second time.


    Anyway, go make a thread to complain about proton. That's not this thread.

  18. Well, you're not wrong.


    Yea he is, and so are you.


    Whatever justification people make for always flying in powerful premades, the fact is it kills the interest from newbies and kills the queue for average pilots.


    Frequently it makes everyone show up for the good games at whatever time the premade flies at.


    Since this game was conceived- and really, since a couple decades before- I've been hearing that "X kills the queues". In GSF, that's "teams that can beat my team" or "teams that can beat just me alone". But the people claiming this never have any proof, and they are only ever speaking for themselves, while claiming to speak for everyone. Really, they aren't interested in figuring out what makes more or less queues, they just want something that they can argue against teams that can beat them.


    Players like you have two goals when you repeat these kinds of made up facts.


    1- Discourage premades from grouping

    2- Encourage devs to ban premades


    Both of these are your only goals. I hear people saying how there are no games and the queues are dead, in /gsf, while two games are going, and I'm in one. Unlike you, and all the other players just like you, I have stuck around and spammed /who on some nights when I know no premades are on. Guess what? Queues die at about the same time, often a bit earlier, when no premades are playing. So not only do premades not "kill queues", the queues aren't even dead.


    I used to assume players like you were projecting your desire to not be beaten onto other players, and assuming everyone thought the same way you do. Now I'm convinced it's just a power play to try to demoralize actual teams from grouping, and to try to trick the devs into removing your competition by any means possible.


    I'm happy to report that on Darth Malgus we have more or less stamped out the dominant premade mentality, and if there is one, we can readily make a counter group for it.


    If the DM groups stopped grouping, I think I'd know. And you claim that your way to beat groups is by grouping. That part, at least, is correct.

  19. Keyboard and mouse is only optimal if you do something like what GSF has done, and artificially deny the pilot direct control of the ship, while granting highly gimballed weapons. Denying direct control of the throttle can make buttons superior to a real throttle as well. Basically, if you prevent the HOTAS or controller player from using his device to its fullest potential- as most games currently do- then keyboard plus mouse can be optimal. Bonus points for granting special powers only available to the keyboard and mouse player.


    Squadrons has the benefit of being developed for consoles, so it is unlikely that they will go out of their way to nerf pitch and yaw analog inputs, and they seem to be delivering direct control over your angling. By contrast the game seems to have a very slow roll speed (similar to GSF, not at all similar to a realworld plane) and little benefit to an analog throttle, so my guess at this point is that the important points of controller and HOTAS won't be nerfed, and the mouse+keyboard doesn't seem to be given cheatyface abilities. This means that the likely best control scheme will be a standard Xbone controller, possibly a HOTAS, and definitely (and hopefully) not mouse and keyboard.

  20. Might be worth asking the ones that are still active and/or reaching out in Discord. I used to be of the opinion that everything should be placed on these official forums. Now I believe everything should be placed on these official forums as the place of record AND a google doc made as a backup copy for if the forums go away or something.
  21. Changes to GSF: Undo the changes in that god awful 5.x patch where strikes were able to be played so just nerf strikes and also nerf gunships and bombers, people better than me, and people so much better than me that I think they are hackers


    This paraphrase seems more accurate.


    The real issue here is that this thread actually has potential to address "components that are absolute trash", and yet you still came in here and tried to crap the thread up with offtopic nonsense, such as "nerf everything except the scout I play".


    On topic:


    No one seems to take the extra capacity magazine. No one took it before, and no one takes it now. How much bigger could this extra capacity magazine be? Like would 100% be enough, or would it have to basically be infinite?


    It's rare to see someone running regeneration reactor.


    Ion Missile is the least used and probably worst missile. I don't think it's *absolute* trash, but it's reasonably close to unused. The missile got a decent number of buffs- it is easy to lock on, has an enhanced range that is second only to the torpedoes, and does a lot of damage, and isn't totally garbage on hull. But it is still limited by EITHER of:

    1- For a shield dps missile, it has far too long of a cooldown. As a dps missile like concussion missile, it needs a much lower cooldown.

    2- For a CC missile, it has a somewhat too long lockon and its CC effect of snaring a target is far too short a duration.


    Now, the actual truth is that this missile is supposed to be a hybrid, neither really a control effect nor dps. It brings solid burst to a targets shields- more damage than anything else in the game- but it often lands this damage on a target who has already had its shields stripped OR a target who has already blown past you and is evading. In both of these cases, it contributes very little. Regardless, I would love to see it made a bit more focused in one of these directions- either increase the snare a bit and lower the lockon time, or see what it looks like with concussion's cooldown.


    Ion Mine - This has been brought up in the thread. I don't know what to do with Ion Mine, truthfully. I honestly think that being hit with ion mine should probably destroy your entire shield arc- say something like 10000 shield damage, but with 1/100th damage being dealt to hull or something (each Ion weapon seems to have its own conversion here I think). I don't know if this would be enough, really. The debuff could be made much more annoying- compare to the interdiction mine duration, which is excellent and does its job. Basically, if this mine is going to be about its role as destroying power and shields, it really just needs a better debuff and the damage could be left alone.


    Booster Recharge- I wonder what side effects could be granted to this. How can this be good?

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