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Everything posted by Swidgin

  1. PANDAS man PANDAS! plus here I get a lightsaber!
  2. It's a PUG man, besides you just got 3 capped you guys wern't gonna win anyway. There's always next time. And if someone says "Man your BAD" in a three cap then they need to look in the mirrior. That said 2 is MIN on D....YOU HEAR THAT PEOPLE...2....Unless of course you only have 1 base, then 1 is ok...until about 2 min before GAME OVER then empty the base and go all out on trying to get second cap! So easy a 8 year old could do it.
  3. My favorite part of this thread is knowing who the 1500 heroes are after 25 words. WOW Arena was POPULAR with the only people I care about....GOOD PVPers. I could care less about the rest of you because we won't be playing each other. That said BW does care about you and your money. You are paying for a service and you want it to be worth the money and time you invest. That said I am yet to hear of 1 SINGLE good PVPer complain about putting an ARENA system in place in this game. How do I know that, I refer you to my first statement. I can smell FAIL a mile away. Because you are BAD at it and don't won't to be picked on IN GAME is not a reason.
  4. ATM it's tough. Mara plays like a Muti rogue....low skill cap (For melee) Assassin plays like a DK.....an 8 year old girl could play the class, (My class) Mara will ALWAYS be a lower skill cap class, Assassin might go from 1 of the easyest to one of the HARDEST if the DPS spec gets any kind of buff. So in short, I really don't know. But you want a Melee class that plays as easy as a caster....you can't go wrong with either pick.
  5. The fail is strong with this one ^
  6. Ya that's what we are talking about BUDDY. A little more Utility and a little less burst
  7. You guys/dolls rem when I said BURST DPS always gets the first NERF Bcuz of BAD PVPers and BAD gear. Well look no further then this guy. And I don't play an op.
  8. Sage/sorc you die but you controll Powertech you live but give up control
  9. BW did do something......... It's called LOS CC Breaker Res Bar This game at it's CORE is one of the greatest MMO PVP I've seen to date. BUGs yes, But they'll fix them. Plus with Exsp buff and little to no PVE gear this won't be the problem you think it is now.
  10. Well then MORE INFORMATION REQ.... Did you play SWG or WOW or something else? What classes did you like in those games? Do you like Melee or Range?
  11. come on give um a gap closer atleast. Poor Ops/Scoundrels
  12. I wouldn't go OP. You sound new to PVP and the OPs/scoundrel skill cap is VERY high. Go caster....it's a begginers class for PVP and the skill cap is always lower. THIS IS NOT an insult....there are no MAGES in Swtor!
  13. OMG please stop the MADDNESS PVP = CC L2P Not trying to be rude but if you want SWG easy low skill cap then PICK a Dif game. This game is LEET Get on it's level
  14. /agree This is the worst targeting system I've EVER played with.
  15. I never said that the teams where balanced brother....Because you are right THEY NEVER WHERE. What I said was....They help balance classes. If you don't think that's true then look no further then season 5 DKs. In PVE my Muti rogue could hang with a DK in DPS but NO team could hang with the OP that was the DK class. Arenas found this not PVE content. But you are correct it is a NEVER ending battle to balance around small ARENA style fighting. There will always be a COMP > then most.
  16. YES.... The players said thanks but no thanks..... This is a GREAT PVP MMO and like all GREAT PVP MMOs World PVP will always be an after thought. Not that it isn't fun you understand, But with a GREAT game you don't need world PVP. That said they'll find a way to do it so more people show up
  17. That's Bcuz you played SWG and thought you were PRO.... Get on my LEVEL..... Welcome to the big leagues....... Well if this game ever lives up to what it can be........... Which I'm SURE it will..............ONE DAY!
  18. LOL @ ^ SWG was and is the lowest skill capp PVP I've ever played.......... This game is PRO, and when you play a pro game you have 3 options 1) Get on it's level 2) Get run over 3) Find a new game
  19. O sorry....lol I play a shadow. FAIL on my part!
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