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Posts posted by Docyrian

  1. My question is....why the HELL do you care what other people do? It doesn't effect your choice except for in the cinematic....YOU still get the full LS/DS point increase based on YOUR individual choice. Personally, I'm playing my SA entire DS. I don't care what it is, if it's dark, I'm taking it! Most of the time because I just like the option better anyway.


    As a Sith though, I feel like I get the opportunity to be the most ruthless, scheming, disgusting bastard I can possibly be, and that's what I want to do with my SA. The majority of the time, it fits with what a SA SHOULD be anyway.


    So, when you start paying everyone elses' subscription, you can decide how they make their choices. But until then, enjoy your own, and do what you want. The minute you stop worrying about everyone else, is the minute you'll start REALLY having a blast with the game.

  2. OK, like EVERY OTHER PROFESSION, you need to get DESIGNS (or recipies, or whatever you want to call them). I have Synthweaving only at level 150ish and I can craft 4 orange pieces...which btw are the upgradable ones so you'll only ever NEED that one if you upgrade the armoring.


    Just gotta learn how everything works, the game has been out 5 days, people need to stop thinking they should be experts by this time.

  3. This one I kinda have to agree with. I've done Huttball EVERY TIME except for once. I'd like to see some of the others. I don't know about having separate queues or whatever, but at least make it more equal somehow. I'm not a dev or even someone who know about coding or whatever, but there's got to be a way to make it more even.
  4. precisely why I try not to craft anything but blue or orange armor/weapons. Orange items can be upgraded for as long as you want pretty much. And i use the green stuff just to level up more, then just reverse engineer to get some of the mats back. It's really not as big a deal as people make it all out to be.
  5. I love Huttball! It the only truly ORIGINAL battleground so far. I know it resembles capture the flag a bit, but you can't THROW the flag (or get incinerated through floor grates) it any other CTF bg I've seen. Anyway, my friends and I always enjoy it.
  6. So go play rift, warhammer and whatever else you mentioned? Or, simply figure out that there is more to an MMO than simple PvP. Either way, the info on this game and how the PvP aspect would work has been available for quite some time now. Perhaps you should have looked into it before simply buying/playing it and hoping for the best.
  7. I can almost guarantee that I am better than you though, purely based on statistics.


    obviously not...since I've been wrecking face with my JG.....which is an ALT....not even my main. You need to pick a class that suits your "talents" better. Being too stubborn to switch from a class that you obviously don't get along with is YOUR OWN damn fault. Not Bioware's. Keep up the great work BW! LOVE the game so far.

  8. Androids outnumber iPhone users by quite a large amount. What is so wrong with creating an app for all the smartphones? I don't know about anyone else, but I know I can't afford to shell out the insane amount of cash for an iPod that makes phone calls. I'll just stick with my Android.


    Damn you beat me to it lol! i was gonna come on and say basically the same thing. Android phones are 52.5 percent of the global smartphone market as of Nov 24, 2011. iOS WAS 16.6, then dropped to 15 percent. So, NO, iPhone WILL NOT be "more used" than droid. Use what you want, I'll stick with my droid.

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