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Posts posted by VegaPhone

  1. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?


    Yes he ate his arm :D




    Im guessing a long time ago... he killed his servant, and could not reach the food beyond tail reach... and decided to eat his arm as a sign of his 'regal-ness' and not having to move for food.

  2. Luke beat Abeloth. Abeloth > SWTOR Emperor, that is all.


    Despite her death, Luke and the Jedi were not convinced Abeloth was dead for good and thus began searching for the planet Mortis. Luke intended to locate and obtain the same dagger used to kill The Ones decades earlier during his father's encounter with them, to ensure that if Abeloth ever did return in the future then the Jedi would have a way to permanently end her existence once and for all.


    Her power sounds a lot like the current emperor, and for me that power is more physiological and on a massive scale rather than duels. Just because Luke can beat Abeloth in a duel does not mean that she lost. As long as lives, she is winning. She is immortal.



    However, the interesting thing is how even in the books of swtor, immortality has a price... so that theme seems consistent, and immortality means they are immortal but their strengths lie else where and they have to make up for their weaknesses with their knowledge as well. So the fact that a immortal that are weak physically can duel Luke, the epitome of lightsaber mastery is a sign of the immortals other strengths fighting at their weakest of abilities.


  3. We can also hope someone robs a bank and gives it to swtor... but really... I am skeptical the money is being spent wisely.


    All I know is I am not happy with the lack of new since 1 year of release. More of the same... and sure Makeb is coming soon, but thats all I know...


    What about other important things which dont even have timelimes. What is the SSSP?


    So... I would like to see swtor devs get a boat load of cash to get er done... but I want to see the right things being developed as well. And Makeb hopefully will be a good sign.

  4. Did you ever stop to think that perhaps BW is doing everyone a favor and NOT bringing Christmas into a game simply because not all of us are Christians?! What a novel thought......


    So they want to not have celebrations of any kind while there are holidays of celebrations.


    How about BW first make it so holidays are non-religious first at a national level... then try to make a point..


    Since now... everyone is celebrating their holiday time, and BW is not showing any recognition of that which seems like they dont care about other people celebrating their time off. It looks worse than something good. Its just negative.


    However... they do actually have plans for swtor during the new year. So... its not like they completely ignored everyone.


    They something planned for illum and possibly more.


    edit: And you might want to change your Christian calendar as well. Since even new year is a Christian celebration.

  5. Its about the concept of a person having power to control others. Its a realism perspective.


    The powerful do as they please and the weak follow. However, its not total anarchy, its more organized and with a goal that becomes mutual. This also ties in with the realism perspective, and how there are no friends but only people with mutual interests.


    If you do not accept the force as something that is powerful enough to control others then either the story was not convincing enough to prove that point or you lack the ability to believe in such things. Probably due to browsing the internet too long and reading too many witty atheistic and skeptical comments that they leave a person without imagination or sense of belief to play along with anything.


    The republic is more about being responsible with that power. And also how that responsibility borders on certain hypocrisy but because the force is so powerful certain things have to be done to control it and fight the opposing side, the empire as well.

  6. I would design the game differently if the plan was to have a large enough crowd spread out equally on the planets.


    First I would have horizontal scaling in content. So all quests can be done by any level, but there are lvls to show that content is completed, and lvls unlock points for specializations. I would also make sure since it has horizontal scaling to make character customization unique and engaging but also want players to create more than one character so have some real consequence. For example in the story being different and having an alignment system which affects NPCs among other possibilities.


    I would still have story quests that gave abilities specifically depending on that development.


    I would also put quests which where challenging and puzzles and would also give certain abilties and rewards.


    I would make the game a lot fo about customization and rewards being unique with unique abilties as well.


    Also I would put a lot of the content near each other but organize it in a way to also include open world pve and open world pvp as well. I think a good way to have this is for example have open world pvp in the center and have certain pve and other quests in the middle, but also have a majority of quests and story in nearby or outer parts of these areas.


    Also have player housing. An engine designed for large scale pvp. Guild mechanics as well.


    Also include active blocking, and active dodging. This can make puzzles interesting as well, and for combat. Also maybe add some aim the saber/gun abilities for active targeting or blocking or swinging with certain abilities.


    Have open world raids and some instanced ones.


    And of course get rid of the fleet, and add day/night cycles.


    Have FFA servers. Have player bounties. Have one server that has isnta-death and full loot.


    Have mini games. Have gambling. Have blood and decapitation.

  7. I have held out hope for so long that this game would some how redeem itself, but I have finally started to lose hope.


    I lurk quite a bit, and post very little. I watch the threads complaining about EAWare not giving a rat's *** about us as the community, and just tell myself " Oh they're just self entitled whiners." However, with 1.6 I am finally starting to see that this game is nothing more than a cash cow. The developers do not care what we want, they just spit out random bits of content to keep us hoping that MAYBE, just MAYBE, things will get better, and that we're staying subscribed to help the cause.


    I'm seriously considering leaving. I love this game and where it could go, and I love you guys, but I just don't feel right giving my money to a company who cares nothing for their community, and everything for the all mighty dollar.


    They are relesing content in bits, yes. However, its more of a problem with thier release not having enough horizonatal progression at end game.


    Its a design failure on thier part and expecting a lot of people to gear grind, roll alts, and gear grind. Thats what might happen in themepark MMOs. However, that successfully happens only in WoW.


    So anyone who studied business knows the logic that businesses have to be different enough to be successful. Is swtor end game different enough to be successful? The answer is no.


    So they are catching up to what they should have had by releasing major content like their secret space project, or makeb which has open world pvp (part of the horizontal progression that could exist in an MMO, but maybe even with makeb does not have that due to gear grinds that already exist or not offering rewards for long time participation in open world pvp instead of just rather making it an alternative to getting gear) 1 year later.


    So instead of the secret space project or open world pvp... there needs to be more horizontal progression in the game. Is Makeb or the secret space project more horizontal progression? Probably not... so even then it would will be just more of what you feel is not enough.


    It could mean you have played the game to point its not fun. Maybe take a break? There is new content coming every once in a while... and thats what themeparks do, they mostly expand on what they already have. More WZ,s, more vanity items, More Ops/FPs which are grinds.


    The problem with a gear grind end game is that it also exists in a static world of limited choice. Why would someone want to see NPCs standing still on Coruscant that is day time all the time for 2nd time, 3rd time etc and no open world pvp what so ever? Sure its a core world, but at least there should be more life to that world. Or even worlds which are contested, the questing areas are seperate, and open world pvp barely happens... So playing alts has little reason to do with end game, or really the journey, but just the instances of story. Thats right, the reason to play alts comes down to instances of story and not what could be a lot fo other things.


    So, this game needs more horizontal progression such as mini games like Pazaak, swoop racing, duel arenas, championship systems.


    DO you know how easy it is to create duel arenas with championship system? Or how easy it is to put pazaak in swtor?


    The question is why havent they put it into theire game yet? They expect people to RP championships, or maybe pretend to socialize with other imaginary situations in their static world on the fleet with... yes... their good customization system. One of the good things. However, the costs even though better, still a hindrance to customization. I have spent millions of credits on customization with just mods. That is lost money, and goes nowhere.


    So this game needs a lot of things, but first they can start with the easy things such as mini games, duel arenas, and solo rank for pvp.

  8. Actually its stupid.


    Its a simple solution.


    The hair is only long with no helmet being being equipped, and when equipped, the hair is treated as some other style such as 'helmet hair'.


    There would be no clipping other than the possibility on the main chest armor, but that is something they should be able to develop, and something the game engine should be able handle.


    So the only excuse is they can't code the hair to not clip into the chest piece, or the engine can't handle it. That sounds weak.

  9. well, if it allows for interesting situations then certainly it would add to the game.


    It does not add a timeline conflict of time travel. I always thought movies with time travel just ruined previous plots if they were from a previous context.


    For example the recent Star trek movie, and the effects of a blackhole, and it does add a certain mystery that makes it more engaging on the viewer, but in the star trek movie specifically they dont introduce any hints of how time travel can affect them, just that it had an effect... and this is the new timeline. Since someone from the past can prepare someone for the future to make sure it does not affect the past... but it was never presented as that... and I think it was intentional to make star trek change and then to allow for everything to feel 'different' and more mysterious.


    But the point is, it takes away from the future, and in SW there is a lot of lore, and it is considered canon... so maybe... time travelers of the future change the past... and swtor and BW devs can have their own 'future' for SW. It makes things less predictable, and they can write it how certain elements are fundamentally true with certain destinies playing out etc etc. So, in a way time travel can work... but, without over complicating the lore and situation, it would be better to have a simulation.


    The simulation is like a mind trap essentially as in the EV.

  10. You don't need steam for that. I have a second monitor.


    So for those that don't have a second monitor its a practical idea. However, why not allow for the same function in game with swtor and having a shift tab function. It will work just as well, and... it can have a starwarsy effect/style to browsing the internet.

  11. MMOs are 99% gambling every time you kill a mob.


    Frankly- maybe it's time for you to grow up and take responsibility for your own actions rather than needing your hands held and throwing a tantrum when you don't get your way.


    Well... the devs are like gods... and from that analogy, god is in control, and the only thing you can do is throw a tantrum or ask nicely. However... asking nicely was what fans have been doing for mini games pre-release... and it has no timeline till today.


    Maybe throwing a tantrum is the only thing a person can do at the feet of God/Gods.

  12. I think the hint of BW not planning for large scale combat, and them admitting to bad management issues which hints to not properly developing the coding for their engine to do what they want.


    Yes, engines for MMOs are large but when they keep the hero engine while modifying it, it will have some issues as we see here.




    In this link they explain why they do not use the actual engine for their mmo engine, and rework it from the ground up.


    So for swtor to have better performance or less bugs when updating it needs a more dedicated engine to fit its needs rather than a 'salvaged' hero engine that they took apart and remade it to their own needs.

  13. How can one acquire the Birthright Mainhand Weapon Construction Kit?


    I've seen most of the other stuff for sale at the vendors, but not this. Can anyone direct me?


    People sell the legacy kits on the gtn?


    How much does one buy these items for?


    And where would it be listed on the GTN?

  14. Kashyyyk






    As long as we never see Naboo or Endor, I'm happy! As much as I would thoroughly enjoy killing Ewoks and Gungans, those planets aren't discovered for several thousand years...give or take. I'd rather not see SWTOR start retconning.


    Then we need something that emulates the same thing but without calling them ewoks or gungans. Since the idea is very popular.


    However, it would be wise to have Kashyyyk and have wookies, but also a race similar to ewoks that are included in a similar habitat.


    Also Kashyyyk should not only be large trees, and cities on tress. There should be mountains, hills, caves. A tree that is like a mountain and maybe its roots go through a cave/tunnel system. There should be a beach area, waterfalls, a lot of rain etc

  15. It just needs to develop content quicker and the right kind.


    Pazaak, swoop racing, 3d space combat, open world pvp, chat bubbles etc


    However, I feel a lot of the ground content first depends on game engine optimization.


    The whole reason as to why swtor is not the MMO it should have been is one simple reason... the game engine is not optimized and still not optimized to be an MMO engine.


    In their own words... they were not planning for large combat scenarios when designing swtor.


    That makes no sense to me if they were going to design an MMO, for a large budget MMO, that also comes from another SW MMO which is a sandbox which therefore generates certain expectations from other groups to expect big things in an MMO such as large scale battles.


    I think swtor is just a bad example of bad recrutiing, and no one caring enough and just using a big project to create jobs first rather than accomplish the task. This is typical in a lazy environement, and Americans are actually known as lazy workers. I recommend next time that LucasArts, EA really make sure the talent they hire to do the job are not the stereotypical lazy americans, and maybe hiring some russian/asian and european programmers.


    MMOs in general are meant to be large, and its starwars which tells many tales of large scale battles. Also the story specifically in the old republic is that there are a lot of stih and jedi.


    Their story suggests there should be large scale combat. There is no excuse, and therefore they are lying to cover up their failure when they say they were not planning for it.


    So maybe there needs to be a reboot of swtor, and they re-release swtor with a new engine or they hire some people with a good head on their shoulders who know how to design an MMO engine, and then hire people who will make content that is intended for a large budget MMO to include open world content.


    Since, not having open world pvp that has objectives, day/night cycles, chat bubbles, player housing, fighting over resources in the open world, player housing in the open world/ guild housing, more weather effects, more NPCs, more wildlife, more NPC movement/life are some of the things these things make swtor alive... and mini games would be the icing on the cake.


    Some of these suggestions are the kind of things in a single player game, and without people, it makes the game great. Here in swtor, the worlds are static, and its the people that make it feel alive... but there is no open world pvp and the questing areas are segregated. So by design in a static, they keep players away from making the world feel alive by minimizing open world pvp... bad mmo design.


    We need devs in swtor who want to make this game into an MMO, and not a continuation of developing content for the fleet life and waiting in a floating airport hiding us away from the static worlds in swtor.

  16. Bioware's writing isn't good enough to make me reflect on it much in any situation.


    I like how you turned this one around to blame the writers, meanwhile, all the frantic MMO players playing their teen rated game want to show everyone how mentally superior humans are to any kind of temptation or suggestion.


    You know just to put this out there... since I know a lot of SW fans are agnostic, or atheist... and an argument against indoctrination of religion is that believing in something that has bad things in the religion does affect peoples train of thinking, to make it more likely that they are violent towards non-threatening victims.


    So maybe Blarpped, has a point, and the writing is not involving enough to causes anyone to consider the good or bad from any perspective. In a way, the bad guys, have no thesis, or anti-thesis to the Jedi code, and the Jedi code which resembles religion in many ways. If they had a compelling anti-thesis, then it could deserve a higher rating for an MMO.

  17. A name shame should be in order perhaps but thats all dependent on an honor system which reaslly doesnt work sadly enough


    Name shame? As in there is a system that records behavior and there is a rating for people as good players in group content or not?


    I think thats a good way to reward good behavior and punish bad behavior. However, considering how a system can be abused is something that should be tested... for example have a rating system that only deducts points if the encounters result in the same negative feedback but by strangers from different groups. So lets say a person does something wrong 3 times in 3 PUGs then their rating will drop.


    After several drops in ratings they can only play with other people with lower ratings or wait longer in the ques... or after a certain period of 'reflection' lets say 3 days their rating will start to go up naturally with no bad acts... however it would never go all the way to its tabula rasa state showing no mistakes... the rating should still show that a person made a mistake in the group and got a bad report... until they get a lot more good recommendations to undo the bad that they did, and can have an above standard rating.


    The point of a rating system can also be that people who try to find groups in general chat can look at other peoples ratings. This helps to show they have understanding of certain content. It can also show if they completed certain content as well for HM FP, Nightmare modes etc.

  18. Well, I think they should keep need/greed but we should be able to put bounties on those that deserve to be punished for ninja looting.


    The only real problem with need/greed is nothing can be done about it other than issuing a ticket, which breaks immersion. So I am thinking something we can do in game that also is fun.


    Maybe a duel is fought over an item?


    However the point of need/greed is that there are rares which rarely drop, and many will want it. If the loot is assigned to the person then that kind of breaks immersion to a set of beliefs... which is the same as a need/greed system and not earning the items more than the other person... but at least it is precedented... so its easier to accept a need/greed system that is make belief on how things work than a new system of make belief of how things should work against the nature of things.

  19. A good way to encourage crafting, and a want to discourage a rush from player creation to end game, is if there is exclusive content per planet that is only available for the class range that the planet is intended for.


    The rewards can exclusive titles, or rare items... however the nice thing would be the mechanics that are supposed to be perfected for a planet known for a certain style of combat, the challenge, and the need to use rare crafting gear from crafters to complete this solo content.


    It would be something nice for alt players, who have extra money to spend. The down side of course is that this is exclusive to alts only. However, at this point, we are used to haves and have nots, with people playing at a certain date not having access to certain pets or titles... so I hope its not considered game breaking but quite the opposite.


    This is something that I would like to see for the new race when playing an alt. There are easy ways to incorporate this... for example [heroic 2] missions and recognizing people who have soloed the content and offering them titles for that.

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