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Everything posted by Duskrequim

  1. We need an option to Romance Treek
  2. dang it and im at work..... Come on Bioware... give me a way to buy stuff outside the game.
  3. I think they would do so much better if they would give us a way to buy items in Cartel Market without having to log into the game. I would like to check the market at times and buy items while sitting at work. I can do that in other games.. why can we not do it here?
  4. I have considered buying a full suit of armor to go Straight Endurance.. then also getting a Suit of High Defense and a Suit of High Shield Absorb...... just so that I can switch between them depending on the fight.
  5. I agree that removing Mods should be reduced in price... its getting ludicrous to think that these prices are good... yeah do dailies for a week and your gtg... but thats not the point. The price should drop... or give us a CC option to remove all mods in all gear worn... A one time 100CC option that will make money for game.
  6. They really really need to do this.... I also see no reason why if the players support and there is money to be made to also allow nonhuman creatures that dont speak to be allowed... Yeah it would take time going back to voice the stories to allow for grunts etc.. but I would love this... We also need to add Gamorreans as a companion.
  7. I would hope that eventually they will allow a person to click on an item in collections that they do not have and get an option to Buy it with Cartel Coins.... that way we can get those items that were 1 time or no longer available. I am a pet collector.. I have almost every single pet in game... (minus a few)... however the special ones available through game invites for other games... and the cartel coin cards from other stores and countries... are impossible to get and should be buyable.
  8. Ok looking at what I posted earlier.... If you go full endurance (using best endurance items) I used these items. Armoring--- Advanced Supercommando's Armoring 36 Mods--- Advanced Weighted Mod 36B Enhancements--- Advanced Vigilant Mod 36 Augments---- Advanced Fortitude Augment 28 This includes all the Dread Masters Supercommando Device and 2 Dread Master Supercommando Mk-V package as well as Dread Master Relics of Fortunate Redoubt and Reactive Warding... This will give you the stats --Health of 54576.4 ---Armor rating is 11120.4 ---Damage Reduction is 53.27% --- Defense Chance of 16.19% ---Shield Chance of 40.45% ---Absorb of 39.33% Now if you are unable to get these items through multiple NIM runs then you could always buy full suit of 34's hence Armoring ---- Advanced Supercommando Armoring 34 Mods ---- Advanced Weighted Mod 34B Enhancements ---- Advanced Vigilant Mod 34 Augments ---- Advanced Fortitude Augment 28 Also getting Commando Barrel 34......and someone to make Dread Forged Supercommando's Device For Ear and 2x Dread Forged Supercommando's MK-X Pakage and having Dread Forged Relics of the Fortunate Redoubt and Reactive Warding.... also made. So the Best Bought stats that a Vanguard Tank can theoretically get that Stacks Endurance is---- This will give you the stats --Health of 51422.8 ---Armor rating is 10765.4 ---Damage Reduction is 52.47% --- Defense Chance of 15.06% ---Shield Chance of 39.24% ---Absorb of 39.35% Again Looking at the numbers it really questions if seeing a Heavy HP tank is going to make me think he will take hits hard and be bad tank.... If done right with the correct Modification pieces selected.. you not only get high Health but you also keep your Shield/Absorb and Defense right where most people tell Tanks to be at....
  9. Playing around with the Ask Mr Robot on builds with my VG..... I notice if I go full Defense which I have seen alot of VG's doing and I have gotten lucky and have the best gear in game.... ---Health 45959.4 ---- Armor Rating 11120.4 ----- Damage Reduction 53.27% ----- Defense Chance 27.68% -----Shield Chance 37.95% ------ Absorb 24.00% Now others go for the Shield/Absorb Balance the best I came up with was -----Health 43336.3 ---Armor Rating 11120.4 ------Damage Reduction 53.27% ----Defense Chance 15.47% -----Shield Chance 40.33% ----Absorb 42.95% that compared to a person stacking all the best Endurance items and augments would have --Health of 54576.4 ---Armor rating is 11120.4 ---Damage Reduction is 53.27% --- Defense Chance of 16.19% ---Shield Chance of 40.45% ---Absorb of 39.33% Just looking at this spread.. and considering what people think is the best... From what I can see that a person that Stacks Endurance Augments may actually be able to Do quite well vs the same person that only stacks Defense and even the person that tries to Balance Shield/Absorb I really think that they again loose out...
  10. Love to see ancient weapons like the Rakata Forcesaber http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120203023518/starwars/images/thumb/d/de/Forcesaber-DotJ0.jpg/250px-Forcesaber-DotJ0.jpg And Sith Swords http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060707200628/starwars/images/thumb/8/8f/Sithsword-NEGWT.jpg/250px-Sithsword-NEGWT.jpg Then we can also look at Guard Shoto's http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20081018191342/starwars/images/thumb/1/17/Guard_shoto.jpg/250px-Guard_shoto.jpg Protsabers would also be neat. http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120409105444/starwars/images/thumb/6/6b/Protosaber_EGTW.jpg/250px-Protosaber_EGTW.jpg And Lightwhip http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090621063638/starwars/images/thumb/7/7d/Nightsister_JATM.jpg/250px-Nightsister_JATM.jpg
  11. I use http://www.bricklink.com/ because its cheaper then going straight through lego.
  12. I really hope that they give us an oppurtunity to purchase with CC the pets that are from those CC store cards that are overseas... or heck any of them... I hate that I can not get some of the pets... my OCD really kicks in..
  13. yeah Sorry about posting that cat twice.. I really think that they should unlock any item in collections to be purchasable.... without having to buy packs.
  14. please list all these Valid points. I am not seeing any. Just opinions nothing more...
  15. This guy seems like he is trolling everyone..... I at least hope so... I would hope a person would understand that this is a game. And learning the game at your own pace is a common thing. Everyone starts out being dumb and doing things wrong or badly. Because this game is so easy to play a person can make it all the way to max level and be completely doing things the wrong way. Its not that they have a lack of basic Knowledge of the game.. its BECAUSE they have Basic Knowledge of the game. They will learn just like everyone else. Making them feel inferior and making fun of them just proves that a person is a jerk and most likely one in real life as well. You can chuckle at them... its ok.. we have all done the /facepalm at others and when we look back at what we have done. But to then ridicule them and to treat them with no common decency... is a dick move. I suggest to those that do that to really take a long hard look at your life. You need a break..... learn social skills.. because you do that in real life.. you get punched. And since you act like an elitist.. I would suspect you are not that great physically to handle that punch. This game is suppose to be about having fun..... you help these people who are still learning.. you may just meet your next best friend online.
  16. Of course I also have some great Republic guys too.... My Sith Jedi http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq94/duskrequim/Star%20Wars/d7f44cf3-475a-4e41-97ce-83333be3d960_zpsfa17c68e.png My Scoundrel http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq94/duskrequim/Star%20Wars/70dd2863-fdf3-4532-8d7e-b873627b3bfa_zps2198c3af.png My Jedi Shadow http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq94/duskrequim/Star%20Wars/a231b7f1-a5d3-4d69-aed6-fe0e72a5592e_zpsc3074bcd.png And My Vanguard http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq94/duskrequim/Star%20Wars/11b21fcb-3dc8-44df-b9aa-e8cccf78125a_zps420b9178.png Here is without the Helm. Depends on the mood I want that day. http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq94/duskrequim/Star%20Wars/055b9c69-b794-4264-a618-33b7993d1c57_zps47dcd3b7.png I already posted the pictures of my Gunslinger and my Commando (russian)... I really love making the characters and their outfits define their personality,
  17. Ok this is my Bounty Hunters http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq94/duskrequim/Star%20Wars/743669e5-f718-4c38-be63-f54224307141_zpsd1afb77f.png and here is my other Bounty Hunter http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq94/duskrequim/Star%20Wars/e5917749-2f37-4e30-9cb4-34c1d7621e14_zps8acc7d96.png http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq94/duskrequim/Star%20Wars/bc14aeca-b8db-4428-9748-d58caebd912d_zpsb24e429c.png
  18. Ok my wife says that I am a little nuts when it comes to my characters looks.. I just think its better to have my characters fit the personality and look I was going for. So I shall begin..... This is my Sith Sorcerer http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq94/duskrequim/Star%20Wars/6e9c552e-2b67-4da0-8cd8-8703f7946ce3_zps03ae83cd.png and http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq94/duskrequim/Star%20Wars/285f879c-a10a-4672-ab33-6a9899eae56a_zps3afbbf8d.png Here is my Sith Juggernaut http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq94/duskrequim/Star%20Wars/135f2194-a45e-4117-bc9f-214d9441c329_zpsc3b86a74.png and my Sith Assasin http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq94/duskrequim/Star%20Wars/0ab0b58c-0d69-40c6-8495-53b2974d207e_zps43e79560.png and http://i437.photobucket.com/albums/qq94/duskrequim/Star%20Wars/55c26bc8-1092-4851-877b-527ad93617b0_zps159a08d9.png
  19. With no real way to get "rid" of credits in game... The problem will just keep getting worse and worse. That is what destroys most MMO style game economy.
  20. Basically this comes down to Elitists vs Casual players. Elitists exist in all games and their attitudes are such that if you make a mistake or you are new and they absolutely throw down the hate. They make fun of and ridicule and scream and cuss and act like total babies. This is what causes alot of attrition in a game where the casual players or the new players get frustrated or stop playing. Elitist behavior should be ridiculed and treated with the same disdain that they have for everyone that doesnt play their way. For all they know this was a kid, who like My son has autism and struggles to fully grasp everything he is doing but still can play the game good enough to reach end game if he works hard. Just because this guy was in wrong stance or has bad equipment is no reason to treat a person this way. In PVE he may have been doing just fine and wanted to start grouping to see how it would go.
  21. Yes thats basically what drives the market. Players that are max level run dailies and craft etc.. and make alot of credits. They then unload these credits into the market to generate the pricing increases on items. (twinking) low level characters keeps price high for certain items while high end gear drops because how many pieces drop. Items that are the strongest (orange, Purple) are high value. The only way to combat this would be to create what is know as a Credit Sink in the game. This would be something that would entice players to spend their credits to do or get something. For instance change the cost to change appearance/race to credits instead of CC and you would create a sink. Or allow players to trade in so many credits for Comms or for a casino that drops rare items like maybe Cartel items. This would benefit the game in removing the credits that exist and deflate the prices of items and gear.
  22. the only argument against the idea seems to be just personal opinions with no real evidence to persuade me to think that it will negatively affect the game. For all we know giving people this option would eliminate some of the players playing classes badly because they could swap to different AC and be good at it. Alot of people focus on 1 character per side.. and feel it would take too much time to level a whole new class so they stick with the class. Even if they are bad at them. Opening up this would allow for players to test out the classes and possible find something that they enjoy. It will not somehow destroy the game.
  23. A dye to change the color of the lighted power in armor pieces that have them. I think it would be nice if those pieces had a second slot just to change the color of the effect.
  24. I need on only items that are upgrades to my gear. and I also Need on Pets that I do not have. I am a pet collector and I need on pets. I will however pass on mounts and crewskill items and gear that are not upgrades. I will however greed on rare items that sell for alot.. like Isotopes. I think thats the proper way to do it.
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