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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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11 Good
  1. For the love of god please bring back some version of bolster or at the very least put in a minimum gear requirement. Last week and this week i have had trolls who seem (But cant prove) to be intentionally game throw by going into matches with 308 and lower. To be fair 308 would be an improvement to some of the gear scores i have seen. Today for example i had a person in group with 177 gear score rating. Last week i had 228 gear score rating. And this does affect peoples health and stats. If bolster is not gonna be a thing please make a minimum requirement to que up. Here is a screenshot to show exactly what i am talking about. In 8v8 its fine if others can pull up the slack but this is not just in 8v8 this is going on in 4v4s The weekly for arenas is already long and tedious but people that come in with lower than a 308 rating or no tactical make it far harder and more frustrating and frankly toxic since its so frustrating. Please stop this bioware. Please fix or implement something to prevent it., Or even reduce the amount it takes to complete the weeklies
  2. i am cautiously optimistic it will balance out
  3. disagree in some parts. operative healing for instance needed the nerf and badly for instance
  4. because they given us previews on the previous two seasons before launch? because i am curious? because if enough people express interest they may let us know. theres no harm in you know asking
  5. what about season 3 information. ive seen no new info on it and yet the notes say new rewards and rep. can we get more info on this?
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