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Posts posted by BobaFaceroll

  1. I expect that being honest and telling people you're new to raiding when you PUG is scaring group leaders. The new raids have a steeper learning curve than previous raids. Walking in to one with no experience, either in that raid or as a raid healer in general, will mean a rough night.


    Find a guild that isn't full of idiots and you'll be fine. Operatives are still plenty fine healers, and you'll be much better off with a guild than trying to PUG everything as you learn how things work.

  2. Operatives don't have lightsabers. That means they're are supposed to just fall over and die when a glowstick class looks at them funny. Rolling away isn't cannon you dirty Operative.


    Also, teams of stunlocking Operatives. Nerf them before people quit!

  3. From what I've seen, lethality operative is actually better than hatred assassin in effectiveness. I think they are extremely underrated atm. The reason people view them as an underpowered spec is that there aren't any highly skilled people playing it properly. The people playing it are the OP who say things like "Carbine burst is literally the single worst spell in the entire game". Really? The single worst ability in the entire game, huh? Have you ever heard of Accessing the Emplacement? Closing Detonator Casing or Boarding Shuttle?








    Honestly, lethality is OP and needs to be nerfed, and all of the QQ threads are just to keep the facade that they are underpowered. I see right through it.


    Well played sir. Well played indeed.

  4. Pretty much yes. Me and Grizz have done a lot of testing with the two specs and we have figured that tank spec in DPS gear is far better at killing targets than Pyro. Pyro simply has too much setup for too little damage, not to mention being really squishy, also you must factor some of the other AoE affects available to Shieldtech.


    I know the OP is talking primarily in terms of leveling, but for anecdotal evidence here is what four Shieldtech can do with DPS gear in PvP.


    Pyro is only really better than shieldtech in terms of overall sustained DPS, but for leveling its garbage because the setup is too much.


    That's hilarious!


    DPS gear plus a Shield (w/DPS mods?) and in tank stance?

  5. 16 man Underlurker last night. I'm on my VG, we have a Guardian tanking. We're near the end with five or six people down, fighting buggy crosses, when another one bugs out and we lose most of the raid. I'm up, along with the tank, two other DPS, and one healer. The Underlurker is at around 300k as the adds are whittling us down. The Underlurler enrages. Tank pops CDs to stay alive. Adds plus knockback damage wipe everyone but the tank and I as the Underlurker prepares his final cross. He blows his remaining cool downs, I fire off Kolto Overload and Reactive Shield. The rest of the raid begins commenting on how we have this next time, oh that was so close, only 250k away....but we aren't done yet. The tank and I are still waiting for that last cross to activate. I fire off Sonic Missile....


    BAM! We are both fine, while the Underlurker is now at 10k health! The crowd goes wild! We both mash our faces on the keyboard and deliver the killing blow. I /nobones over the corpse as a victory dance.


    Favorite Sonic Rebounder so far.

  6. So bioware is still doing what they did last Xpac, yet nobody complained when it was just TFB and SnV getting comms (and TFB was bumped up to 55, SnV was the only real new ops this time we got 2).


    No one complained because you could run 16 man TFB and SnV from day one and get Ultimates. You could run any of the previous 3 quite easily for the Classic weekly as well. There was also TC 16 story and both 8&16 HM for Ultimates.


    This time around Ultimates are hard to come by. The new Ops are buggy (far worse than TFB and SnV at 2.0 release), several fights were (or still are) overtuned in SM, and the 16 person loot tables are broken. The Classic Ops reward gives you fewer Ultimate comms, and there's no stand alone equivalent to TC. Compare how Bioware handled 2.0 and 3.0 and it's not hard to see why people are complaining.


    I like the new Ops quite a bit. They need to work properly though, and drop the correct loot for 16 man runs. I'm all for mechanic checks like EC....so long as they work reliably like EC. If people had to find a new way to fight Firebrand and Stormcaller each week because their mechanics didn't behave, or the minefield randomly changed from green to red as you were standing in a square, people would be just as frustrated as they are now.

  7. Skillful: Chem-resistant Inlays, Slip Away, and Infiltrator

    Masterful: Advanced Cloaking, Counterstrike*

    Heroic: Evasive Imperative, Revitalizers


    Evasive Imperative, Revitalizers, and Evasive Screen are all very strong. Any two as your preference would be fine I expect.


    *I'm thinking of getting rid of this, simply because there's so many roots flying around. Any time you're outside of a 1v1 breaking a root generally means you're rooted again a split second later. Will go Pin Down for a bit and see if I miss the root break more than I enjoy annoying people with a second root.

  8. Ran this in a pug for laughs yesterday and saw the same thing. More than one pull I'd see either the tank or 1-2 people in an arm outside the cross when they'd clearly thought they were in position (moved in to place, jumped, resumed actions). Even with the tank taking a step back and jumping in an attempt to force the boss to behave we had at least one failure each pull.


    bw'll say: we testing it in our office (all have direct connect to server) - cross works perfect for us.

    so we never fix it.


    I would hope that they're at least running a final QA off a staging environment that somewhat mirrors live hardware and server loads. Unfortunately I've seen enough people run QA off local, under loaded, poorly controlled systems on a gigabit LAN and call it good enough to pass muster for deployment to find your hypothesis disturbingly plausible. Having a few Devs+QA staff poke Underlurker on the local LAN on someone's Dev box wouldn't see these issues.

  9. Hard mode TFB and SnV should drop Underworld tokens. I believe the chest piece is from last boss of SnV. DF and DP SM (last 2 bosses), as well as TC HM, also drop Underworld tokens. All those spots that drop Underworld tokens also have a chance at dropping loose pieces as well. It's random but you have a shot at getting that chest piece (no set bonus, but same appearance) randomly.


    Pretty sure you can RE them and craft the shells. I saw someone posting the Commando chest equivalent in trade the other day. Give me a few and I will jump on my Operative, who is also my Armortech, and see if I have an old Underworld shell around to RE.

  10. For me it's Vector. I discovered how good mDPS companions were on my Merc, and I like it just as much with my Operative. Great damage output, durable enough to tank for you if you need it. Requires very good gear to be efficient though. The idea is to murder everything so fast that neither of you take much damage, then toss out a HOT and move along. If you can gear him up well it's a lot of fun. HK works too, but he's ranged so things tend to be a bit spread out compared to melee combat comps.


    In general anything will work with an Op, with any spec. Tank comps are fine, but they do a lot less damage so you both soak up more. Treek and Scorpio would both be OK though if you want to go the tanky route, but it's not really worth it unless you're heal spec (and I hate playing solo as heals). Heal comps work well too, as they pseudo tank via healing aggro so you can peel mobs at will.


    TL,DR: mDPS is my favorite, tank or healer works fine too. Just gear it well and you'll be OK.

  11. I'll toss a grenede if it will hit 3 or more mobs. Otherwise I just keep on a target and murder it as it's pointless to bother trying to AOE. I don't mind much in an Op but a bit of useful AOE would be nice for solo play. My Merc and PT are way better, and Sorc+Sniper are better still. It's pretty sad by comparison.
  12. Off topic


    Hey boba haven't seen you in a while


    Hey Adovir, how you doin' man?


    Been busy, plus not much to say on the forums. Things are what they are, Bioware will do what they want based on metrics...or voodoo....or whatever.

  13. I'd be fine if it still required a TA as that's what lets you use it without a CD. TA or no TA+short CD I agree completely...it should be a 10m, ground targetable AOE attack. The current functionality has always been terrible for anything other than taking a crack at popping someone that just stealthed out of combat.
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