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Everything posted by Kryptoniic

  1. I know right? Its a very simple solution too. BW, ADD SERVER FORUMS. If there were forums for my server i could make a thread like this, find like-minded people and form a guild with them. Everybody wins!
  2. Its an extra system that would need to be implemented, taking up development time and money. The money that could have been spent on this system was squandered on actors for their voices. BW can not remove the glaring bugs an issues from the more important game systems, no time should be wasted on new buggy systems until they manage to make the rest of what they have work as intended. 2 reasons why its invisible.
  3. NO I thoroughly enjoyed this game until I hit 50. Its only been a week and I'm already bored. Wz after Wz and Ilum lagfests are not fun, especially when half the time you dont get credit for wins/kills. Unless the next patch blows me away... ill be moving on. If It wasn't Star Wars, I prob would have left after the free month
  4. If you want to get into that argument, I'll tell you right now. There is no movie, video game, tv, show or any other form of media that can tell a better story then a well written book.
  5. This, I see as a good thing. This means that a lot of people will be making alts at the same time once legacy is released. More people around for lower lvl flashpoints and heroic quests.
  6. I'll agree that the puzzle mechanics in collocoid wg can be extremely frustrating if you group with mindless idiots that cant communicate.
  7. My opperative has a cover bar... for what? I only have 2 skills that require cover. I admit, I know nothing about coding or programming games... still I dont see how it would take a large amount of resources to implement a stealth bar when the same thing is already implemented for cover. I fully support stealth bar implementation. Edit* Is this true? ill have to check that out after work today
  8. Ilum needs a bolster system based on current faction population in that area. The outnumbered faction should be stronger or world pvp will fail due to faction imbalance.
  9. They wont refund you, dont clog up the overloaded customer service with sucha petty complaint. They prob wont even answer you. Learn from your mistake and carry on.
  10. It WOULD BE a legit complaint if BW hadn't already stated their intent to add neutral gear after release. They had made it very clear that light/dark only gear were i the game and that you would be penalized for being 'grey' until the new gear is released. There have been MANY threads about this, granted there isnt a search function atm so you may not have seen them.
  11. Why use words like veracity if you clearly think they are too complex for most people to understand?
  12. To expand on your analogy, If you pay any amount of money for any paint job, but ask for the wrong color, its nobodies fault but yours and you have no right to complain. Don't expect sympathy when you come to the forums and try to point blame onto someone else.
  13. He's a self proclaimed "proper" pvp player (unlike most of us) so this must be accurate.
  14. Considering that it's christmas, I'd also like you to condsider this fact. I guarantee BW is trying to deal with hundreds of thousands of other BULLSH*T concerns and issues just like yours. Put on you big boy pants and deal with it. 1. Its a bonus quest? move on. 2. Next time you want to preview a speeder, try looking directly behind the vendor at the ones on the display stands? Your solutions aren't rocket science, I fully expect humans of any age to be able to approach, and solve problems such as these themselves. Merry Christmas from unofficial forum support.
  15. I think a global LFG channel is a fantastic idea. Far better than a 'dungeon finder' tool.
  16. The warzone queue logging you out when accepted!
  17. this thread is a JOKE. ....or i wish it was.
  18. So one healer just spamming 1 skill the whole time finished just below your other healers? 1. id be worried about your other healers because they should be way above the spammer. 2. simply booting the person is what a lot of people have the problem with. from the situation described here, at no point did you inform this person that this was an ineffective way to heal. 3. Neglecting number 2 makes you a terrible raid leader. 4. spamming aoe heals can be effective if your roll is purely a group healer.
  19. how is it bad when your opponents have the same handicap? maybe you just need to adapt to a new combat system in a new game?
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