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Everything posted by jebusnixon

  1. the went to the spoiler forum and read one of the huge posts about what happened to them.
  2. you can turn off the darkside look, and there is gear that you can only wear with certain darkside/lightside levels
  3. Halo: Reach is a great example of what they could do. It's a small amount of space where a lot happens. I didn't mind the current space combat except for two things; 1 its not mmo, you can never play it with another person. 2 The higher level missions are the same mission but now the fighters have shields and the enemies do more damage. Both these problems would be fixed if they let us fly around in the exact same mission space. 1 multiplayer because you go one way and your friend goes another. 2 you can change up the order in which you do the objectives. And the quote about rpg players not understanding 3d gameplay is just silly. Is the ability to turn around really that devastating to us? Have some faith in your player base
  4. it used to be a faster way to get to whatever planet you were at. instead of going to the orbiting space station then taking a shuttle down, like on Hoth. They took it out but left the door for some reason.
  5. I had a similar issue where the sand people would randomly reset right before death. They would be almost dead, then the entire mob would evade" and teleport back to their starting positions already aggroed to me.
  6. It unlocks conversations with the companions and those do give you exp.
  7. I got my CE on thursday and the store is terrible. i rolled a trooper as my main and at level 10 there was nothing useful in the store. They didn't even put in a custom skin for every class's companion.
  8. after launch is soon to me. I suppose it was to subjective a statement. Just annoying that the security key guy has way more stuff and you can access him for free. I'd think it' funny if they did that intentionally because of all the "I'm VIP bow before me" threads.
  9. 2 companion looks, 1 for T-t and 1 for Corso, and 1 set of armor that is customizable but still worse than what my lvl 11 has on. If more isn't added soon I call bait and switch
  10. There was a twitter post about them being today, have not seen anything more official. I'd imagine that its between today and 20th when they send the code. Also U.S. Gamestop users check your email my CE comes today!
  11. gamestop has already shipped my CE, and gamestop sucks so really curious about origin since all they have to do is email a code
  12. I just got the shipping confirmation for my CE from gamestop. It shows 1of1 shipped, go check you order history/emails if you ordered from them
  13. 11/29, I'm building my new computer today so i guess that it doesn't matter if I get in but god i want to. i'll play it on my old pos
  14. the nickle and dime part is the store and how it .... never mind, forgot I was on the TOR forums. go back to crying about how you didn't get in to the game today
  15. I didn't say the authenticator should be only CE, I said there are a ton of stores popping up and BW likes to put the word exclusive on them
  16. So on top of the exclusive CE vendor, and the other "exclusive vendors in the vip area for everyone who gets in (ie everyone) there is a store "exclusive" to anyone who gets a security key. Kinda makes the CE store less interesting when everyone can really find a store they can call "exclusive" http://www.swtor.com/info/security-key
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