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Everything posted by morningstation

  1. Since all of our special masts we get from Ops will be disappearing, does anyone know how Dark Projects will be handled?
  2. I can see the upside of this. For those that randomly duel challenge this can become very surprising and fun. Would also cut down on those random request..
  3. Serious...you mean they actually did something. No way... Pic or it didn't happen ROFL
  4. Back to my earlier question... I know we can't name players or guilds but can we link a site that list the offenders on each server since Bio-ware doesnt care or to make things really fun a link to the same type of program so that all players can benefit:rak_03: The more you know...right?
  5. Ok is there somewhere else I should be posting this or is there really no interest in this idea?
  6. :wea_09:Ours on Ebonhawk are still there and nothing has been done. If it were a matter of using a program to record keystrokes other games have detected its use why not a huge collaboration like Bio-ware and EA. Now I do not profess to know about these programs but it seems to me that even if you recorded just keystrokes you couldn't just port around the game and not be noticed. If even someone from Bio-ware would just chime in anything about knowledge of this problem it would be one thing. Even a we are aware of it and will address it would be ok in my book. Not a pre-made email saying they can't discuss it and nothing is done.
  7. You nailed it! it really isn't the bots that are the problem its the piss poor customer service where tickets are trashed and ignored. I guess I should of known Bioware wouldn't weigh in on this:mad:
  8. Your right... Ok for everyone reading this he is right. Whether you actually open a ticket or not or even just annoyed when you see it could you please take a moment to chime in here. Even a I've seen it to or I've been ignored by the ticket system too would help. Maybe the more post we get the more attention they may pay to this. It may do nothing but it's worth a shot.
  9. :csw_tattooine:Here is an Idea that wouldn't take much to implement because you could mostly used content already generated. The planet, no larger than a small moon, would be separated into two areas. :wea_07:One medium not much larger Mos Illa. The city populated or not would be wide open. A radius around the the city would be totally open meaning you can approach it from all directions. Once you get within a certain ranged you are flagged for open world pvp. Make the instance hold the same amount that fleet can handle for large scale battles just in case. Now to encourage the players to go have a few different capture the flag type objectives that awards you so many pvp points for how long you hold it. Make it comparable to pvp matches. To further entice things have a vendor appear so long after a faction holds the area with exclusive inventory that get better over time culminating with something worthwhile for holding for over 12 hours a day even a week. :csw_jabba:The second zone would cater to social and RP players. make it a bustling city again same size as Mos Illa but totally social. All furniture interactive (chairs bars what have you without the emotes) just click and interact. Make it a fun place to go with NPC's interacting or just providing ambiance. Put a republic and a empire outpost with patrolling guards formations and various rooms like a council chamber med bay barracks ect. Npcs could not be attacked and the outpost would be guarded by cannons and elites that prevent the other faction form coming in. :hope_01:The last part could be accessed from the planets only starport for Galactic Star Fighter. A persistent open area for GSF where players can vie for Objectives just like ground open world where players hyper in and engage enemy combatants over several objectives that earn points for kills as well as currency to use once landed for GSF exclusive vanity items and Gear that improve the longer you hold the objectives. For those that love the space rail shooter add one more mission to take out a pirate band. hell make it easy re-skin one of your previous missions. you already do that anyways. You wont need any story lines. the take offs and landings would be the only cut scenes. it may serve to encourage more interest in pvp and GSF and honestly you wouldn't have anything to loose.
  10. I have been saving mats to make some dark projects. With the changes coming should I hold off on making them or use the mats and make them before I loose them?
  11. On Ebon Hawk the bots are in the same guild and in different instances so they don't over lap. They are all different levels but most are under 50 and in places like Yavin and Rishi. It bothers me most that Bioware wont chime in on this. They will ban and suspend players for exploits but outright cheating they accept as ok.
  12. I know its against the rules to name names on here but is it against the rules to link a website with there names and pics of bots on different servers. Maybe if there was a record bio-ware would actually pay attention?
  13. I hadn't consider that but I may switch over as well. Suntaru thank you for helping me keep an eye out yesterday on Rishi. I appreciate it. Looking forward to your video being posted. Maybe they will actually pay attention then. Also for everyone on Ebonhawk server whose toes I stepped on racing the bots to nodes I apologize. if you see myself or anyone one else doing this and we are interfering with your collecting please by all means send us a tell so we know to back off a bit. I know I got very aggressive as far as guarding nodes last night and think I interfered with an actual player. In fact, truth be told, thats how I met Suntaru last night. If your seeing this I apologize send me a pm and I will compensate you for your loss. (before anyone gets any funny idea I screen shot them running away so if you cant describe your character and mount I am not responding).
  14. I am just posting to determine players and guild's interest in reestablishing a monthly {secret} black market event established on Tatooine. The event would center on a decorated Tat home with open stalls for vendors in a open air open market environment. You can hock you wares, resources, services, information, and even slaves {if your into that sort of rp}. Since this game only has. Auctions would be held. Lotteries could be done. Gambling even open air fight clubs. (I'm thinking of no weapon no armor just fists could be fun or even forced companion fights) Since this game only has the GTN all vending would have to be in chat. Its a draw back but would add to the open air ambiance. There would even be ca club and gambling den decorated as well as vip rooms for various deals meetings or what have you. A true den of scum and villainy. Since the number of spaces in a stronghold is limited it would be announced and 1st come 1st serve and number of vendors would have to be limited with occupancy being up to fifty. If more is needed we could open several with specific themes for decorations or specific vendor types ie: Weapons, armors, what have you. Please post your interest, comments, advice, trolls, what have have you here.
  15. Ok Bioware i really would like a response to this if possible. Maybe you can explain why players who take the time to identify and report teleporting bots on Ebon Hawk with times, dates, names, and locations along with specifics about what is going on then all we all receive from you is your standard Protocol Droid trash emails saying thank you and we can't discuss the matter. Then log in and same bots are still teleporting on Ebon Hawk at the same locations on same day and for the past month of repeated reports. Yes those of us who do this are wasting our time but some of use do this to get rid of the trash in our game. The fact that many bots belong to the same guild is even more infuriating. If players who can just log in, watch, and try and dissuade their behavior along with guarding nodes for people that actually play can identify and report these bots then you with all your "Metrics" should of been able to identify this behavior and confirm it before us. If bottling is not a priority or you don't care then tell us so that all of us can reap the rewards. Either that or do something already! It is not hard to identify the players. Identify them then track their trades and transactions to identify the bots, the credit farmers, and even the flipping credit buyers that encourage this use. I know people hate referencing SWG but they had the Warden Program that had the ability to automatically flag a bot or credit spammer for pvp so players could take out their irritation on them and interfere with their operations. they even had a process that they verified each flag after the fact to make sure the program wasn't abused and had harsh penalties for anyone abusing the program. Why not institute something like this. People in fleet would love to track down and kill spammers and farmers hell even give a small 10,000 credit bounty for each kill. Even better make achievements of it and make it fun. Have a volunteer program for people to watch for these bots and identify them immediately with some in game compensation for their time and lightening your load. Me and everyone else hate taking the time out to send you the information just to be told...thank you...we can't discuss it. Then log in and there they are zipping around and no one stopping them. Please do something already. You will punish players for cheating and exploiting but ignore bots and spammers....I think your priorities are a bit screwed up. Could one of the bio ware people chime in on this?
  16. I have been a player since head start and transferred over with a guild from Wanderhome and Starsider in SWG. Missing the RP a lot I transferred to this server recently and am looking for a guild. I am looking for guilds on both sides of the battle. What I am looking for 1. Very active and friendly guild 2. Moderate to heavy RP 3. Regular Ops runs 4. Participation in Galactic Conquest About me I have one of each class on the empire side all level 60 two geared for Reg Ops (tank, dps)vand a third geard for Nim. (DPS) I have all but a knight on the pub side 2 geared for Reg Ops (tank, dps) and a third geared for Nim (DPS) I enjoy the Bounty weeks and events. I do dabble in PVP but not great at it. I love Starfighter and decorating my stronghold. Most of all I really miss the RP. If you are in a guild that fits this description please message me either here or in game Emp side: Kin'tari Pub side: F'ury
  17. You are correct I ran this several times today with guild and friends and confirmed my estimation was in error. It has been rectified. If you cant make 1 mill in 45 minutes try your luck on another instance.
  18. Brow beat it if you want. The info is out there . Use it or don't I don't care. If your short on credits and up late I suggest this method but its up to you whether you do it or not. If the credits were not so good there wouldn't be so many scrambling to get those boxes and so many trying to convince you not to try it. These boxes spawn all over but if you follow a circle you will clear boxes quicker. Also the middle of Yavin where the Golds are around the building have several but no where near the amount of the temple. In one area alone (Northeast corner of the temple) on at the temple 7-10 boxes are all on the radar almost on top of each other at the same time everywhere else it averages 3-4 in a small area. You will not need a speeder they are that close and rocket boots help if you have competition. Stealth helps a lot so you can clear more credits in less time and rocket boots don't take you out of stealth. The boxes are the same on Rishi but no where near as plentiful. All of the boxes have a low spawn time.
  19. Yeah its hit or miss throughout the day I agree but there are certain times its almost empty. If your on a depopulating server no one can just port over to yours that's why its flagged red. Just get on a low pop server and wait for it to die . Catch up your forums or facebook while you wait. Alt tab in and your good to go. Also yes you have to compete but even doing that you make more in 15 minutes than you would grinding out several planets of dailies. You can buy that gear you always wanted instead of grinding for weeks. Doing this a few hours a day will clear you 10-20 mill in a weeks time. I just giving people other options and the credits are really good. Besides to me watching a credit farmer or a "ninja" really have to work for their spawns worth while and meaningful to me. No one can argue right bow slicing definitely lucrative and worthwhile on Yavin.
  20. For all you broke players or free to players.... Every 45 minutes a level 450 slicer can make1 Million doing nothing but slicing boxes on Yavin. The most popular spot is the last area near the temple. There are lots of people mining these but truth be told if you hop from one instance to another while it is dying you may hit the actual jackpot. A instance that is depopulating that no one can spawn in so you and very few others have it to yourself. This technique (it obviously isn't a exploit because the game most definitely allows it can be used at all hours.) So come one and come all to Yavin with your maxed out slicer and grab your piece of the galactic credit printing press. For you free to players the slicing profession is nothing more than bank for you to use these credits for the unlockables that are being sold on the galactic Marketplace. Im not putting anything out here that most don't already know. But, for you few who have dallied, scratched, and crafted your way through the game. There is a better option. So no need to do dailies for credits, aimlessly toil about for crafting mats and hoping it sells, and looking through you wares to see what may sell the highest. 30 Minitues of your time could equal one million credits or more. Why let this potential windfall go just to the credit farmers or guilds that plan these farm runs. I present to you a better alternative. Not since the slot machines has it been so easy to afford all you want in the game. Cheers- * Note I have changed the time to make a million credits in 45 minutes not 1-2 in 30 minutes. This is confirmed by several guilds and friends who have run my circuit today. This will be re-posted on redit for those who don't bother with the forums. Again apologies for the over-estimation I did not realize I had over a million credits on that character before I started and jumped the gun. Regardless in the amount of time it takes a person to make a million is significantly less than anyone trying to make 500,000-700,000 credits wasting their time on Yavin, Rishi, Black Hole, Section X, Oricon, Belsavis, CZ-198, and Makeb. And hours work making 1,000,000 plus credits or Several hours doing dailies making 500,000 to 700,000. One hour making 1,000,000 plus slicing or speeding the same hour on Oricon or Yavin making only 90,000 to 100,000 credits. Your choice. You will have to compete for boxes but if your persistent the instance will eventually die.
  21. If anyone has a spare code I would like one as well.
  22. Ok I have a few troll stories. I was bored in general chat and asked why would anyone put a Ziost Guardian lightsaber for 50,000 credits. It was a mad dash to the Marketplace that just moments before where very empty. In Star War Galaxies during a SD run I played a medic and we had this idiot Jedi run out aggro a lot and die. He wouldn't listen at all as to what to do. So me and another medic took turns using a stasis ability on him (stasis doesn't allow you to move attack or be attacked. He spent the whole run being stasis'd and not being able to do anything. He was pissed and rage quit after that. In Star Trek Online we used to be able to craft these ship sets called the Ageis System. Gave the ships a tron like look. Most players don't read the patch notes and just try and get all the information in chat. Some guy asks me in general chat where did I get my cool looking ship. I told him it was a three year vet reward. He said ohh raged about how vet rewards were pointless and unfair then logged. The game hadn't been out for two years at that point. On Hoth in this game I had a rebel player sitting right outside one of our imp faction bases ask me in a /say did I know where this quest objective of his was. I told him yes just run into the middle of the base and it was right there. He said ok and went trudging off to be summarily executed by the npc's guarding the base. On Taris while looking for droid parts while everyone was looking around I would yell out hey I got it right here they would come running and it freed me up to continue searching before someone found it and reset. On Corellia I was looking into one of those canals you have to take a speeder across and another player asked me what I was doing. I told him I was waiting for a friend who was down there getting his Holocron. He asked me if one was down there and I told him yes just jump down there is a place like on tatooine that will catch you even though you don't see it. He waited a few and jumped. He texted me @ssh@ole right after. Lastly in STO my guild was pvping and in vent. I got bored joined the other side as a klingon in a decked out Bird of Prey. While they were planning all these tactics I would stealth in take out their medic then kill there dps. Over and over again. The were screaming and swearing that some @ss was targeting them over and over. They changed tactics, placements, everything. I would un-stealth right on them and kill them over and over. I even received hate mail from my guild members. I did this whenever I got bored and ended up fighting them. I was even asked in a mail what I had against our medic To this day they still have no idea it was me. But the best one wasn't even me. In Star Wars Galaxies you had the ability to take out a bounty on a parson who upset or offended you that any bounty hunter could collect on. A friend of mine was a really tough bounty hunter and though several tried to collect on a millions of cred bounty out on him no one beat him. During a raid this bounty hunter was claiming how hard he was getting hit and how much health he was loosing even us medics where complaining because it was like he wasn't wearing any armor. Turns out another bounty hunter in our group had his bounty and during the boss fight he turned on the guy and was helping to kill him. We downed the boss but not before that Bounty Hunter died and the other one collected the reward. We were laughing our tails off over that one because while we were trying to figure out what was going on if he was even wearing his armor. The hunter that collected his reward chimed in with ":Ohh guys I forgot I had this bounty and figured I better collect on it while he could.
  23. Are there paid character transfers in this game and if so how do I access it? I want to switch to another server. For reference if needed its from one us server to another my friends play on?
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