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Everything posted by DarthVadorius

  1. Ok, so I think this has been asked and answered, so if it has, flog me openly, if not then, question. Why are we still requiring people to do pve content to get pvp gear? I don't want to play any pve content whatsoever, nor do I have the time to play pve content. I dont even really care about bringing expertise back or such because I know that will kill the occasional pvp player, but at least bring back pvp coms, or just give us the same coms for completing pvp matches in dailies and weeklies. Oh and bring back the complete any pvp match, not just if you win (increase the count if needed). If the gearing system will stay the way it is designed, it will take me forever to get max gear if I ever do, because I don't have time to commit to pve content even if I wanted to do it, which I don't. I know I'm probably in the minority here, but this new gearing system will kill the avid pvper such as myself.
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