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Everything posted by DemonicPenguin

  1. Wow, I thought this was just a rage post then the OP felt the flames and hid in the corner like a dog with its' tail between its' legs. I can't believe that you still think you're entitled to something that happened while you were not a current subscriber. It's not like you had what you'd think would be an original name. I would assume a high number of players who pre-ordered also knew the familiar name you were trying to create. I would bet that the name you created was probably created within the first week, if not day or hour, of each server going live. My guess is that one of those guys stayed subbed, and you didn't. There's plenty of creative ways to recreate a name that's been taken, which is what a large portion of the population had to do. When I subbed two or three months ago I created 8 characters, and I only got one of the original names I wanted. I had to get creative with the other 7 and they're not terrible names and still give the character a name that makes me think of what I originally wanted anyways.
  2. If anything that would be from Whedon's earlier work in Buffy. Buffy-bot anyone?
  3. I must be missing something. I'm on my first character and almost level 49, so I haven't really paid much attention to legacy stuff yet. I was skimming an HK walkthough the other day and it didn't look like you had to buy anything from the cartel market? Now I'm confused. Also, is there a way to get HK for your lower leveled alts, or do you have to be a 50? Thanks all!
  4. Thanks for all the input everyone, I'm thinking I'm going to go with the Agent. I've actually got a trooper that's based on Jack Bauer from season 8. Angry, pissed off Jack from season 8 was my favorite. Picturing him in full body armor in the tunnel with the mask, that was my lasting image of that season.
  5. I've just about reached level 50 on my first character, a Jedi Knight, and I'm going to start my first alt soon to get the HK quest going. I've already made my characters. I have an Imperial Agent (Sniper) based on Michael Westen from Burn Notice, and a Sith Inquisitor (Assassin) based on Ras a Guhl from Batman. Which combination of class/story sounds the most fun and enjoyable to play through? Conversation decisions will be made on how the character they are based on would most likely answer, something I think will be fun.
  6. Agreed. I think if they showed the character name and your account name that would be great. When you added someone, you could add just a character, or add the account (thus all characters)
  7. My main complaint would be facial hair. There's no slight or varying lenghts of facial hair, except for the 2 complexion options that I've found. I'd love to have a slight goatee, instead it looks like I've been growing it for a month. The same with beards, the only option is Grizzly Adams or nothing.
  8. I agree, it would be nice to see our characters/companions on here, along with at least some basic stats. As much time as we invest with the characters it would be nice to be able to get a nice high res image of them other than the few fleeting moments they're in a cut scene.
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