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Posts posted by Jedikillar

  1. While I went with BT2 on my trooper....I really wished I had went with 3.


    Mainly beacuse compared to 3 ...#2 is a shrimp lol.


    My Guardian was a 3 though....fear factor.


    imo guardians work best as a 2, consulars as a 1 or 2, smugglers as a 1 or 2(although 4 is good for a laugh and i personally went 3 on my gunslinger cus i named him dash gonna get legacy rendar and dash rendar was more of a very big muscular guy), and troopers...i went 2 but 2 just looks so small on a trooper...really wish i had gone 3

  2. body type 3 looks like the "commander shepard war hero invincible soldier guy. body type 2 looks like your average soldier(in certain armor sets looks almost exactly like a clone trooper. hoping they put in a set similar to a stormtrooper). im style 2, but it i could change id go with 3. seems to fit more for the heroic trooper thing. almost rerolled once for it. still am tempted to do it. oh and no i didnt mention types 1 and 4 because they arent serious, not from an rp standpoint anyways. the military would feed that midget 1 and make him look at least like a 2, if not then a very short body type 3. they would also starve a body type 4 down to a 2 or 3.
  3. btw low lvl pvp doesnt mean crap , because you are mostly using a lot of talent of the base tree trooper , and your damage are nicely boosted even better than if you were lvl 25 you will see later on...


    your stats are boosted at level 25 too...if a level 25 is beaten by a level 10 in any wz i want to know who the level 25 is so i can go and personally wap him, upside the head.


    more on topic, i have no clue if im necroing nor do i care, but i like them both. i enjoy a merc(same as commando) healer, as it feels somewhat similar to a hpally, and im really liking the energy like resource mechanic more than mana as you will never run out so long as you play smart. as for vanguard, i really enjoy it too as i like a melee class that uses some ranged abilities. it feels somewhat similar to a ret or unholy dk from the other game if your looking for comparisons. just a melee with some ranged utility.


    if you just want the simple "OMG JUST TELL ME WHICH ONE HAZ DA AWEZOME DEEPZ AND WIL FAZEROLL NUBS!", then the "best" on is vanguard, as it has higher damage(argue all you want but good vanguard dps vs good commando dps, even though the commando has the bigger gun, the vanguard will out dps him), and survivability. if you dont like melee tho, or just really want a big gun, feel free to go commando. or if you like healing





    well...i got in but i didnt check when i did cus i was watching videos on youtube...and i got dcd back to server select...after the hour wait....and now i have another hour wait...

  5. I'll stop short of saying that the CotW (Complaint of the Week) has shifted from servers being dead to servers being too full and instead share a few tidbits of experience from my long and illustrious career of MMO playing.


    • Server queues spike after big change and then die down after a bit.
      Everyone is logging on and transferring their character to the new destination servers. The same thing happens after a big patch. A portion of the population will get past all the excitement and go back to whatever they were doing before and your queues will be gone. A week from now this will be a non-issue. Anyone actually remember launch???!? Learn from history.
    • All signs point to that BioWare has already raised population caps
      They said they were going to do this and people who have played on the destination servers for a long time can attest that the online population is 2x -3x what it was in the past when the queues would kick in.
    • Waiting 5-20 minutes in a queue isn't really that bad
      I've sat through 4 hour queues in other games. When queues were at 1 hour for The FatMan a few months ago all this meant is that I had to logon 60 minutes prior to when I actually wanted to sit down and play. I know this doesn't work for everyone or in every situation but waiting 20 minutes in a queue isn't the worse thing in the world. In fact, if this is the worst things that happened to you today then you should actually be feeling pretty good.
    • Waiting 5-20 minutes in a logon queue is better than waiting 2 hours for a WZ or FP
      Yeah, I get that if you were already on your destination server and were not having problems it seems patently unfair. All I can say is see point number one above and watch the end of Star Trek II.
    • Many of the destination server aren't even having queues
      Issue is being blown out of proportion. I've watched the server pops every night, only a small minority are having an issue.
    • Spend your forced 20 minutes of non-playing productively
      I use this time to my advantage. If I logon and have a queue I go into the other room and ask my wife about her day at work, how her friends are doing, what they are discussing on Pintrest...all those things I usually avoid doing. When she says "I thought you were going to play your game" I respond with "I wanted to come hear about your day first, that was a bigger priority". Win-Win.



    5-20 min is fine, but right now im waiting in a 60 min queue on prophecy of the five...

  6. everyones saying 15, but...well i made an assassin and im level 21 now, and all 3 specs are basically the same and just as boring(i almost exclusively pvp so thats not it)


    madness is probably my favorite spec in that it requires a little bit of thinking as it relies on the discharge dot and force crits...but once you get both of those it goes back to thrash(i also want to like this spec as it seems similar to an unholy dk with reliance on dots and melee and having a bit of range)


    deception i just hate because i cant stand stealth classes(yes i know its a stealth class no matter what but the other two only use it really to make their life easier, they arent dependent on it)


    kinetic was what originally drew me to the class as i usually play an avoidance tank and in...the other game....my favorite tank was a blood dk, and this spec seemed similar, as it has avoidance, self heals, force pull, and a 2h wep. however this spec is the most spam thrash spec at lower levels. its literally all you do minus discharge cd and project proc.


    all in all, i think the class could be quite fun and pretty fitting for my play style at higher levels, but i have trouble playing for more than 1 wz or 2( or 30 min or an hour of questing) without being bored to tears, as the main ability(thrash) has the most boring animation ive ever seen. i find myself spamming weaker saber strike just so that i feel like i know how to use a saberstaff, and not just how to shovel dirt with it(imo thats basically what the animation for it is


    (edit: not kinetic but darkness, and not project but shock. sorry, i rolled a shadow to 20 too just to see if any of the animations or anything made it any better so i sometimes get the abilities mixed up. and it didnt make it any better.)

  7. The whole game is a copy of wow


    did anyone not realize this...


    of all the games to coppy i wouldnt pick wow if i was developing a mmo



    i probably would...which game would i chose to copy...one that doesnt have even 500k subscribers anymore, or one with 12 million...hmmm..............

  8. ive got my sorc to level 32(just finished act 1), and i have both a sin and a shadow at about level 20 and i can tell you that the consular just seems forced as a shadow whereas the inquisitor feels perfect as a sin or a sorc. although i do like the challenge of playing a purely psychotic consular, as the consular is more tuned to be the stoic jedi code guy than even the jedi knight, (ive heard that some of the consulars darkside decisions later on are really dark.)


    for me it really comes down to: do i really want to throw little tiny pebbles at an enemy, or do i want "UNLIMITED POWAAAAAAH!", electrocution execution?

  9. The game your describing that you want exists, its called Dark Age of Camelot, the issue is that DAoC was released in 2002 and is now down to just two remaining servers due to its age and the lack of "new pve". But numerous online polls have named DAoC the best PvP MMO ever....I implore you too read the DAoC wiki, as it will give you an understanding of how communties came together for a common purpose in a 3 Factioned War of the Realms.


    The good news is this....Guild Wars 2 has copied ALOT of what made DAoC great


    The even BETTER news is this......the co-lead designer of Dark Age of Camelot just announced his new 3 Faction RvR game to be released in. 2013....its called Elder Scrolls online:)


    wait what? i knew elder scrolls online was coming and that it was 3 factions and had a pretty heavy focus on pvp(top pvper on the server gets to be emperor), but the same guy who worked on DAoC? first thing ive heard about it that suggests it might not be completely awful, other than being an elder scrolls game. i was going to try it anyways but i didnt have high hopes...i really hope it ends up being good....i really need a new good pvp mmo to come along.

  10. Loved UO, but didn't play it that much the PvP side of things anyways, just cause I think my friends were not that into it, after that I didn't care and started doing my own thing.


    SWG was awesome fun, the way the Jedi were actually mysterious etc, just like the movie they did REALLY well (I played before expac packs etc though, but I really enjoyed it)


    Asherons Call 2 was really good PvP was none of this 2 shotting someone was really solid pvp.


    Planetside was damnnnnn fun, use to play with my brother for hours and hours every day on this thing, was great!


    WoW was awesome in its day, I actually enjoyed Vanilla a LOT, TM vs SS was really really good world PvP. Saying this they did go through all modes, cause I really enjoyed BG's also when they first came out, Enchancement Shaman with WF was awesome. Also Mage. Single shotting stuff was fun back then but then it moved on also to nice things with Arena , resil na all that as well. It's probably the only game I enjoyed every element of but it got old (like all things do) so got boring after so long.


    Age of Conan was really fun PvP wise, I dunno it didn't keep me cause of balance I think, plus WAR came out and well WAR was damn awesome, some of the most fun I've EVER had in PvP, it is insanely good but well the people didn't know how to run an MMO (reminds me of SWTOR actually) and the game got ruined, nerf after nerf (of the wrong classes, again reminds me of SWTOR) and the OP ones were left as is, people got over it and left.


    Didn't like Guild Wars the original, I'm really hoping GW2 is a lot better (it certainly looks the goods)


    Saying that I really REALLY hoped SWTOR was a lot better than it currently is, I think its getting worse if that is even possible, performance, balance etc all seemed even better at release than it is now... (again reminds me of WAR in that department, although I had more fun there...) and the game is STILL really REALLY buggy for me , huge fps issues, rubberbanding is the worst in pvp I've ever experienced EVER, de targeting in pvp for no reason, the list just goes on....


    Now look what you made me do OP, I miss all those games! Oh the memory's....


    reminds you of war cus their both by EA and bioware(albeit different branches of bioware), and the pvp in swtor was heavily designed by mythic(WAR), hence tanks supposedly being viable

  11. its not perfect.


    but my biggest question to you is: what other game would you suggest? seriously here, im open to suggestions. my class (mara) has become the new fotm class(i hate being the op class...would take an up class any day over an op one, less people play it, more opportunity for ppl to be surprised by being beaten by someone with skill at the class). My favorite play style is A: a magic/melee mix like a sin in swtor(tho for some reason i cant stand the playstyle of the class...maybe its cus i hate stealth classes?), or a dk/pally sort of thing in...that other game

    B: pure melee dps, preferably a dual wielder, but not required.

    C: straight up sword n board tank


    tell me an mmo with better pvp than swtor to try. dont suggest wow, the secret world, or age of conan.

  12. no 50s yet, but i have a 40 merc, 32 sorc, a 26 jugg, a 26 guard, a 20 of...every other ac...im an altaholic...and i quit the game for a few montsh so...


    anyways, thought it would be my heal merc as i expected it to be playstyle i would enjoy...come to find i hate it enough without the sents and maras running around, much less with.


    then i figured id try madness sorc since my main in wow was a lock...it felt so similar i got tired of it because i literally had the same rotation as my lock except with an aoe plugged in.


    i wanted to try a balance shadow cus it seemed similar to an unholy dk, but i cant play one more than 30 min without getting bored to tears(i expect that is because at level 20ish they have 4 buttons to push minus cds, and one of them is on like a 20 sec cd.


    ANYWAYS, done referencing the "other game" now, and i suppose i can try to answer the ops question more...........I personally am stuck between a jugg/guardian and my vanguard. idk whether ill go dps or ank on either but i am leaning towards jugg/guard, as its the one class i really have fun pvping on(my vanguard is fun, but idk how fun it will be when i get to 50 and cant faceroll everyone). i cant decide whether to go on my guardian or my jugg...probably do both go tank on one dps on the other.





    EDIT: Sorry! didnt realise how long and, frankly, off topic this was...to summarize, i suggest a jugg/guard or a vanguard/pt

  13. Im really disappointed in the pvp in this game. I played wow for 4 yrs and a few of my friends from wow quit swtor because the pvp in this game caters to skillcapped or low skill players.


    1. Autofacing

    2. Lack of macros

    3. Class imbalance (although this happens to every MMO), some are pretty obvious in this game yet bw devs drag their feet as usual.



    Im beginning to wonder if bw intended it this way to cater to <2k bads from wow to actually feel like they are worthy


    BTW plz roll more fotm classes guys, no skill required....shadows,sents /smirk


    no, the pvp itself doesnt require no skill. autofacing, sure it kidna makes you lazy but honestly any good caster could do nearly as well without it. macros...well that just means you have to push MORE buttons rather than less...thats less skill how? class imbalance, meh id say its no worse than wows. its not because of the game itself, its because the people who actually get above 2k arent going to leave the game theyve been playing for 6ish years now just because a game that can compare(whether or not is better is your call, i wont say, i still havent decided myself personally, although its good enough for me i think and is star wars so how can i say no?). ive noticed that the players are significantly worse than in some other mmos. well, than wow pvpers. the other mmos are the same way, a lot easier. i say just take it and be godlike.


    sorry if i necroed i didnt care to check, and frankly dont care anyways

  14. yeah i really want to cus i had a name (avner if you must know) and when the server transfers came my name was taken. so i changed the first "a" to "å" figuring that just like in...the other game...it would automatically capitalize the first letter even tho its accented. now i look like a 1st grader running around without a capitalized 1st letter...
  15. take my word for it or don't, no i dont have a level 50 sin/shdw yet:


    I do enjoy the spec and was initially drawn to both it and darkness tank tree as they seemed the most similar to a longtime lock/dk player(/gasp wow reference! shoot me now!....it was popular for a reason: because it was well polished, and catered to casual players more than other game. and other games at the time of its release kinda sucked compared to it. and...well anyways...no i dont play it anymore, ignore this little rant) as they seem pretty reliant on dots, some self healing, and a mix of melee range abilities(albeit the range is a bit limited). oh and the tank tree gets a deathgrip like ability still cant decide which spec i like more though.


    anyways im sure you've heard this before but, if you enjoy it, play it, if not, don't. id say its not underpowered right now, and whether or not its overpowered i cant say, but at some point balance will change and that one ac you hate to face will be nerfed into the ground or you will be buffed and you'll laugh at how easy it is to faceroll them.


    thats just how an mmo works. balance is constantly changing, so if the spec you really like isnt currently amazing stick with it and things will change soon enough.

  16. The issue seems to be you are only interested in playing 1/3 (even if PvP could be considered that much of the game) of the game.


    MMOs are, primarily, PvE playgrounds with PvP tacked onto them. If this is unacceptable, then this genre is obviously not your cup of tea. FPS maybe?



    umm...sorry but your just plain ignoring about half of players of mmos if you feel that way. some mmos like this one are more designed for pve than pvp(although they stated they wanted pvp leveling to be just as viable as pve leveling...[before you ask, no idk where they said it, and no im not going to look at every thing they said pre launch to find it for you])


    some players prefer pve to pvpe. others cant stand pve due to every boss always have the same mechanics and never changing them. its a personal choice, but you are sadly mistaken if you believe that pvp is only 1/3d of the game. whats the other 2/3rds? pve and...what crew skills? socializing? more pve?...........

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