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  1. Thanks for confirming It would be very useful if this was flagged up in-game somehow (perhaps a message when accessing the FP for the first time, to suggest Echoes of Oblivion be completed first). Cheers again
  2. I've had the Shae Vizla meeting, which ended with my PC saying 'keep me informed'. I then went to play the flashpoint, and there was no opening cutscene. I was just dumped into the starting area with the companion I had at the time (Quinn and then Jorgan), with no explanation as to how or why I was there. I progressed through a few mobs before exiting as I wasn't sure what was going on. Is the beginning supposed to be so sudden and unexplained, or is there a missing scene? Or am I supposed to only do this FP after the Kira/Satele story content? Apologies if this is by design and not a bug. I'm on Darth Malgus and I've tried starting the FP with two different characters, once on story mode and once veteran. Same result. Edit: Looking on SWTORista, it seems we're supposed to complete the echoes of oblivion story content first, then do spirit of vengeance. In which case, why does the Spirit of Vengeance opening mission appear in my log first? I felt led towards doing the flashpoint as I'd already done the opening mission.
  3. My main is a sentinel and I feel like I have the same problem - a vast majority of my armour drops are either light/ willpower (which is useless to me) or heavy, which I can't use. I got so fed up being in the same robes for so long that I actually wore light/wp armour for a while just for a change in look. My Imperial Agent is having much more good fortune - got the Black Talon Operative's Jacket on the first runthrough and usually gets a couple of really nice pieces in every group mission. In fact, all my other toons are having better luck than my main - d'you think there's a hidden legacy modifier that means alts have an increased chance of good loot drops?
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