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Everything posted by Grymmjow

  1. All these years and not 1 update to the twi'lek's...BW is racist against our Lekku. Give more skin colors, eye colors and body tattoo's. I would love to have a Darth Talon lookalike.
  2. We need this soooooooo bad. I don't understand why they're ignoring Twi'lek. It's a amazing race and even Cathar are getting more love than Twi'leks. We haven't had anything added to our race. We need more skin color, eye colors and tattoo's. Please hear our plea's!!!!!
  3. We need this. Not sure why they haven't got any new skins/markings. Other races, especially humans have got alot of new customization this needs to happen for twi'lek! Also Necro ftw
  4. Whoever came up with the cxp in general needs to be fired. This is the worst thing to ever come to swtor. I mean there is a lot of bad things that have been added but this takes the cake. Horrible grind fest, not shared between legacy... If I wanted this system I would go back to BDO...which I actually might do now.
  5. Whats your idea for new content that wouldn't "break the game" as you put it? Don't give me anything that is raids, pvp or solo missions(since this game is mainly solo story). I've been playing this game since release. The same classes are getting stale when you have 22 slots filled with 60s. 11 pubs 11 imps. Since the almost 4years since release, we gotten a couple new raids with xpacs and 2 8man warzones and 2 4man arenas, and 2 new playable races. This game was driving on personal story. They scrapped that and went with 1 story for all classes. They wouldn't need to rework much when it came to planets. Add a couple instances here and there and take one of the unused spaceport plots and make it for the new class. If they didn't wanna do that they could make a hero class as you say like wow and have them start at 50 when makeb opens up and there isn't a class story. I don't see why people don't wanna have new classes. Wow has done it, Lotro, everquest.... hell Swg had 20 something classes if I remember. I just think its time they look at expanding. I mean in KOTFE we aren't getting any raids...or WZ....its all....solo story. Also, these classes don't have to be classes at all. As i mentioned they could be something added onto the current classes now, just a new tree so they wouldn't have to "balance or break" anything. There are other options than to just make a new class. I just think we need a new few flavors. Example Trooper could go Vanguard/Commando/SiS as one person said they wanted. No new companions needed, no adding new phases, same classes, just new trees. It's not far fetched. I know it probably won't happen but we can dream right?
  6. I think it's about time to get some new classes, or even add on to what we have now. Couple of my friends and I had some ideas. Pub side: Beast Tamer. Now, you don't have to go out and tame beasts, maybe certain trees give certain pets. Pure dps or Tank/dps class. Imp side: Sith alchemist. This would be a mirror class to Beast tamer. Using dark beasts that were created by the sith. Or hell...give everyone a 4th tree. Maybe give agents/smuggs a tank tree. Give sents/maras a heal tree, instead of light sabers they have kolto sticks and beat on their group to heal... I'm just pulling stuff out of my butt. I just think it's time for new classes to keep the game fresh. I doubt we'll ever see a new class but it would be great.
  7. /signed Need more for Twi'leks. I want Darth Talon's armor and tats. Bio show some lekku love.
  8. Just as the title says. Normal, I don't wanna looking like a soggy piece of bread from dark side 5. I would love to have a pink/red eye option for everyone.
  9. Lol, yes because these heroes are the only people in the galaxy that know how to wear their hair down.... I agree. Give us all the hairstyles. The more customization the better Imo.
  10. Comic Con : http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/csxvs Gamescon : http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/csxvt
  11. The only comical, is how bad this thread is. I heard some talk about lotro being good at releases? The last raid they put in was 6-7 years ago.... They put in a random class, with no raids nothing really for endgame. This game isn't failing, It's doing just fine. If people come back and interested what has happened in the past year....they clearly can see recent stuff on the front page. Wait till the movie release, you'll see a flood of players. I think marketing is fine.
  12. Here ya go, there are a lot more colors then what we have now. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Twi%27lek
  13. Be nice to see some new skin colors (Purples,different shades of colors in the game already) and new lekku patterns/markings. Seeing how Chiss got some new hair colors and a couple new skin colors I think Twi'lek can get at least a purple skin color
  14. Whats the rotation/priority for this build? Nvm, I derped.... lmao
  15. Makes me wanna go back to my sin/shadow.... Nice video
  16. Dirty fighting dps is amazing in pvp, and pve, I'm not a fan of scrapper. I say give DF a try, you just might like it
  17. Awesome videos! I'm curious to know your build and your stats if you could toss me a pm or just respond here it would be awesome! Keep up the good work.
  18. Apparently you don't know what a restart is....Restarts don't take longer then 15mins. They're doing maint and they won't tell you that.
  19. They've had enough breaks. First they were doing maint almost everyday, now they break something and wont even tell us what happened let alone give us a ETA.... Na...they had enough chances
  20. Lol i know right. Their communication skills are pretty crappy. They need to up their customer service. I mean taking down all servers for a restart that takes this long, and no ETA or even a reason that there is a issue....
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